Chapter 125 To the top

"Your highness, what are you doing here?" He Meili was startled to see Prince Lixue inside her house. She was taking a bath while he walked in. She stayed in the bath tub itself while Prince Lixue turned away. 

"Forgive me, I should have knocked," he said and walked out of her bedroom.

He stepped out to calm his heart. "I must be crazy," he scolded himself. He checked his pockets for the letter. Half an hour later, Meili stepped out of the cottage. 

"I was sure that you would be sleeping, so I decided to wake you up today, I was not expecting you to not just wake but bath at this early hour," he cleared the misundersting.

"I sleep early and wake early your higness," she said.

"That's a good habit," he appreciated her. He was still embarrassed. "I did not see anything don't worry,"