
It Smells Like Romance


I stirred in bed, feeling a warm hand around my waist. I immediately smiled, remembering the night before.

Russell was probably still sleeping next to me. His hair was nicely ruffled, and his lips in a natural pinkish-red, begging to be kissed.

I went back to sleep peacefully knowing I was in his arms.

About two hours later, I woke up again to the smell of pancakes and bacon. My stomach grumbled making an involuntary m0an escape me.

I got up and made my way toward the kitchen. My eyes went wide as see the unexpected.

Brandon and Kim are sitting on the kitchen island eating pancakes, laughing as Brandon smears his shirt with syrup. But the biggest shocker.

My dad is in the kitchen with Russel, his sleeves rolled up with a pan in hand, ready to flip another pancake while Russell is taking care of the bacon strips.

They're clueless about my presence. My dad talks away making Russell smile. He looks so cute flaunting that smile.

"You have no idea how much fun that day was. I think we must have lost our voice for the next following three days, we yelled so much go9ng down those roller coasters." my dad says making Russell chuckle.

Of course from what I was hearing dad was probably telling Russell about the last time we had gone out to get her to Six flags. It's a really fun place with lots of roller coasters and carnival-like games. My mom is not really into any of that stuff, so usually when we went, it was always just dad and me, and we'd invite Kim along with us.

It's so much fun, but dad's right, each time we go we lose our voice from all the yelling. It's especially nice during the summer when we come back and our skin is so burned we end up peeling for three days straight.

I cleared my throat making everyone turn. Kim blushed as she was reaching out to Brandon's chin, helping him clean off the syrup.

"Oh hi, pumpkin. How is my favorite girl in the world?" dad says as he and Russell turn towards me. I was;k towards them and smile awkwardly. God knows what they must have been talking about all this time. God, I hope nothing embarrassing.

"Hi, daddy. What are you doing here?" I say as I kiss his cheek getting a strong hug in return.

Russell smirks, turning the bacon and taking out the pieces that were fully cooked out of the skillet, and placing them onto a plate.

"Well, I was worried about you. You didn't call back. I heard about what happened with your mom yesterday, baby. I'm so sorry, I should have stopped her, but don't you worry." he says he pulls me gently and makes me take a seat on one of the stools.

He sets a plate down with a pancake perfectly made and pours syrup on top of it, then grabs a few strips of bacon with the tongs and places them onto my plate.

"I am going to have a word with her and that boy. What was she thinking pitching the idea of m0ving in with Craig? She must be out of her mind."

Russell's hands bunch up into fists tightly, turning his knuckles white. I can see his jaw clenching.

"Believe me, I'm not fond of the idea either, daddy," I say he walks around back to the pan and makes an0ther pancake.

"I tried calling your phone but you weren't answering. Luckily for me, I called Kim and she met me in your school cafeteria. She then brought me here and..." he says smiling, he places his hand by his cheek as if whispering a secret.

"I met this nice young man here. I like him," he says in a whisper pointing to Russell.

He points to Russell making him turn, "Hey, Russell, by the way." he says as he walks to the fridge and takes out the orange juice, grabs a glass from the cupboard, and pours himself a glass full, taking a big sip.

"You guys have next week off for Thanksgiving, right? Do you have any plans? I'd love to have you boys over for Thanksgiving dinner if you don't have any other plans. What do you say?"

Dad was out of control. He has no scruples I swear.

Russell looks back at me. It was obvious dad's question took him off guard. "I, umm, sir, thank you, but I would hate to impose." dad shrugs him off, taking another gulp of his orange juice and placing the glass down next to him.

"Nonsense, I would love to have you boys over. So... How about it? There is plenty of room in my house for you guys. You'll love it. Plus, I have a feeling we'll get along just fine, I would love for you to meet everyone in my company, and get your insight into a few things. I've been meaning to change a few things around, and what best than to ask someone from this younger generation." Russell smiles, turning off the stove and placing the rest of the bacon on the plate, bringing it in front of us.

