Anna was shocked she has heard that name before in her dreams.
"Oh it's nice to meet you, Mr. Edwards," Anna said in her nervous voice.
The class was over at 12:30. Anna quickly got out of class and met up with Claire and told her all about her classes and how she met this boy named Josh.
So where is this hunk of a boy of yours Anna that said he coulda eat with him and his friends Claire said when she was getting her lunch out of her locker?
I don't know he said he was going to meet us outside with his friends so I don't know let's go find him.
Alright, Anna whatever you say I'm hungry anyway Claire said when she started walking to the cafeteria.
Ok let's go then Anna said
Anna and Claire got to the cafeteria. Anna spotted Josh over at the tables he saved Anna and Claire a seat In front of him.
Hey, guys said Josh when he spotted Claire sitting down with Anna.
So you guys are best friends Josh said as he was peeling a banana and eating it.
Claire nudged Anna as she was staring at Josh eating his banana.
"Oh sorry yes we're best friends until the end right Claire. "Right," Claire said as she was staring at Josh's friend.
Who's your friend Josh said, Claire.
Oh, this is Kyle he's my best guy friend said, Josh.
Oh, coolly said Claire.
Claire whispered in Anna's ear Kyle's cute said Claire while Anna was taking a bite of her sandwich.
Then go sit by him then Claire said Anna smiling at Josh who was looking
"Ok, I will say Claire when she got up and sat on the other side of Kyle.
Hiya said, Claire
Hi, there said Kyle smiling at her.
After lunch, Anna went to her 5th-hour class which was an art she loved to draw a lot that's why she picked that elective.
Anna got to her art class when she came across that bailey girl again.
She was getting a drink right before class she was looking at Anna.
What you looking at punk said, Bailey.
Nothing said Anna passing by her to get to class.
Bailey was right behind her Anna wonders if she has the same art class as her if she does then that
would not be good for Anna.
Anna sat down in her art class up in front and Bailey sat behind her kicking her seat.
Stop it please said, Anna.
Make me said Bailey smirking.
Anna rolled her eyes and paid attention to the teacher.
Then Bailey kicked her seat again and again.
Do you mind when Anna looked back at her and said to stop kicking her seat?
School ended when Anna met up with Claire to go to the same bus Anna told her about this girl named Bailey that was bulling her in art class and integrated science class.
"Just try to ignore her otherwise there's going to be girl drama and I don't want to get into that again remember in 8th grade when this girl liked the same guy as me and she told her she was being a spoiled brat yeah not girl drama again sorry Anna your on your own on this one ok just tell the teacher if she's being a spoiled brat Claire said as was walking to the bus and walking inside the bus.
Alright, thanks for being a best friend Anna said while she sat down by the window seat like she always does.
When Anna got off the bus and gave Claire a big hug goodbye.
See you tomorrow Anna Claire said when she walked over to her house across the street.
Anna got inside her house her brothers and sisters were being crazy all over the place.
Hey, Hun how was your first day of high school, sorry there being crazy I gave them cookies and they're acting like this.
Then you should've given them cookies then Phil Anna said when she went upstairs and slam her door shut.
Her dad came upstairs in her room to go yell at her to not slam the door.
He was arguing with her punching her in the stomach abusing her.
Anna wanted to move out because of what her stepfather did her that day and the rest of the days of school.
She went to school with a black eye because of her father.
She wished she wasn't alive anymore.
She even told her best friend about her dad she wouldn't believe her no one believed her.
Anna went to the art class like every other day of the week. She tried to ignore Bailey but she couldn't.
Bailey kept on kicking her chair and pulling her hair in class and calling her names.
She wanted to tell the teacher but she couldn't everyone would think she would be a tattletale.
Anna's afraid that everyone will make fun of her for telling on Bailey.
Anna went to lunch with her best friend Claire and she can't believe that she doesn't believe her.
So Anna asks why she doesn't believe her best friend in the world the only friend that she can trust she can trust Josh also but she trusts Claire more.
Claire, why don't you believe Phil is abusing me? Asked Anna suspiciously.
Well because your stepfather is very nice and has been in your life for a very long time.
Anna said "oh" quietly like she was agreeing with Claire.