Chapter 1: Prologue

On November 27th, 2001.

I, Terrence Fry Yeats, was born to an average family, in the blistering chill of one winter daybreak. As I grew up, I experienced the life of an ordinary child. I discovered games, made friends and lived what one would call a carefree childhood.

From time immemorial, one single problem has affected my boring lifestyle. At first, I thought it was a natural occurrence for children to see people thought to be imaginary. Although since then one...person if I could call them that...never left my mind. He privately gives his opinion on all things concerning my animosity towards others...his suggestions are not unwarranted but his methods a word, extreme. I call him homage to the first nickname I was given...yet short for my description of him...terrible

Upon illuminating my parents to my dilemma. I was advised on a mental illness I was born with, schizophrenia...a mental disorder with no real cure...and since my family is unable to pay for treatment I have no ease to my problem. In fact, the situation has become significantly worse. After diagnosis, I've had slight gaps in memory with certain high ranking enemies that have disappeared without a trace.

"Quite unfortunate if you ask me.."

"Could you explain to me why your input was needed, Terri..."

"You were explaining to our dear, sweet reader the events which have transpired over the past two years...are you not?"

Although I hate the fact, he is correct. I am trying to explain the events of the past two years which seem to be the highlight of my life and the current problem.

To begin let me take you back to a year before this tumultuous time of my be exact...three years ago

•January 18th, 2017

The early restart of my school year has final year as a middle school student in Francine Holloway Academy for the gifted.

Gifted would be a stretch of the truth...really it is a school for the mentally accelerated or disturbed. Naturally, my admission is free due to the extent of my condition. My day begins promptly with my mother's tearful goodbye as I step out of the father's stoic gaze forward tells me I will be missed.

I turn and walk toward the gate hearing minor snippets of the conversations of the many friend groups around me.

"Is that him? The absent one"

"Yes...but not so loud he might hear you"

"You say that like he'll remember what I'm saying"

I understand that my memory becomes a blank slate at points but that doesn't mean I don't hear what they say.

Ignoring them, I continue walking to greet my oldest companion Raymond

"Winter has come...It's been a long time Terry...How have you been my friend." He says with a grin

" saw me two days ago could you not pretend it has been so long and just greet me, " I say shaking his hand briskly.

I've known Ray since we were children...fortunately Raymond is not mentally disturbed, Raymond was born with a hyper-accelerated mind. At age 10, he created a start-up company worth millions but lacked the specific acumen to continue with it. Reason he's here.

"So what is on the agenda today my forgetful friend..." He inquired

"Umm...I'm going to find my class and take my seat," I replied sarcastically

"Have you no sense of adventure...all the girls have returned from their long vacation time without seeing me...the fabulous, Raymond " He said posing flamboyantly

I laughed at his comments as he posed around me, conveying his point of fabulosity.

To be honest, Raymond isn't always like this.

He's quite resourceful and hardworking, although his 'admiration' of the female form leaves one feeling slightly annoyed with him.

Regardless, I walk with him around the school in search of his next conquest.

Our school is a full stay boarding school...far in the hills...away from distraction or irritant.

Allowing students to run rampant in exploring their urges...terrible conditions to leave someone like Raymond in.

Although it's always amusing watching my roommate attempt to bring girls around us.

I'm sure you're probably wondering if I have an interest in any girls.

'He always gets like this when describing her...'

'Can it! You tuneless tempest of disorderly conduct'

'I just watched fourteen brain cells die with that sentence...'

Moving on...only once have I remotely shown any interest in a girl.

Her name is Ava, she has beautiful grey eyes, a petite figure and she's exceptionally of the few people I consider an intellectual equal around my isolated friend group. Often my enemies are in relation to hers.

'And yet when you get wind of her enemies, she suddenly has none'

'And who do I have to thank for that...'

As we continue to aimlessly stroll around the campus, we soon catch Ava on the corridor reading her usual light novel.

She lifts her head to greet me warmly, ignoring my companion beside Raymonds displeasure

"Why ignore me, Ava?" He queried sadly

"Because you're the worst...I can't believe that Terry is friends with someone like you..."

'Hah, she called by my nickname...I'm happy now.' A smile plastered across my face as Raymond shook his head sadly

While Raymond pleads his case to an adamant Ava, I look out to the campus grounds

My final year of middle school begins now...let it be one filled with peace

'Continue to pray for your peace...just know the price thirsts for the blood of your enemies...which I shall deliver without hesitation...~Hehehehe~'