SMO Chapter 4.2 : Frenemy

So class went on, and Suuco was still sitting next to Shina, who seemed bored at what the teacher was trying to teach.

In truth, Suuco was also bored, since he already knew most of the subjects that were being taught in his classes.

Why wasn't he a top student?

Well, even with a lot of knowledge that was passed down to him by his grendfather, Suuco didn't to draw any attention to himself. If he did, then there was a 50/50 Chance that Taki would target him even more than before, or leave him alone, since he would be a model student.

The other reason was because Suuco was Lazy. Using his brain to solve questions that he already knew the answer to didn't make him confident, buy instead made him bored. When he's bored, he just writes simple answers to questions, and some of them would fly over the teachers head and be counted as wrong.

"This is boring. Hey, what's fun around here? I know most of this stuff already." Shi looks at Suuco with a bored, yet serious face.

"Well, we only have a few minutes, and this is our last class, so tolerate it for a bit. I also know most of this, so I'm also bored." Suuco lays his head in his arms, and looks past Shi, and out the window.

Shi does the same, and stares at some birds that were perched up on a pole.

Not knowing what to talk about, Suuco blurts out a question.

"Hey, have you ever played SMO?" Surprised by the question, Shi answers.

"I have, but I was too scared of killing things or getting hurt, so I quit a while back." Shi looks back out the window.

"Well, I just started playing recently, and I'm making some good progress." Suuco stretches, since the bell was close to ringing.

"How are you fine with killing poor rabbits? They haven't done anything, and the players just hunt them. It's not fair to the animals." Shi looks at Suuco with a slightly irritated face.

"Well, I have two reasons for that. First is, I know that even if I hunt a few, they will come back eventually, as long as they don't go extinct. Secondly, my Grandfather took me and my Sister camping a few time, and we hunted a few small animals, like Lizards or Rabbits. We once saw a Bear by a river. They are bigger than they look." Suuco explains how he has learned many survival tactics, and the correct way to prepare and salvage an animals materials.

"Wow, so you actually went on an adventure? I never get to go anywhere, but I can get anything I want. It gets boring, being in one place. I can go into the yard, but there's always a big fence, and at least one person watching me. The main reason that I wanted this seat was because I was told to choose the seat closest to the window, so I chose this one. As we speak, I'm being watched. These guards are a bit excessive. If I could, I would run away from them, but they are surprisingly quick at finding me. And as long as I'm in the school buildinh, I can be found." Shi has a slightly sad expression on her face as she looks back out the window.

With an idea popping into his head, the bell rings.

"Shi, meet me at the Greenhouse after school. I have an idea." Suuco gets up, amd waits for her response.

"An idea? What for? And why the Greenhouse?" Shi has a few more questions, but Suuco stops her.

"Just trust me. It'll be fun, and I can introduce you to someone, and later I can introduced you to my Sister." Suuco leaves the room before she could answer.

. . .

As time went on, the final bell finally rang.

Grabbing some snacks for Mina, he heads towards the greenhouse, meeting Mrs. Tarahashi by a window, who was staring a nothing.

"Umm, are you okay?" Suuco can clearly tell that she was troubled, since there was just another wall straight forward from the window.

Finally noticing that he was there, she turns towards him.

"Oh, it's you..." She goes back to looking out the window, unfazed.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look more down than usual." Suuco tries to ask again.

"Meh, it's nothing you could help with. And even if you could, I don't think you should get involved." She doesn't look at him, but instead sits in a nearby bench that was placed in the hallway.

Deciding to respect her privacy, Suuco begins to walk away, and noticed something that was off.

'Wait, didn't she wear a Wedding Ring?' Realizing what might be the problem, he leaves that for later, and continues to the Greenhouse.

. . .

Finally making it there, he finds Shina sitting on the bench inside of the greenhouse.

"Finally. What took you so long?" Shi gets up and walks up to him.

"Sorry, I was held up by a little something." Apologizing to Shi, he heads towards the back room.

"Well, who did you want me to meet? And what's this 'Plan' of yours?" Following him, she wonders on what the "Plan" could be.

Walking into the room, Suuco finds Mina sleeping on the mattress once again.

"Mina, it's time to get up. School's over, and we can head home." Lightly shaking Mina, she begins to wake.

"Suuco... I'm hungry..." Still a little drowsy, she asks for food.

"Here, Snacks. I'll make food when we get home. For now, I want you to meet someone." Before he could completely explain, she hides behind the blanket she was using, abd begins to eat her snacks while in hiding.

"So, she was who you wanted me to meet? She seems... lazy." Not knowing how to respond, Suuco just pats Mina on the head.

"Mina, this is Shina. I met her during one of my classes, and we are kind of... frenemies? Well, we get along a little, but we don't exactly like eachother." Introducing Shi, Suuco uncovers the shy Mina.

"... hello..." Not knowing what to say, Mina goes back into hiding.

"Well aren't you a shy one. Greetings. My Name is Shina Bellpoint." As Shi says her name, Mina freezes up.

"B-b-b-bellpoint? You mean that r-rich family? The one's who made t-the biggest research institute, 'Kryo'?" Shaking, Mina hides behind Suuco instead of the Blanket. Suuco, however, was still stunned at the fact that Mina actually managed to use full sentences.

"Why yes, that is what my family is know for. I assume that you knew as well Suuco?" Looking towards him, Shi shows a slightly annoyed face.

'That's right. I heard that her family practically invented most of today's technology. Even the FDVR Headsets and the "Game Developer Program" for the FDVR Games were also created by them. Wait, so then why is Shi here?'

"In truth, I actually forgot about the 'Bellpoint' Family, as well as 'Kryo' until Mina reminded me. But that doesn't mean that I will give my blind devotion to anybody just because they're famous. And that means that even if I know who you are, I'll treat you like everybody else that I show kindness to." Getting his point across, instead of disappointment and anger, Shi showed interest, and satisfaction.

"Well, that is fine by me. Tell the girl behind you to do the same. With that said, can you finally tell me this 'Plan' of yours?" Suuco ensured Mina that it was okay to come out, and starts the explanation.

"Well first, we go through here." Suuco reveals the hole in the fence that was hidden behind a wooden board.

"Well, color me impressed. Maybe this will work. That, or we all get caught and you both will be sued for attempting to kidnap me." Shi crawls through the hole, then followed Mina and Suuco.

"Now, what's next? Another hole?" Looking excited, Shi follows the two until they get to a Wooden Fence.

"Correct. And to make it easier, it's only a few blocks from my house. We can have you stay ther while I go pick up Suzu, my Sister." Revealing the other hole in the wall, they go through.

"Wait, there's a black car patrolling the perimeter of the school. We need to make sure we don't get caught, ir it's your heads. The both of you." Shi stops the others, and points towards the black car.

As they wait for the car to move, it was clear. That was, until another black car appeared, leaving no blind spots.

"Wow. You weren't kidding. This is an excessive amount of guards. Are your parents really that worried about you?" Suuco can only be surprised, while Shi can only be annoyed. Mina was finishing the last of her snacks.

"Well, I have one last plan, but I don't think you'll like it." Suuco begins to grab something out of his bag.

"Wait is that a... but that would ruin my hair! I do want to do this, but I meed some time to think." Shi can only be worried when she sees the Brush in Suuco's hands.

"Yes or No Question, Do you want to leave the protection of your Guards that your parents got for you?" Suuco points the brush towards her.

Thinking of her choice, she nods, and sits in front of Suuco, allowing him to touch her hair.

"Okay. But rest assured, I do my sisters hair All of the time. So there's nothing to fear. Just make sure not to move." Suuco begins to work his magic.

. . .