6 on the road to Georgetown

They pulled up at the station, she put their leeches on them and they got out of the car and walked inside. " You the criminal division from Sunshine bay? he asked them. " Yeah, is there any evidence that the last thing she had on? He gives her the girls sweater, Morocco and Luca you go with Elliott start the search, be on your best behavior, you might get a treat, I trusting you with my prizes pulsations which is my son and daughter, I want both back Elliott, go with your father, until they get familiar with you, Drake will hold their leeches. " I take to the others, we need dogs out there, take her to our lab. As they walk out and left, they walked inside the lab. Back in Sunshine bay, Joan walked inside the door. " mmm what smells so good? Asked. Joan, " welcome to Karla's kitchen, what can we get for you today. Please make yourself at home here, Joan sat down at a table, it always busy in the kitchen. " what do you recommend that's good? Asked. Joan, " my homemade corn beef with provolone cheese, comes with chips and fries, you must be new here. I haven't seen you here before, Said. Karla, one order of corn beef with provolone, steak fries, and homemade sweet tea, get my husband and daughter up on the screen. " I don't come out much, is that a picture of your family? Asked, Joan. " Yes that is my daughter and my husband, " How is the family Karla? asked a customer, " will Howard has been shot but okay, loudmouth as always, and Dhaka is doing good. soon he releases the leech on her, " (when you are going to let it go? I will when the right man comes along, could you bring me one of your famous sandwiches please. Andi rejected being called a loudmouth,) said. Howard, " (how you know he hasn't come along yet dad, hi mom. How is busy?) Asked, Dhaka. " (we are busy, did you made it there safe?)-(which famous one dear, are you still in the room?) Asked. Karla, she brings out her food. " (yeah we are here, Walker and the kids are out in the fields searching, why I am stuck in the lab. Dad please can I join the search? ) Asked, Dhaka." ((one-day pumpkin, you are already a terrific cop and lab.) He told hee, " (the one you said I get one a special so what day.) They found a blood trail, " good lord no, please tell me we are not too late. He cried. "(Dhaka I need you here we got blood.)-("I am on my way. ) she left the station and walked down to them. She put her clothes on and got the sample, ". you have the results in a few hours, she walked back in the lab to run the blood sample, as they follow the blood trail. At the shop, Joan finished eating and walked up to the counter and pay her. " she must be the only girl? She gave her change back. " she is, our blue-eyed bundle of joy. Until this day I do not know why you hide your eyes Dhaka, "(mom. Wait did mom fix you, lunch dad before she left just call Kava to bring it to you. I not hiding my eyes,) said. Dhaka, " (what you got the results back? We have to find her alive, Dhaka, I am still hungry.) Said, Howard. Back in Georgetown, the results of the blood are done. It's dear blood. "(Elliott its dear blood,) she reported. " it's dear blood. (Tell me you have something else, we are running out of time, )-(" Morocco and Luca find the girl scent, not an animal. Search, lead them to the girl,) they picked up the trail and ran off the field and down the road, they follow right behind them. " what her name? She is beautiful, asked. Joan, " Dhaka. Yes she is very beautiful and exotic, "( that is why she is wearing my ring, and on a leech. Any man that sees her will want a taste of the forbidden fruit and spoil it, hands and eyes off my daughter.) Said, Howard. " ( i get it is not so much that you don't trust me you flat out don't trust them, it's dear blood. My children,) said. Dhaka, " did you feed my granddaughter and grandson before putting them to work? Asked. Karla, "( a course I did mom, what kind of master you think I am?) Asked. Dhaka, Karla saw the confusion in her eyes, " we do have no grandchildren yet, I was referring that to my grand puppies. Morocco and Luca her guard dogs her father gave to her, along with a house and a car, so she would stay. " Oh, they led them to the kidnapper door and start to bark, they kick down the door. " Freeze put your hands up, Walker searches the house for the girl. He shakes his head. " Good boy, good girl go sniff, Morocco went upstairs and Luca went into the living room. " Where is the girl at? asked the deputy, " what girl? the kidnapper said. Morocco stretch at the closet door and barking. "(upstairs quick, I think I found her,) said. Elliott, " cuff him, you are under arrest! they put the cuffs on him and then ran up the steps. Morocco howl and whimper. "(there is a lock,)-(" regular or combination?) Asked. Dhaka, " he is not going to give us the password to it. said one of the deputies, " (it's a combo, you can do that?) Asked. Elliott, " (i am a lab tech Elliott I can do anything you want Elliott, give me a few minutes. Joan walked out of the shop and head home, " we do not have all day here! "(it's open, ) they open up the door and got the girl out. and they walked out of the house. " come to Luca Morocco, they walked up to Drake, and he put their leeches on them. "( good boy Morocco, and good girl Luca, I am so proud of you,) their tongues are hanging out like they are smiling. " dad gives our kids a treat,) said. Dhaka, "(who me?)