SMO Chapter 10.1 : Making and Meeting

There were a great amount of Stalls and Stores that were selling Food and Materials.

LacX and Mana went to look for Materials for Nia's Weapon.

Nia went to a Weapons Shop or Blacksmith to choose what Weapon she would want.

Laril was back at the Inn, and was tasked with Taking Care of the Wolf Cubs, who were still asleep when they left.

"What should we get? I don't know Blacksmithing yet, so I don't think I can make any Metal Weapons yet. Unless I can use Earth Magic to Mold a Shape, I don't think I can make Weapons very well.' LacX was looking at the Stalls for any Rock-Like Materials.

'I suggest going to the Guild to answer your Questions. I don't know enough about Human Weapons to give suggestions.' Mana was looking at the Food Stalls with some interest.

As they head to the Guild, they got some food on the way.

Reaching the Guild, there was a commotion inside.

"Why are there no Quests?"

"Is there no Money in the Guild?"

"I need to make a living damn it!"

There were a lot of what seemed to be Adventurers.

"What's going on?" LacX looks around, then spots Amy in a nearby Table.

Walking towards her, she notices him.

"Oh, LacX! How are you? I heard that you were a 'Transferer', so you've been gone for a while."

"Yeah, I have. What's going on here?"

"The Guild didn't have enough time to evacuate with all of the Coins, so they were only able to take a few Bags. Sadly, they were filled with Copper instead of Gold or Silver, so they're in a Financial Struggle right now. No Money also means No Quests, since they can't pay enough for everyone."

LacX takes a seat, absorbing all of the information given to him.

"If it came to that, can't they get help from Other Guilds?"

"They already put in a request. It'll take some days to get the Money, since it's coming from the Main Guild that is all the way up North. We're on the Western Side of the Region, so it'll be a while."

"That's a problem. Without the Quests and Pay, most Adventurers won't be able to sustain themselves."

"Tell me about it. Anyways, what are you doing today?"

"I was actually gonna ask the Receptionist about some Materials that can be molded with Earth Magic. Got any ideas?"

"Materials and Earth Magic? Hmm... how about using Compressed Stone?"

"Compressed? Is that possible?"

Amy walks out and gets a random Rock from the streets.

She makes it hover into the air, a few inches from her right palm.

She makes a Squeezing Motion with her hand, and the Rock began to Shrink.

"Woah, that seems... difficult. How does it work?"

"Well, between you and me, it's not supposed to. I used another trick with a Skill that I have, which allows me to change the Properties of an Object to an extent. I simply made it so that the Rock went from 'Incompressible' to 'Compressible'. It seems complicated, but it really isn't. It was, however, very difficult to learn this Skill."

Looking with amazement, LacX takes a Rock from his storage.

Thinking about what to do next, he tried a different method instead of a "Skill".

He attempts to coat the Rock with Mana, which ended up crumbling down.

"That seems interesting. Are you trying to think of a different method?"

"If possible, I want that Skill that you mentioned. I don't want to do anything too difficult for now though. I'll try different methods and see how I do."

They sat in silence while he tried multiple times. While doing so, just coating it in Mana gave him a new Skill, "Mana Coating", which was a Defensive Type Skill that increased Defence for every 20 MP put into it. His Mana Manipulation also rose a few levels.

Then, before he could continue any further, he tried taking out another Rock from his Storage... and nothing came out.

"I guess that's it. I can probably make a few more with the Dust and Pieces that are everywhere."

Using his Earth Magic, he gathered the Dust from his Rocks and Stones that were all over the floor. Bringing the dust together, he made more Rocks that fit in the palm of his hand. There were 5 more Rocks left with the remaining dust.


["Earth Magic : Beginner" is now Level 10]

[Skill Rank Up : F -> E]

["Mana Manipulation" is now Level 10]

[Skill Rank Up : F -> E]

"I got Two Rank Ups on my Skills. I feel as though it's easier to feel Mana, as well as control these rocks."

He takes one of the Rocks again, and begins coating it in Mana. Instead of Crumbling, it seemed to be reinforced.

'Maybe this time...'

