SMO Chapter 2.2 : Friendly

After grabbing some burgers from the burget place, he gets an extra for his sister for when he gets back. School still has an hour left, so Suuco and Mina went to a nearby park.

The park was pretty big. Even with all of the swings and slides, there was still a lot of space to move around and run everywhere.

Suuco find a spot under a tree that blocked the sun. Laying on the grass, he beckons to Mina to come sit down.

Mina does so, and also decides to lay down next to him.

"So, what next?" As soon as he says that, he realizes, she has already fallen asleep.

'Well that was fast.' Suuco lays there for a moment, then begins to drift off.

. . . . .

Suuco wakes up to a face looming directly over him.

"Morning, Mina." He realizes that Mina was leaning over him from the side.

"...afternoon..." With that one word, Suuco checks his phone, and starts getting up a little faster than normal, making him slightly light headed.

"Oh, I'm almost late! I have to go pick up my sister from school!" He stops himself, remembering the conversation that him and Suzu had this morning.

Suzu was going to her friends house after school, so she wouldn't need to be picked up. She has a phone in case of emergencies, so overall, nothing to worry about. Suuco has met with Suzu's friend once. She was a small shy girl who didn't seem to talk much. She came over to their house when it was raining one time, since it was closer. We let her use the house phone to call her parents and tell them where she was. There were cookies being made after dinner, so she ate with us as well.

'She didn't seem like a bad person, so I'll trust her with Suzu for today.' Suuco lays back down on the grass. Mina was still confused.

"Sorry, false alarm. My Sister is going to her friends house, so I can stay here for a while longer.

Nodding, Mina sits up against the tree.

Another hour went by without a word.

Not the awkward type of silence, but more like listening to the breeze.

As Suuco starts getting up, he checks the time, seeing how it's starting to get late. It's Thursday, so he couldn't just stay at home all day.

"I guess it's about time we head home, don't you think?" Suuco helps Mina up from the ground. Mina doesn't say anything.

"Well, I guess I'll se you tomorrow. Let's hang out again next time." He waves to her and begins walking away from the park, and towards his house.

. . . . .

Now, it may have been rude to leave Mina alone at the park, but Suuco had a small feeling that this would happen.

He turns around and sees a small figure hide behind the street corner.

Deciding to ignore it, he kept walking.

Surprisingly, he could only hear his footsteps, and nobody elses. However, when he looks back, the small figure hides itself, almost completely.

Making it to his front door he looks towards the hiding figure, and slowly creeps up on it.

"Boo." He pops his head around the corner, slightly startling Mina to the ground.

"I...uh..." Mina tries thinking of an excuse, but then her stomach growls once again, making her blush like before and causing her to stay silent.

"...wanna come in? I was gonna make dinner, but it's no fun eating alone." Suuco extends his hand towards her. She hesitates for a moment, and the decides to accept his offer.

As they walk towards the door, he sees a small not on the door.

'Oh, a note from Suzu.'

It read,

"Brother! I'm going to my friends house. I bet you forgot, huh! Anyways, her house was a little farther down the street, so I decided to drop off a note! If you are reading this, then make some cookies when I get back. Bye!"

'Yup, this is from her. Nobody else I know could write like this.'

Suuco pockets the note and takes out the keys to his house, proceeding to enter the building.

Mina walks in afterwards, and was a little stunned at the slightly large house.

They proceed to take off their shoes and put their bags in a little cupboard by the door.

As they walk in, Mina starts taking a quick peek around.

"So, what do you want for dinner?" Suuco starts washing his hands and putting on an apron.

"...anything?" Mina looks at Suuco with eyes that seemed to sparkle at the thought of "Anything" she could eat.

"Well, as long as I have the ingredients, pretty much. My grandfather taught me many things, including how to cook."

"...grandfather?" Mina tilts her head a little and notices a little shrine in a different room. There were 3 pictures displayed.

"...3 Pictures..." Mina says quietly, but just enough for Suuco to hear.

"Oh, those are my Parents. They died in an accident a while back, and my Grandfather raised me until I was 18. This is my last year of highschool afterall. He died not too long ago. Around a year ago, he didn't get up from bed, and that was the end of it."

Mina continues to look at the pictures for a while, then decides to explore the house while Suuco makes dinner, still trying to figure out what to make.

"How do you feel about some Chicken Salad with Rice and an Egg? We could also split the burger that was for Suzu if you want." After his request, he sees a small thumbs-up from Mina, who was in the other room, exploring.

"Ok, sounds good to me." Suuco begins preparing everything, and then starts cooking.

. . . . .

As soon as he finished, Mina pops her head in, staring at the food.

"Well? Gonna sit, or are you just gonna stare?" Before he even notices, Mina is already sitting down, ready to have a feast.

As Suuco sets up the table, he had to smack Mina's hands with a random ruler to stop her from eating the food early.

Finally finishing the setup, they begin to eat. Mina had quite the large appetite, considering how she had about 3 plates. One was for the Salad, the other was for the Rice and Eggs, and the last one had the Half Burger with some more rice and salad.

After a while, Suuco finishes his meal, while Mina basically hordes the rest of the remaining food.

Finally, with all the food gone, Mina sits with a satisfied expression on her face.

'That was enough food for 5 people, if you don't count my portion. What kind of black hole is her stomach made of?'

Suuco takes the empty plates and puts them in the Sink, and continues to wash them.

In the time it took him to wash the dishes, Mina has already fallen asleep on the sofa. Suuco just sighs and puts a blanket over her.

After doing so, he heads up to his room and texts his sister goodnight before he takes the box out of his closet.

Setting everything up, he lies in bed.

"Here we go again."

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Well, ain't that a doozey.

Anyways, this was technically 2 Chapters in a day, but whatever.

Last Night, I was bored, so I just went to work on SMO.

After doing so, I fell asleep.

It's still fun to write this Chapter, and Suuco is finally gonna go back into the game. (/-v-)/

Also, one more thing. The Time Ratio in SMO is 1/10. So everything in SMO runs 10 times faster than normal. Think about it. Suuco took his SWEET TIME making his character, and afterwards, he goes to ONE PLACE and then needs to leave the game due to the Auto-Alarm that's set to 6:00 AM. Pretty early, if I do say so myself. Well, he makes breakfast, so no complaints.

On the side note, I'm getting a little bored doing other things, so I might as well try making at least 2 a day. But only maybr, no promises. Even though it only takes a few hours. -_-

So, on that note, the next chapter will have an actual battle :D There will also be some other events, but thats for next time.

If you want to keep reading, then please do. If not, then, well... that suck... but it's all good with peace and cats.

I like making these, so Thank you for reading.

See ya later, or not, I don't know, I can't see through a screen :P