Chapter 118 Ice Realm

The place was covered in mist unable to see what is in the front. The ground felt icy. The atmosphere chilling. The light looked dull. Auran accidentally stepped on a rock and hurt his right feet. "Arghh," he made a low sound. "Damn," he uttered. He looked around and saw nobody. "What is this place? Looks lonely and white as ghost, little scary," he kept inside his head while his eyes searched for a life form. As he walked forward the mist slowly cleared. He suddenly stopped and looked before him. Luckily he escaped falling into the lake before him. But it was frozen. He knelt down and touched the ground to see if its really ice. His fingers turned blue the moment he touched it with his bare hand. 

"Don't touch them," a sweet voice of a lady was heard. Auran immediately got up and turned back.