At Skycorp...
"Jackson! You got that report?!"
"Yes sir, ill be at the meeting today."
"This meeting today is about the player in the admins testing ground, He would be the number one player right now but we have nerfed his surrounding area to make sure he doesn't find an experiment tool while we clear the area."
"You mean that Coldnighthawk guy?"
"Yes him, hes currently in the number 27 spot of the rankings."
"So whats happening here?"
"Where is he right now?"
"Hes in the testing area for the liars farm. All the sky islands are testing grounds for unique locations for quests and such that will appear far away from the starting zone."
"Damn, well can we move him out or something?"
"No we cant, hes actually very popular right now on the player view cite on the webpage."
(players on the leader board can be watched on the game website if the viewer is offline or the player is not doing hidden quests.)
"Also the higher up Jackson is interested in him."
At the edge of the long table is an empty black chair where Jackson usually sits.
Everyone looks down the room to the empty chair 3 seats from the end seat.
COO Jackson and former deputy head developer.
Author notes:
CEO, COO, CFO, Secretary, Shareholders. are important things for company's
Well thanks for reading guys and staying with me during my weird upload schedule.
(hint hint its not real)
my 12.2 k views thanks