Chapter 169

On the other side, Auran took Volca in his arms as he knelt down. She was in extreme pain. The divine and demonic powers conflicting with each other. 

"Why did you come here?" Volca asked him. 

"Volca, I.. " he had no idea what to say. But she saw King Fuyuto coming towards them. Volca had never seen him before hence did not know who it is and why he jus here. He had something in his hand. A dagger she had seen before. It was glowing. 

King Fuyuto saw his son for the first time after years and years of waiting for him. He grabbed Auran and did not wait further.

"No, no, wait, don't, let me take her," Auran said as he was pulled back.

Then King Fuyuto disappeared with Auran. 

"Auran," Volca screamed. "Auran, noooo," but she fell back on the ground. General Hawk ran towards her.