Chapter 113

"Austin what are you doing here?" Volca asked in a hurry. She grew tensed since Aqua was standing next to her. 

"Who is this?" He asked looking at Aqua. 

"Oh a vampire," Aqua said. "Should he be living here?" Aqua asked. 

"Aqua I can explain what is happening here, don't tell Huo'er about it. I mean Demon King," 

"Oh, so?" Austin said feeling offended. He was rude to Aqua. Aqua smirked.

Volca did not like what Austin did and the way he behaved.

"Apologise," Volca ordered to Austin. 

"Why would I?' Austin asked back arrogantly. 

"She is the Water Princess, the Demon Queen of Hell, apologise to her now if you want to live,"

Austin was shocked and looked taken back. But his pride mattered the most to him. He shook his head and bowed a little. 

"Forgive me your highness," he apologised. 

"Okay. I will think about it," Aqua said and winked at Volca.

"Shall we go?" Aqua asked.