
The Ex Is Back


I toss and turn on my bed. It's been about a month and a half since the classes have started. I'm still thinking about that kiss in the cafeteria. About how Kim and Brandon bombarded us with questions and scolded us for not telling them we were going out.

Of course, it's not true, but to make Craig believe it, we also had to tell the rest of the gang, including Kim and Brandon that we are dating. So, I guess, now... We don't just have to pretend to be dating in front of Craig, but also in our own dorm while Brandon and Kim cone over. This is getting out of hand, and I'm ni6 sure Samantha is ok with all of this. I don't think I thought this through all the way. Maybe I hesitated and acted abruptly because I was just afraid to see her getting hurt by that asshole.

To make matters worse, tomorrow night is my next match, and the night before, as usual, I get nervous. My body feels so tense, and my palms are clammy with cold sweat as I continue to toss and turn from the frustration I am feeling.

I've been training like crazy every night without stopping. I feel like I'm finally improving, but Joe warned me, the guy that I will be fighting with tomorrow night is good, really good. He warned me that my opponent is an actual professional fighter. If all goes well, I could be sponsored by someone, and I will be opened to  greater opportunities.

I decided to get out of bed and grab a glass of water. I went directly towards the kitchen, and grab a glass full of ice and water to try and relax myself.

Though we're near mid-autumn, the  weather has been quite unpredictable this year, keeping this night feeling like I had left the oven on all night! It's freaking hot, very hot tonight.

Just as I endulge in the  last gulp of my ice cold water, I hear a grunt, and Samantha comes out of her room, wearing her long t-shirt and tiny shorts. I'm guessing she's going to grab a drink for herself as well. She barely manages to open her eyes, her hair all messy and she stumbles a bit while trying to maintain her balance afoot. I gotta say that even with her hair all messy, she still looks beautiful.

I chuckle as I see her coming into our kitchen. I find her completely attractive, I'm battling to maintain being a complete gentleman with her; just like my uncle taught me to be, respect a lady and treat her like a queen.

"Morning sunshine!" I chuckle as I place the glass down on the sink and allow her to walk past me towards the refrigerator. She grunts, looking at her wristwatch. "It's barely three a.m., Russ. This is not fair. It's soooo hooottt." she whines, slumping her shoulders and grunting in frustration, making me chuckle.

She opens the door and grabs a soda can out, popping it open and taking long sips from it. She sighs, still half asleep and sits on the bar stool closest to her. "How can you stand this weather? I figured it would have cooled down already. Gee's, it freaking rained just the night before...this is not fair. I want my sweater weather now." she whines, placing her forehead against the kitchen island. I chuckle, taking her soda and sipping from it.

"Weather is unpredictable here, Cali girl. But honestly yes! It's really hot tonight, makes me miss my hometown right about now." She tilts her head and gives me a lopsided smile. "I thought you were from California. You seem like any other California kid out here. Where did you grow up?"

The question bringing me back to a time when I used to feel lonelier than I do now. I clear my throat and take a seat across from her.

"No, I grew up in Tennessee. I was born in New York, up until I was about ten I lived there, but then circumstances changed and I moved to Tenessee. What about you? You look like you have the whole beach glow going, what part of California did you grow up in?" I smile and see her surprised expression painted in her beautiful sunshine glow. Her cheekbones tinted in a nice rosie tone from this crazy weather. Hard to believe it was cold and raining just a night before.

"Born and raised in Los Angeles all my life, well, actually I lived in Massachusetts for the last two years when I attended college there, before transferring back to California this year." She smiles and tilts her head down slightly. I chuckle lightly, hanging my head low and biting my lower lip. "Listen, about our agreement towards Craig, how about we just...not do it?" she says. My smile slowly fade, and making me feel awkward. 

"Why not? I thought you were ok with it? He seemed convinced earlier today. Are you uncomfortable with me?" she widens her eyes, parting her lips. "No, it's not that. Honestly... Listen, I've been thinking about it. I don't want to get back with him. So...if it's ok with you, I rather just not...do it. Instead, we can just get to know each other better. You're an amazing friend, Russ. I love spending time with you." she adds making me feel pensive.

"Russ, I want to forget about Craig. We rarely have time to talk, you and I. How about we just support each other by getting to know each other?" she adds making me like the idea. If she wants to get to know me, it's going to be difficult. But I definitely want to get to know her.

"I'd like that. I want to know more about you, too. Well, besides the fact that when we do have time to get to know each other, Brandon and Kim always take over our dorm with their video games!" We both chuckle and Samantha reaches down, grabbing the soda can and taking a big gulp.

"But what about our friends?" how will we explain all this to them?" she asks, worriedly. "Well, we don't have to tell them, besides...we will be getting to know each other," I add making her eyes glow. " Russ.." she whispers.