-(" you, not their father yet Elliott, I talking to Drake.) he gives them a dog biscuit, they take the girl to the station, she ran to her parents and they hugged her. they locked up the kidnapper. " thank you for your help, he said. " not a problem, thank you for inviting us in. said, Elliott. so they went to check into a room for the evening. "(the case is closed and the girl is found Chef, they led us straight to her,) how they do that. Do what you say? Asked. Elliott, " (good job my grandkids, see you two first thing in the morning. do not tried to drive back tonight Dhaka,) said. Howard, " ( have no attention on driving tonight, see you in the morning dad. ) She pulled up at the hotel and got out to see do they allowed dogs, Elliott phone ringed. It was his brother, " (Walker, what you want Dean?) Asked. Elliott, she takes her shades off. " May I help you? " Do you allow dogs in your hotel? Asked. Dhaka, " sure we allowed all animals, how many and what type of animals are they? the desk Clark asked. " Two and they bulldogs. People is walking past the car, They stand up and start to barking at them. " ( lay down,) bulldogs. Said, Dhaka. They lay down in whimpered, obey your mother guys. " how many nights and rooms? she asked her, "one night two rooms, how much for the night? Asked. Dhaka, " $10.45, she pulled out her wallet and hand her the card, she charges the room to her account and hands her the receipt, her card, and keys to her, she takes them from her, " thank you, she walked out of the hotel, Elliott got out of the car and stretch. she opens the back door and puts their leeches on them. They grab their bags and walked into the hotel, she gives him his key. " can I come in yours for a bit we watch tv order out, talk. Asked, Elliott. " give me a few minutes, have to check up on my father, and set my children up. call your parents first, then cone over, I send Drake for you, said. Dhaka, so they walked into the rooms, she began to set up Morocco and Luca beds and call her father at her father, "(hey baby girl, you in for the night?) Asked. Howard, Elliott called the house, " (hey son,) said. John, " (hi dad, how are you?) Asked. Elliott, " (yeah, just set up the kids for the night,) go ahead give them their dinner Drake, said. Dhaka, "(I am good, how is your new partner?) asked. John, Drake give them some dog food, and dog water from their bags and cooler. " (have you eaten dinner yet dad?) Asked. Dhaka," (is it a crime to fall in love with your new partner?) asked. Elliott, "(no, she must be something if you are heels over in love with her.) said, John. they start to eat their food, " (yes your mother brought me a sandwich, have you eaten?) asked. Howard, "(she is better than Danny, she is the one I want to partners with, and share my life with.) said, Elliott, " (the best in one. ) said. John, "(i about to order take out, I just unwinding first. ) Said, Dhaka. " (The thing is her father, Chef Portsmith want us to stay partners, and I do not know if I can do that, the way mom is we may not get to be together,) said, Elliott. "(ask her father and forget about your mother and be happy, ) said. John, " ( Dad, I am in love with him, we can still our job and be personal.) Said, Dhaka, he moaned out, " Howard give them a chance to show you that they can date and work together. She is in love with them, said. Karla, "(the ring stays on and the leech will be loose, Dhaka, tell Elliott no sleeping together, and no moving in with him either. I see that this does not affect your partnership and work, that you both still making this professional and not personal, I will take you off the leech. he stills need to ask me first,) said. Howard, " (i have to go, and I will thank dad. See you tomorrow, ) said. " (By son,) they hang up the phones. He knocked on the door and she opens the door for him, " (thank you dad and I will tell him, see you tomorrow morning.) said, Dhaka. " (bye baby girl, sleep tight.) They hang up, " hey. said, Elliott. " come in, will he is going to allow us to date, his condition is the ring stays on, he will loosen the leech, no sleeping together or moving in. Said, Dhaka. " I can live with that. I happy now, can I get your number now? How is he doing? Asked. Elliott, " good, where you want to order from? Asked. Dhaka, " He looked inside of the menu, " how about wings dinar. Said, Elliott, " that sounds good to me, they place their orders. while they wait for them to come she went to take a shower, his phone ringed. " (what is this I heard from your father that you are dating, and I should butt out of your affair?) Asked. Joan, " (it would be nice if you didn't interfere as you did in Dean's, I am not moving back home. My life is my life.) Said, Elloirr. There is a knock on the door, " (she was no good for him, and I how do I know if she good for you?) -(' you don't and she is, stops trying to run my life mom, I not that is like Dean, I happy, I am in love, and I happy in my life, goodbye.) He hangs up on her and went to answer the door. "