"I took this room first, not you," Volca told him.
That's when Lixue saw who it is. His heart for a second seeing Volca.
"Uh hoo how dare a lowly peasant raise the voice against the high lord. This land belongs to him, so does this room, he is rich, he can buy anything," a guard said to her.
"Who cares if he is a lord or a peasant, what is right is right, I took the room first, he came late and cannot take it from me," Volca looked at him. He looked at him carefully. The lord had the mask. A different one. But the features, the body, and the height looked the same.
"Auran," Volca's tongue slipped. Lixue was startled.
'What is she calling me? Who is Auran?' He wondered. But he did not like it. He did not like her calling him some other man's name. Lixue turned away. "Stay away," he ordered. The guards protected him.