Chapter 195 Mark?

"Wait, stop, no," Volca stopped walking. She was panting hard. They had been walking for a long time. And it looked like they had reached some other village. "Wait what?" She asked. "We have come to another place, this is not the place we stay," she said. 

Lixue looked around immediately. Indeed they took the wrong path. He realized. But he did not care. He made sure he has the mask on so that he does not get identified. He walked back to Volca and took her hand. Dragging him behind her. "Wait," she kep saying. He got irritated hearing her. He stopped walking again and quickly carried her in his arms. "What are you doing? Put me down, no," she struggled. 

"Keep quiet or I will throw you down the hill," he threatened her. Volca stopped moving. She fell quiet immediately. She just wanted to put a show to not reveal why she has come to Ice Realm. She was liking it, spending time with her. She just had no clue how to wake Lixue's memories.