I slowly stand, move her seat towards me, and slowly get closer, my heart races at a million per second as I interlace my fingers in her hair, and lean in to kiss her. Her lips are soft and sweet. The more I kiss her, the more addicted I become to her. "Sam, I want you. I know it's wrong... We're just friends, but, I can't help it." I whisper as I lean in to kiss her again, but this time, the kiss is deeper, more sensual, passionate, hot.

Her hands trail around my waist, and I pull her by her shorts against me, making her moan. I grunt at the feel of her against my length, making me deepen the kiss more.

"Quiet down you two! I got class tomorrow at 7 in the morning." Brandon's voice from across the living room startles both of us, making us part away and see Brandon sleeping on our couch.

"Brandon? I though you went home. What the hell are you doing here?" Samantha questions him as she turns her body, placing her hands back, resting her elbows on top of the island.

Brandon yawns, bringing the back of his hand forward purtruting his yawn.

"Yeah, well I did. But I got stopped on the way to my dorm by someone I really did not expect nor want to see. So I ran back over here. Sorry Russ! I think that may have been a big mistake. You had your earphones on when I knocked on your room and Sam was in the shower so Kim let me in. Thanks to her, the person left, but..." I narrow my eyebrows, as I stand next to Sam and place my left hand on the island, my right hand over my hip bone.

"Ok? Who the hell are you talking about?"I tilt my head, pursing my lips in a thin line.

"Umm.  . . .Someone you have been avoiding to talk to for the last two and a half years. I'm not sure if she transferred out here or if she just came out here looking for you."

My heart dropped as I felt anger surging from me at the mention of her, making me slam my hand on the island, startling Sam, and making her jump in place.

"Damn it Brandon! You should of just went back to your own room! Now she knows where I'm staying. She's going to be nothing but trouble and you know that!" I fix my glasses on my face and clenche my jaw. I can tell that the cringe of my teeth makes the hairs on the back of Samantha's arms stand as she looks at me worried.

"Who- who are you guys talking about? Who is this girl? And why are you avoiding her Russ?" She asks in a low nervous voice.

I look at her, and sigh as I take a few steps and sit next to Brandon, placing my hands on my knees and pulling my body forward. I run my fingers through my face, letting an irritated grunt out.

"Her name is Roxanne, Roxanne Bennett. We dated back in high school, a few months before graduation and well, unfortunately things didn't end well. We broke up towards the middle of my freshman year in college, when she confessed to be with someone else. I was able to avoid talking to her while she was busy with her new boyfriend. When things didn't work out with him, she kept coming around, calling me, sending me emails and even visiting my uncle back home whenever we had holiday breaks. I was glad to find out from a friend of hers that she was transferring back home by the end of the first semester in our sophomore year. My guess is, she had finally found out where Marcus was attending college. But if she's back again, it just means she probably broke up with him and is back here to our school." Samantha sighs, she looks at me with melanchola and sympathy, which was the least I needed right now.

"Yeah, to make matters worse, Roxanne had a kid with a different guy in high school. She tried to make Russell beat up her kid's dad, telling him all kinds of lies and shit. She was pissed when Russell told her to forget it. The guy was a professional football player." I glance at him irritated, making him widen his eyes. " I mean... Russell could have taken him, but, the guy is pretty cool. He had never had any trouble with us, we all went to the same high school. She was mad that she was in doubt for who the dad was, and tried pinning the poor kid on three different guys."

"Wow. She sounds like a total nut-job." Sam says, chuckling and crossing her hands over her chest.

"Hey! What's going on? Why is everyone awake?" Kim walks out of the room and sits on the barstool next to Sam.

"Um, just, you know? It's too hot. So we all came out for a drink." Sam smiles and Kim raises her eyebrow.

"This is about that blonde chick who came up earlier isn't it? She's very pretty! But rude as hell. She tried to barge in here like she owned this place, so I stopped her and told her to back off or I'd call the police and the administrators. She cursed me and told me to go to hell, but she left anyway! So, you're welcome." She winks an eye at me and gets up grabbing a soda for herself from the fridge.

If I had been on edge and worried about the fight tomorrow? I was certainly on edge now with one bigger, and more crucial problem in my hands now, the return of my ex-nightmare. Roxanne, the girl that broke my heart back in our first year of college, was the one I thought was going to be THE ONE for me, until the day I found her sleeping with another guy in her bed.

I was a fool back then, I was even getting attached to Kaitlyn. God, I miss that little girl. She was like a daughter to me. But the way Roxanne had betrayed me was a rude awakening that true love is not for everyone. Not everyone gets a happily ever after.