I'm too engrossed in my pancakes to say anything, well, honestly speaking I was nervous and scared shitless. Dad has something up his sleeves, and I know it.

"I... Suppose that would be ok," he says hesitantly, earning a smile from dad as he stands and smacks the countertop.

"I mean, I would have to call my uncle to let him know I won't be coming by this year, but... I'm sure he'll be ok with it."

"Excellent. I'll have someone come by to pick you guys up. Now," dad adds as he looks at his watch and fixes his tie. "I have an appointment in a few hours, and a three-hour drive back to work, so," he grabs his coat, handshakes Russell, and pats him on the shoulder as he walks past him and gives Kim and me a kiss on our forehead.

"I will see you, boys, later. Take care of my girls, will you?" he adds as he pats Brandon on his shoulder and ruffles his hair earning a chuckle from Brandon.

"You're leaving already, daddy?" I add a bit disappointed that he was only here for a few minutes with me.

"Yes, baby. I have to go. I just wanted to make sure you were in good hands, and I see that now. My instincts were correct. I have a few things to take care of, but I will see you soon. I love you, baby. See you soon ok?" he says as he grabs his keys and cell phone, waving to Russell one last time as he leaves our dorm.

Kim quickly grabs my arm and pulls me into my room, making me drop my fork on the floor.

"Hey, what gives?" I say as she closes my room door and makes me sit on the bed with her.

"Ok, fess up, what is going on between you and Russell? I mean, I know you guys were faking this whole relationship thing, but be honest... There is something heavy going on between you two isn't it?" she says, crossing her hands over her chest.

I bite my lip, I can feel my cheeks heating as I blush, reminiscing last night. She lets out a squeal and jumps up and down in her spot. "I knew it. Oh, I fucking knew it," she says making me shush her.

"Shush," I whisper tell, grabbing her hands as she squeals repeatedly.

"I knew it. I smell romance..." she says melodically, biting her bottom lip.

"Don't you dare deny it. I came in early to wake your ass up for class, and Russell was lying asleep in your bed," she says making my eyes widen in shock. Giving her a copy of my dorm keys was an awful mistake. I mean, what if Russell and I had done more than kiss last night? What if she had found us naked or something?


"Oh, please... You two need to stop denying the evidence. The tension is so obvious between you two, and the way he confronted that girl for you last night? Man... He likes you, Sam. I can see that everyone can see that." she says making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"You think so?" I say, earning a hug from her.

"I know so, everyone can see it, Sam, especially Craig, that's why he's acting like such a douchbag with you. He knows he lost you for good this time." I sigh. Though I was unhappy about what he did at the restaurant and then the shit he pulled with my mom... It was still not enough to dull my happiness.

I indeed like Russell. And last night was the sign I needed to know he feels the same. Whatever mom has planned for me didn't matter anymore. She was just going to have to deal with the fact that I was a grown woman and capable of my own decisions.

I was not going to spend the rest of my life feeling miserable for myself for marrying Craig. That marriage arrangement will have to be annulled because I now know my worth. I deserve more, so much more. And I have Russell to thank for that.

He made me see the truth, he made me realize I wanted and deserved more out of life.

She looks down, admiring her manicure for a second before turning back to me. "You're lucky it was me and not your dad who saw you in bed with Russ. But I doubt it would matter, he seems to like Russell you know?" she says making me chuckle.

"Yeah, but then aga9n, who doesn't dad like? He tends to like everyone these days."

"Umm, Craig... Your dad hates him, and who can blame him? The guy is a total douche." she adds making me burst into a laughing frenzy along with her.

"But all jokes aside... I'm glad you two found each other. I've never seen you this happy, Sam. I miss seeing you smile like this around a guy." she wasn't kidding. I have never felt like this over any guy. The expectation I had about a relationship was wrong. I had them at their lowest because that's what Craig wanted. That's what my mom wanted.

They both wanted me to feel stagnant, to lower my standards to their vibration, and to expect less of myself. It inflicted my expectations and lowered my self-worth. Things were definitely changing for the best, and I had Russell to thank.
