Chapter 98

"I saw her lurking around the library, she is one among them," Fiona told Jinian. He looked at her. 

"No," she said. "What do you mean?" Yuki struggled under her grip. 

"The clan you are from, the traitors, you think I don't know you," Fiona said. "The only princess now in the buffalo clan?" Jinian had already known about it when he saved her from rooftop but he never saw problem. 

"Let her go," he said trying to clear the situation. 

Fiona looked at Jinian. "Is she yours?" She asked as if Yuki is an object. Jinian did not like that. Fiona let her go and pushed her. Jinian got hold of her and helped her stand on the feet. 

"Are you okay?" He asked Yuki.

"Am okay," she said embarrassed and she was aware that she owes him an explanation. But she did not know how to tell him what she did. 

"If I find her doing something, I will not ask anyone again, I will just kill her straight," Fiona said.