Slowly, he shrinks the Coating. To his surprise, the Rock didn't crumble. It started to get smaller. Only about half a Centimetre was shaved off, until it Cracked, then exploded, not harming anyone thanks to the Mana Coating.

"That was... interesting. You seemed to be successful in your little experiment. Anyways, I'll provide you with these."

Amy brings out a large amount of Compressed Stones.

"When did you..."

"Where do you think all of the Extra Dust went? You're lucky I was doing this rather than letting it pile up. Any more, and we might have had to change locations. Anyways, I have a request. In exchange, I'll provide you with more Materials."

"A request? What kind?"

Before she can explain, someone begins to speak up.

"Oh? A Request? Sure, I'll take it. Ignore that kid and let a Higher Level do the job."

A Large Man stands in between them, and only looks at Amy.

"Excuse me, I was talking to hi-"

"I said, Ignore the Kid. He can't do as much as I can, so leave him and let me take it."

'Who the hell is this jerk?'


[Name : Zeck]

[Race : Human]

[Job : Adventurer]

[Guild Rank : C]

[Class : Great Swordsman]

{Level : 25 }

[Unique Skill]

[Daily Copied Skills : 1/3]


["Appraisal" is now Level 10]

[Skill Rank Up : F -> E]

'If I had to say... today is a good day.'

There were still Rocks in front of LacX.

Using them to his Advantage, LacX uses his Magic to slam one into Zeck's Belly, making him bend over in pain. In the same instant, LacX takes his Silvertooth Dagger and stops just before it came into contact.

"H-Hey! I'll leave! I'll leave! Jeez!" Zeck stands and walks away.

After taking a few steps, Zeck takes a Claymore out of thin air.

"Ha! You Moron!" Zeck charges at LacX.

"Wait! Sto-" Amy attempted to stop him.

Activating "Booster", LacX instantaneously arrives into a similar situation to before. He had his Dagger at Zeck's Throat.

"This is your final warning. LEAVE."

Zeck, scared for his life, drops his Weapon.

Everybody in the Guild was staring at LacX and Zeck.

"What's going on here?" 2 Guards were running towards the commotion.

Using "Short Range Teleportation", LacX goes back into his seat.

As the Guards burst in, they look directly at Zech.

Without a word, everybody at the Guild pointed at him.

"I'm gonna need you to come with us." The Guards begin restraining him.

"Wait! It's not my fault! It's that Brat's fault! I need the Mon-" One of the guards used what seemed to be a Skill to knock Zeck out.

"Sorry for the slight disturbance. Have a good day." One of the Guards say before helping the other with Zeck.

Then it's silent.

A few seconds go by, then everybody looks at LacX.

'Oh boy. I don't have a good feeling about thi-' Before he finished his thought, everybody began to applaud.

"That was amazing! He won against Zeck!"

"That was cool! What's your name?"

"You seem strong! Wanna join our party?"

'What is happening?' LacX couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Actually, that was one of the stronger Adventurers in this Town." Barin walks over to LacX's table.

"That was... Strong? Really?"

"Due to the event being postponed, most Adventurers left to the Dungeon City to get stronger. Other than me and Amy, there aren't that many High Level Adventurers."

"What level are you?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

'I guess I'll try this...'


[Appraisal Failed]

[Warning : Alarm Detected]

Barin gets a jolt through his head.

He looks at LacX with a slightly angry expression.

"... Sorry. I won't do it again."

Barin goes back to his Calm Expression, and Amy is just sitting there with a confused face.

"Anyways, your movement was completely unnoticeable. Why is it that you can move at such speeds?" Amy asks.

"Ah, well, I actually have over 1000 Agility. Wait, I forgot to put my Stat Points in after killing the Ash Bear."

As he puts his Points into Agility, Amy and Barin were staring at him with bewildered expressions.

{Agi : 1026 -> 1036}

Looking up from his Status, he sees their faces.

'Right, I guess someone pumping all of their Stat Points into One Stat would seem weird.'

Looking outside, it was starting to get dark.

"I have to go back. We'll talk about the Request tomorrow. See ya!" LacX leaves the Guild.

It was just Barin, Amy, and Mana, who was sleeping through the entire thing.

"... Ash Bear... What Level is he?" Barin asked Amy.

"... Level 8... or so he says."

. . .