Trouble on the Moon

I cleaned out the blips from the ship. One was a Sword that folds into my arm, and can conduct a high voltage. Another was something to do with making my legs move faster, some sort of servos or whatever. It even added blades to the heels of my feet.

The only remaining blip is outside the ship. I make my way outside and head towards the blip. when I get to the location I notice that nothing is there. I check the mini map to see if I missed anything and for some reason, the blip wasn't there anymore.

Instead the blip was moving away from me and back towards the ship. I follow after it. When I get back to the ship I see what looks like a robot tiger rummaging through the wreckage." What the F*ck!?" I say out loud. The tiger noticed and stares at me, he slowly approaches with a menacing stare.

I back away trying to leave before it did anything, but it was too late. The tiger rushed at me with its claws bare. It slices towards me and I stumble back, barely escaping the attack. I roll out of the way when the tiger pounces on me and try to grab its tail. I do grab it and I swing it into the air and throw. While its in the air my arm cannon appears and I take shots at it.

Most of my shots missed but I ended up hitting it in the end. The tiger lands on the ground with part of its face missing. It rushes at me again this time in a zigzag as I try to get a shot on him. When he gets close I activate my sword and clash it with his claws.

Thanks to the voltage of my sword, the tiger was stunned and fell to the ground. As the tiger is twitching from the shock, I fire several shots from my cannon into it. After making sure it was dead I slumped down onto the ground.

"Man, What the h*ll was that thing?" I take a few moments to compose myself and get back up. I pick up the tiger and place it into my inventory. Cybertronian Beast: A creature born on cybertron with animalistic instincts. These creatures are captures and tamed to be used in battle.

" Hey system, can I tame this tiger beast?" I ask( No, unfortunately you killed it.) Seriously!?" Can I repair it and then tame it?"( No. Cybertronian beings are living creatures that have what is known as sparks. once those sparks are out then the creature dies. This one is very much dead, but you can use it to evolve.)

Crap, guess I have to find one that is alive. Oh well, at least I can evolve again. I click the evolve function amd again I am surrounded by golden light. When the light dissipates I look at myself through the system. I notice that my hands now have blade like claws much like the tiger beast and off to the side I see a description.

Can now use beast form." Uhh, system, what's beast form?" ( Beast form is a transformation in which you become a Cybertronian Beast. Just focus like you did with the cannon but this time think yourself a beast.) I do as I am asked and focus.

This time my entire body changes and folds in on itself. When the transformation is complete I am on all fours. I look at myself through the system and see that I look like the tiger that I just killed, only much bigger. I decide to run around and pounce on random things around me. I notice that I am much faster amd more agile than I was before.

I decide to run around a little while longer to get uses to this new form. I climb onto the ship and jump around, over and through obstacles with ease. I jump off the top of the ship and transform midair. when I land I am back to my normal form.

" This is f*king awesome!" I fall backwards and lay on my back. I stare off into space and watch the stars. I then turn my head to face Earth." I can't wait to get there." As I stare I notice something floating off orbiting Earth. I look closer and from what I can see, it looks like a satellite.