Chapter 180 The Encounter

"Who is that?" Volca asked.

"Oh it's a great master, we don't know where he is from," the guard from the hotel said.

"Oh," Volca felt a sudden familiarity. She felt drawn towards his aura. "Mo Yuan, come with me," 

"Let us rest Volca, you need rest, you travelled alot, you should be lying down," Mo Yuan said instead.

"Fine I'm going in alone then," Volca said against his advise and crossed the room. She knocked the door of the master and waited for an answer. The man did not stop his work nor lifted his head to look at who was knocking the door. 'How disrespectful?' She thought and walked into the room herself.

"Stop stop stop stop,' a girl in a white dress walled forward as soon as Volca set her foot inisde the room. 

"What?" Volca asked.

"What are you doing inside?" The girl asked.