SMO Chapter 11.2 : Godspeed

Mana wakes up with a Jolt.

Looking towards the Forest, she could feel the Large Quantity of Magic and Mana gathering in one place.

'Laril, where did Master go?'

Laril was still awake, looking at the Trees and counting the Flowers she saw.

"I believe he heard a sound in the Forest. After that, he ran towards it. He said that he would come back soon."

'The Forest? ...I don't have a good feeling about this...'

. . .

LacX charged towards the Clan Leader, this time permanently having "Sprint" activated, as well as "Booster".

The Wolf, barely managing to dodge, attempted to Strike LacX again, this time with it's Tail.

Luckily, LacX was able to use his Wind Magic to propel himself, avoiding the Tail.

'Thank you for showing me this, Amy.'

As they exchanged and avoided each others Blows, LacX kept looking for a Weak Spot.

'What do I do? I can't keep going like this forever.'

The Wolf began using more Magic than before.

Wind kept being thrown at LacX.

Suddenly, one hits him.

No Damage.

'Is it... running low on Mana?'

The Barage of Wind Magic began slowing down.

'I need to focus. If I aim for one spot... where would be the Weak Point for the usual Wolf?'

Thinking back on his Grandfather's Teachings, LacX had an idea.

Casting more Magic, he concentrates on on spot.

The Left Hind Leg.

With the Hind Leg being targeted, the Wolf had to focus on Defense, and wouldn't focus entirely on LacX.

While doing so, LacX also sheathed his Daggers, replacing them with his Magic Daggers.

This time, he used All of the Elements.

Earth for the Base, Fire and Water for a Scalding Blade, and Wind to Sharpen the Edges to the extreme.

Going in for the Hind Leg, LacX uses 'Momentum Slash', causing the Leg to gain a large Gash, and tearing the Muscles.

The Wolf screams in pain, and was unable to keep it's Balance, falling to it's side.

'This is my last chance. Don't Mess it up.'

Going in for the final strike, LacX used 'Momentum Orbital', which used what remaining SP he had left.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a part of his Coating Shatters.


Looking down, there was a small hole that pierced his chest.

'What... hit me?'

Looking at the Wolf, it seemed to be out of breath.

'Is it out of MP?'

The Wolf began making one last struggle.

Concentrated Wind Magic.

It began forming the Wind into extremely thin Needles, almost too thin to see.

'Is that... what hit me?'

Suddenly, the Wolf launched the Magic.

Unable to dodge, LacX gets hit 3 more times.

Right Shoulder, Left Forearm... and his Heart.

'Not... good...'

His Coating shattered, and his body began to give in.

He began stumbling, almost falling.

Exhausted, he began to fall.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Then, as if an urge hit him like a truck, he stood back up.

'No, not yet. I won't let it end here.'

Walking towards the Wolf, he was barely able to hold himself together.

'I refuse to die here. Not yet. Not Yet.'

His body grew hotter, and his Strength seemed to have increased.

Ignoring the effects, he keeps walking.

As he got closer, he touched the Front Leg of the Wolf.


The feeling was indescribable.

Strength swelled up. His body began to become harder and harder. His mind grew too clear to forget anything.

It seemed like it only drained 5 Stat Points per Second, making him stronger and stronger.

'I... feel weird. My Wounds are still there, but they don't hurt...'

Cancelling the Absorption, the Wolf couldn't gather enough strength to fight back.

Finally, he was face to face with the exhausted Wolf Clan Leader.

"I guess... this is it..."

The Wolf Looked at LacX's eyes, then layed it's head down, admitting defeat.

"I won't forgive you for hurting my Sister. However, I think we both can agree, this was a fight to remember."

The Wolf looks at him again, then appeared to have a Smile on his face.

"Thank you. And sorry."

With a singular Slash, he struck at the neck.

Killing the Wolf.

As he stood there in silence, he looks at the System.

{HP : 1/100}

'A new... skill...'

Before he could do anything else, he collapsed.

. . .

. . .

. . .

Waking up, he found a familiar ceiling.

"The... Inn?"

Slowly sitting up, he looked through the Window.

He was at the Inn in Stella.

It was Dark out, and the Moon was overhead.

'When did I get here? Wasn't I just...'

Trying to recall what happened, the memories flooded back.

'Oh... that's right. I was fighting... that big Wolf.'

Opening his System, he read the 2 New Skills that he acquired.

'That... isn't that just more cheating? What is with these Skill Requirements?'

"Good Morning."

Surprised, LacX looks around.


"Is... is someone there?" He continued to look around.

"Ah, I guess you wouldn't know. I'm right next to you!"

To his right, a Wall. To his left, his Hoodie.

"Umm... where?"

"Down Here!"

Looking down, he saw his Hoodie shift a little.

"Under my Hoodie?" He lifts the Hoodie, revealing nothing.

"No! I Am the Hoodie!"

"... Huh?"

Looking at his Hoodie, it seemed to have 2 Black Dots on the front.

