Sors Mea Online (SMO) Intro : Part 1

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NOTE : Now this is mostly just a test, but I do want to make something. This story will be made by the thoughts and feelings that I have about Online MMORPG Games, and this is not to criticize anyone company or person, but I feel that the RPG Community is a little Lacking. I hold no grudge towards Game Creators, Games, or Players who play the games that I do not find very fun personally. In an RPG Game, I have always loved 2 things : Stat Point Allocation, and a LOT of Skills. I may or may not make very many chapters, even within a Month, but if there are any people who would like to read what I write, then so be it. I thank you for reading this beforehand, and I hope that you at least find Some Interest in my work. I will not do this full time, but this will just be part of a Side Hobby when I feel that I want to continue. Again, thank you for reading this kinda long "Note", and I hope that you enjoy this little Summary of what this story will be about.

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The story begins with the one simple, and kinda cliche piece of Technology for Games ; Full Dive VR.

The year is around 21XX, and the development of Science and Technology has advanced by an extreme amount, with Advanced Medicine's, Holograms, and even a Wrist-Phone with a Holographic Touchscreen.

With these Advancements, Brain Scans and FDVR was no longer just Science Fiction. FDVR, or Full Dive Virtual Reality, allowed for a Big Leap in the creation of VR Games. There were many recreations of other games based off of TV Shows and Light Novels, but out of every Game that was created, only One stood ot the most ; Sors Mea Online, or SMO for short, was the top game on the planet, and had no pay-to-win features at all.

"Sors Mea" can be translated from Latin, with it's translation being "My Fate". As the Name Suggests, this is a game where you can be Whatever you choose to be.

Swordsman? Train with a sword, and get the "Swordsmanship" Skill.

Blacksmith? Try forging something until you get the "Smithing" Skill.

Shop Owner? Buy a piece of Land and build up Shop.

Babysitter?! Well, buy a piece of Land and build a Daycare, or an Orphanage.

Why is there Babysitter involved? Well, this goes back to the release of the game.

When SMO was released, nearly nobody tried it, since the game was made by a Single Person : LucXy. That was what he was know as when he said he was a developer of a game. When there is only One Developer, you would usually think that the game isn't going to be great. However, the length of the Development of SMO was not even 10 years, but 30. If you deduct the amount of time it took for LucXy to aquire the necessary skills to develop a game, 30 Years is what was given. All in all, he says that it took him a true 36 Years to fully master the development process, as well as finish the game.

Now back to the reason of why there are Babysitters in the game.

With the Games release, everybody thought that it would just be a casual MMORPG style game. After a few weeks upon the games release, the world went silent, not being able to explain their amazement when they finally realized that the NPC's and Creatures in the Game were not just Lame lines of Script, but instead were Sentient and had their own thoughts and emotions.

If you insult them, they get Angry.

If you hurt them, they start to Cry.

If you are kind to them, they smile with Happiness in their expressions.

After this was discovered, many other people started to flood in, wishing to experience these "NPC's" that had Thoughts.

Although the People of SMO are AI, they themselves do not know it. Luckily, there are countermeasures against "Players" trying to tell the People that they are nothing but Lines of Code. These Countermeasures are the "Gods" of the Game. There are many gods that govern and control one piece of the game, and then there is the GM, or "Game Master", also disguised as "God Master" amongst the People of SMO. The God Master uses the Brain Scanning Feature in the Full Dive Headset to Alter, but not control, somebody's line of thought after they have even the slightest thought of telling "that" to the People.

*cough* Now once again, back to the explanation. (Dear God this is long)

The people of SMO were "Human" enought to fall in love and have a Child. This is, however, not restricted to just NPC's. Players as well can fall in love with an NPC and have Children. There are countermeasures against assault, so there is no problem with any of those sorts. This Countermeasure, however, does NOT apply to NPC's, which means that only Players can not pull off any type of Assault on Any Player or NPC.

There are other factors, like Blood and Gore, so the Game was not pointed to Children, but Adults who were able to handle it.

(Bored yet? Sorry. The better stuff comes soon)