Hearing the words his younger sister said to the woman he secretly adored, Jason Hayes's eyes flew open in surprise. "Emery," he uttered in a somewhat warning tone.
It's obvious that Catherine Sage was taken aback too!
"I know it's unexpected but... I really admire you, Miss Sage," Emery spoke up again, ignoring her brother's warning. "I got into an accident and after almost a month, I was discharged yesterday. To celebrate my discharge, we will be having dinner tonight but it will only be our family.
"Can you please join us, Miss Sage? You can also think of it as the celebration of your victory. I really wish to congratulate you."
Jason Hayes wondered how Catherine would react to such an absurd invitation. Would she feel uncomfortable because of his sister?
Much to the brother's surprise, Catherine smiled after a few seconds. "Alright," she calmly said and narrowed her eyes at the wheelchair. "It's not right to turn down such an offer. I wish you would recover soon."
"Really?!" Emery exclaimed and her gaze briefly swept her confused brother before it returned to the woman before her. "Thank you so much, Miss Sage."
Catherine Sage nodded with a smile and briefly turned to the young man who was waiting for her a few steps away. The man seemed to be a bodyguard and maybe he understood her gesture, he quickly ran over to her. After a brief chat, the man gave her the car keys and left. Then she turned her attention back to the Hayes siblings.
"My father is out of the country due to business," she said to them. "So, I don't even plan to celebrate my victory this time. But seems like I get a chance."
"Don't worry, Miss Sage. We will give you a nice celebratory dinner," Emery promptly said and briefly looked up at her brother again. "My brother is great at cooking."
"Really?" Catherine Sage raised a brow. "That's so unexpected of you, Mr. Hayes," she remarked as she met the gaze of the man who was among the top bachelors in the country.
"My sister is exaggerating," Jason Hayes clarified. "I'm only good at making a few dishes which she loves." Meeting the stern gaze of his younger sister, he inwardly sighed and said, "We're glad to have you, Miss Sage. Shall we go, then? It's almost time for Emery's appointment. The doctor will come and check on her at home."
"Alright," Catherine Sage replied with a little nod. Then the Hayes siblings got inside Jason's car while Catherine drove her own car.
Sitting in the backseat with her brother once again, Emery repeatedly glanced at Jason Hayes who still appeared to be quite bothered by what was happening.
Of course, the Vice-Chairman couldn't believe that his little sister did such a thing!
What if Catherine Sage refused her invitation? It would be so embarrassing!
"I shouldn't have brought you to the arena," Jason Hayes finally uttered with a sigh. He briefly glanced at Catherine's car behind them and then turned back to Emery. "Asking her to join us while we barely know each other... don't you think it will be uncomfortable for her? It's rude too."
"That means you should work hard to not make her feel that way," Emery simply responded to her brother with a giggle.
"Emery -"
"Stop sulking, Jason," she interjected and let out a sigh. "When else will you have this chance? Just make sure to grab this chance so that you won't have regrets later."
In an instant, all the pressure that the Vice-Chairman felt was gone. Instead, he was gazing at his sister with an amusing smile on his face. "You sound so mature just now. Seems like it's another advantage of your memory loss."
"You never forget to remind me how spoiled of a brat I was," Emery Hayes frowned. "It's unfair for me. It's not like I remember anything."
Jason chuckled at his sister's words and rather than responding to her, he ruffled her hair which earned him a glare from Emery. "Tell Marcus to come over for dinner."
"You just tell Miss Sage that we will be celebrating your discharge. I think such a celebration won't be perfect without your fiance."
The small yet victorious smile on her brother's face somehow frustrated Emery but she didn't say anything. Instead, she took out her phone and called Marcus to ask him to come over. Then she put down her phone. "Marcus is coming. Happy now?"
"Why are you asking me that? He is your fiance, not mine," Jason Hayes shrugged but a playful smile soon swept over his handsome face. "Come to think of it, Marcus changed a lot these days. I've known him since he was born but I never see him talking as much as he did to you these days."
"It's because I keep on talking to him," Emery Hayes argued. "You don't know how tiring it is when he never says anything."
Much to Emery's surprise, her brother nodded.
"But this is still a good thing. Before you lost your memory, you two never talk that much with each other and I was always worried." He made a deliberate pause and continued, "Though you accept the marriage, I always knew that it's because you know that we don't really have a choice. You do it for the sake of our father and our family."
Even when Emery tried to recall something, it didn't work at all. However, a part of her didn't wish to know the story that much.
Maybe it's better to be ignorant at times.
"Let's stop talking about me," she suddenly said and forced a smile. "Miss Sage will be having dinner with us. So, make sure to cook. You should make use of this chance."
Jason Hayes saw through his little sister but he still forced a little smile and feigned ignorance. "Alright, but don't say anything to her. I don't want to be subjected to an awkward situation again."
"I can't promise you that," Emery Hayes simply replied and looked at her brother with a teasing smile. "If I think you don't do enough, I will come up with something more." Her smile grew brighter as she talked and Jason let out a heavy sigh.
Shaking his head, the Vice-Chairman muttered, "I shouldn't have brought you there. You're such a headache."