
Pool Fun


I couldn't help but smile. Russell leaned his forehead on mine. But one thing was for sure, we forgot our best friends stood next to us with big mischievous smiles on their faces.

Kim giggled while biting her nail, and Brandon crossed his arms smiling.

"Eh-hem!" Brandon cleared his throat making us look towards them.

Kim couldn't hold it, she burst out laughing, going over to us as she throws her arm around my shoulders. "That was fucking epic... Did you see Craig's face? He was so pissed!" she says as she pulls me out towards the gathering.

I looked back towards Russell. He rubbed the back of his neck as Brandon swats his shoulder making him chuckle.

"You can't keep denying it now. I saw the way you two looked at each other, that kiss was real back there. Oh, and then what I walked in on the other day in your kitchen! Oooh, Lord." Kim whispered yell, fanning herself.

My mind went back to that morning as well, making my stomach flutter. God, I feel like a hormonal teenage girl.  "Kim? Sshhh!" I whisper back. If my mom finds out, God, I don't even want to know.

We joined everyone in the backyard. Dad wasted no time in pulling Russell and Brandon, introducing them to everyone.

I can tell he was feeling awkward, but it took him no time in fitting in. "Boys, I want you to meet everyone. This is Roger, Roger this is my Sammy's boyfriend- Russell, and his friend Bradon. Boys this is Roger," he goes on, introducing them to everyone and shaking hands.

Meanwhile, Mom, Craig, and his mom gave them the evil eye.

I was a bit afraid of the way they were looking at them if I knew my mom well, is that she always likes to get her way. One way or another, but she will not quit until she does.  She's dangerous, especially when it's the three of them together. I just know they're planning on something.

"Sammy, Sammy, play with me!" Roger's son, Petey runs to me, wrapping his hands around my hips. He was only five years old and so energetic. I love having him over and playing with him.

"Hi, Petey. How are you, honey?" I say pulling him up and hoisting him on my hip, kissing his cheek. "Hi, Petey! Where's my hug, huh?" Kim says, placing her hand on his back.

Petey has a little crush on Kim. He always becomes giggly around her. His little cheeks blush and he lifts his shoulder as if trying to hide from her.

"Hi, Kimmy!" he says through giggles making her chuckle. "Hi, Petey. So..." she says placing her hand on her hip.

"Can I have a hug too?" she asks winking and smiling at him.

He chuckles but he can't help it. He launches his little arms around her and hugs her, kissing her cheek repetitively.

The day only gets hotter. Everyone around is having such a good time eating appetizers and drinking while listening to music. Russell and I sit together in a lounge chair while Brandon and Kim share another one. I can't help but allow Russell to kiss me and caress me as we pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend again. He slowly caresses my arm up and down with the back of his hand while my forehead rests on his. I lean closer and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"I think everyone is buying it. Especially your mom," he whispers making me look towards her. Her face is menacing, and murderous. I can tell she disliked me sitting here with Russell. She forgets that I'd be sitting alone with Kim if I was still with Craig. He would most likely be screwing another girl in a corner inside the house like he always used to.

Hints- the reason why a lot of my dad's workers don't like him and always keep a close eye on their family members.

Laughter erupts and people start throwing each other inside the pool.

Of course, mom wastes no time in complaining, "Oh calm down sweetheart. They are just having fun!" dad replies rolling his eyes.

"But the pool just got cleaned. They're going to make it dirty. They already broke two of my planters, now they're getting the pool dirty," I sighed closing my eyes.

"Mom, will you relax? It's the holidays, and these people mean a lot to dad." she gives me an irritated look, grunting "I swear, you are just like your dad. Hopeless... Completely hopeless. You've been so busy sucking face with that boy all day. Have you no shame? Poor Craig went out of his way to be here today and come see you-" she says grabbing a mimosa and taking a big gulp as she turns around and sits back down next to Craig's mom.

Dad nods in disagreement with her behavior. "Will you calm down? Sam is happy with Russell, and he's a nice kid. You'd know that if you just got your head out of your ass and actually tried to get to know him." He holds tongs in his hand getting a gasp in return. He turns around, turning a piece of meat, but Jorge comes behind him grabbing him from behind.

Roger runs to him, grabbing his feet to aid Jorge as dad screams and chuckles at the same time. Before he knows it, dad is thrown into the pool and he emerges with a smile and chuckling.

"Got you good, boss." Jorge points at him chuckling as he squats by the pool.

"That's what you think, fucker!" dad jumps up, grabbing Jorge by his shirt and pulling him inside the pool.

Jorge can't help his reflex as Roger is hunched over chuckling. Jorge pulls Roger along with him as they both fall inside the pool.