Inspecting them closer, the Dots blinked.

"What the he-" Moving backwards, he hit's his head on the Window Frame.

"Hahahaha! That was priceless! Haha! You're quite the amusing Owner, aren't you?"

Staring at the laughing Hoodie, LacX tried to comprehend his current situation.

Before he could ask anything, he hears a knocking at the door.

"Master? Are you awake?" Larils Voice can be heard behind the door.

"Ah, yes. Come in."

Opening the door, Laril, Nia, Mana and the Wolf Cubs were all there.

'I am glad to see that you are oka-'

"MASTEEER!" Nia interrupted Mana, and instead charged into the room.


"MASTER! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Nia was tearing up next to his bed.

"Nia, calm down! I'm fine! Look."

LacX waves his arms into the air.

"Are you... are you really okay?"

"I'm pretty sure. Other than that, how did I get here?"

"I think I can explain."

Shi walks through the doorway.

"Are you, Shi?"

"Yup. SuXu is resting, and Mia is watching over her."

"I see. Thank god. Ah, were you the one who brought me here?"

"No, Mia did. I was carrying SuXu, so I wasn't able to help."

"That's fine. I... don't know what would've happened if I stayed. Give my thanks to, Mia, was it?"

"I will. Wait, I still don't know your name."

"Oh, right. My name is LacX. And, one more thing. Who healed me? I don't have any more wounds."

"You don't know? Sleeping in a Bed gives you a Regen Effect. If you don't have a Skill for it, then Natural Regeneration is almost impossible."

"That's news to me. Then again, I almost never got hurt until now."

"Anyways, you should get a little rest. I don't know how you managed it, but you took quite a few hits. I'm gonna need an explanation tomorrow, so you better be ready."

"Do I... have a choice?"

"Nope." Shi says with a straight face.

With that said, Shi leaves the room.

"Master, should we accompany you until morning?" Laril suggests.

"It's fine, but I think you should head to your rooms until tomorrow."

"If you say so."

Laril and Mana leave the room, and Nia and the Cubs stay behind.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Ah, no, not really. I was just wondering..." Nia seemed nervous.

"Nia? Are you okay?"

"... yes. Nevermind. I'll talk about it later. Good Night, Master."

"Good Night, Nia."

Nia leaves the room. Now all that remained were the Small Wolves.

They all jump onto his bed, and begin to settle themselves for sleep.

"You guys want to sleep here? I guess that should be fine."

Lillie walks closer to LacX than the others, and rests directly next to his side... and also on top of his Hoodie.

"Hey! Get off me!"

They twitched and slightly wiggled around, making Lillie surprised.

Lillie jumps into LacX's Arms.

"I almost forgot. What are you? And who are you?"

"Now, ain't that mean. My own Owner doesn't know his own Ego Hoodie when he sees it. How sad."

"Ego Hoodie? What's that?"

"Seriously?! You bought me without even knowing what I was?!"

"All I knew was that you were a Mana Hoodie. But the whole 'Ego' part came out of nowhere."

"Really? You know NOTHING of this? Of me?"

"Sorry, but I didn't. But, I don't really mind it. You being a living Hoodie, that is."

"I... have no words. You didn't know, and you're completely okay with it..."

"It might be weird, but I've been seeing things beyond just weird."

*Sigh* "Okay, fine. Now. hurry up and give me a Name. 'Ego' is out of the question."

"A Name, huh? Here we go again."

As they discussed multiple different choices, they finally managed to settle on one.

"I guess I'll be in your care, Sally."

"And I'm in yours, LacX."

After that, they talked about many things. Mostly about the current Events that LacX went through.

While telling his stories, his Copies were Reset for the day, indicating Midnight.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that."

"About what? I can't see what you're looking at!"

"My 'Copy' Skill. It resets every day, so I can get some more Skills now."

"What do you mean? Isn't it just a Skill that copies Items and whatnot?"

"That's only it's Main Function. It also allows me to Copy 3 Skills a day. It's pretty useful if I do say so myself."

". . ."

"... What?"

"... Cheater."

"No comment. Anyways, I'm gonna appraise you now, so excuse me.


[Name : Sally]

[Type : Living Armor]

[User : LacX]

[Def : 14]

[Special Effects]

[Skills] [0]


"Living Armor... and Devouring? What are those?"

"I'm alive, so I'm categorized as a 'Living Armor' in the 'Armor Types'."

"Armor Types?"

"It's a Category for Items. Do you really not know any of this?"

"Well... no. I still have a lot to learn."

"Yup, and I'm gonna teach you a lot as well. Although, I only have as much knowledge as I was made to have."

"So, you only know as much as Mill does?"

"Mill? Is that who created me? Hmm... Well, to answer your question, no. I only know as much as I am allowed to."

"That... sounds confusing. And what about your Defence Stat? And this 'Def = Level' Effect?"

"I know that you checked your Skills, but did you look at your Level?"

Opening the System again, he looks at his Level.

{Level : 14}

. . .