I can't help but laugh. I missed these guys so much. I have known these guys since I was a small kid, they're not just workers to him, and they are more than friends... To dad, they were family.

They start playing around like teenage kids, laughing and throwing each other inside the water. And to make the air a little less tense, Russell didn't escape dad and the guy's pranks.

Dad, Roger, and Jorge look toward me and they tilt their head towards Russell and Brandon. I know what they're insinuating. I smirk giving them a quick nod and distracting Russell while alerting Kim with a glance towards them.

She catches on right away and does the same, she asks Brandon for his phone to save it from going into the water. Russell has the habit of leaving his phone in the room when he's with me, but when it's a gathering like this, he always has it with him in case an emergency happens.

I can see Roger coming behind Brandon, and Jorge is going around us to grab Russell. "Hey, Russell, can I see your phone real quick?" I ask making him smile. "Uh, sure." he gives it to me, no questions asked.

Russell and Brandon didn't even see it coming. Both Roger and Jorge grabbed them and tossed them inside. I couldn't help but chuckle as Im taking a picture if them getting tossed inside the pool.

Even I was surprised at how dad and everyone were being so warm to Russell and Brandon. I chuckled looking at a soaking wet Russell as he tried to exit the pool. "Got you good, son." Jorge tells Russell making him laugh. They high five, and Jorge throws himself back, doing backstrokes as he swims away getting dad to push him under the water as they continue to play around.

I can't help it. I'm hunched over laughing as Russell has officially fallen for one of dad and his worker's mischievousness.

"Oh, you think it's funny, huh?" he says looking at me. "Maybe...just a little." I tease him, winking and smiling at him.

"Come on, help me up, beautiful," he says with a bright smile.

The way that shirt hung to his skin made my mouth go ga-ga. He looked so damn hot.

He was wearing a long sleeve, but he had no option but to take his shirt off when he got out, as the weight of the water made his shirt sag down and felt heavy. He swung it over his body, revealing his sexy body full of tattoos and muscles.

The ladies couldn't help but whistle and howl at him. Even mom's eyes went wide in shock as she sees his ink-filled muscles.

I can't help but bite my lip, he looks so damn hot. He turns to see me checking him out and he smirks. "Like what you see?" he asks making me blush.

"Very much," I say making him chuckle. I place his phone down on a small table that sat next to our lounge chair and winked at him getting a bug smile in return. He pulls me by my waist making my hands land on his bare chest. I lean forward, placing a feather-like kiss on his lips, and bite my bottom lip. Good lord, it's getting hot.

"You know, you look like you might need a little cooling off too," he says picking me up bridal style.

My eyes go wide, and my hands go around his neck to hold him tightly.  "Wait, Russell, NO!...what are you-" I squeal as he jumps into the pool with me in his arms.

The feel of the cool water engulfs us, covering our bodies entirely. He did not once let go, bringing me back up with him.

He chuckles as we come up, making me gasp for air. I can't help but burst out laughing as I pull him closer and crash my lips on him.

Before we know it, more people jump into the pool, and others that refuse to go in, are thrown in.


After so much fun, it was getting closer to eating. We went to my room to take a quick shower and change. I drooled at the sight. Russell was drying his body after taking a shower in my room.

Dad and his buddies made a big cook-off with different salsas, carne asadas and so much more.

And though I wished we could stay in my room and do so much more, we hurried to get dressed and joined everyone downstairs and joined them to eat.

Dad comes out from the kitchen holding a big turkey. He sets it in the middle and goes to sit on his seat.

"Wow, boss, it looks really good," Jorge says making dad chuckle.

"Yeah, well. I guess it was fair enough to do both, right?" he replies and takes a big breath in, letting the air out slowly. "I just wanted to say how glad I am that all of you are here with me to celebrate today,"  he says making everyone smile.

"I want all of you to know how happy it has been for me to have every one of you in my life. You guys make working in that place worthwhile. If I had known how I was not only going to gain great workers, but loyal friends, and a second family, I would have accepted my father's offer sooner." dad says getting a little teary-eyed.

"Awe, boss. You are so adorable...We love you too." Jorge says wiping away invisible tears making dad chuckle.

"Fucker...I mean it." dad jokes with him, earning a playful punch on his left bicep and making everyone chuckle.

"For real though... You guys are the best thing to happen in my life... besides the birth of my daughter. Please, dig in, there's plenty of food, plenty of drinks, and plenty of desserts for everyone. Dig in, dig in." he says motioning to the food and making everyone chuckle.

Dad was so amazing. I admire him for how humble he is and how caring he is with his workers. He's been the best dad in the world to me, and I know he has been the best boss they could have. I hope that if I ever have to take over, I am just as good as he is with them.
