chapter xi

the battle with Legions is still going on, " he does not fear the sun, said. The Holy Spirt,  Travis, and Marco throw their spears at the demons in missing. " raise with your throwing arm and place your right foot back and throw with all power of the loin within, Maxwell throw his spear at the demon after showing him. , and striking it down turning it to ash. " and held out your hand to wield it back to you and move swift in fast, said. Christine, " my mentor talk you that? Asked, Marco. " I am everyone mentor Marco and they will teach it to you in your brother, I place you, and Congruous under your guidance teach them well. Said, Domiel. " we will thank you gen, Elliott and Chris was up against too many demons and James and Alias come to their aid and turn the demons into ashes, Domiel throw her spear a thousand miles at a demon, " wow Gen can you teach us to throw like that, Asked. Chris, " your guardians can show you how, because I taught them how, Alias and James show them everything that they need to know, said. Domiel, " we will Gen. they said. her spear landed back in her hand, a demon swing at her, Becky and Skyla did the same signature move and turn the demon into ashes, " you okay Gen? Asked. Becky, " yes, I am finally you are growing in a fine loin in your skills, and see you in just like I see paul in Lockett, and Locksley, with that being said, I place in your guardianship Becky, Lockett, and Locksley said. Domiel, " we bring them up will. said, Skyla,  she put every teenager, pre-teenager, kid, and toddler under the guardianship of an adult loin Angel warrior couple,  finally Legions pulled back and went into the darkness. " these are different gen, said. Paul. " he has no, love for Lucifer,  he is not going to stop attacking not even in daylight, said. Domiel, " what you want to do Domiel, asked. Antonio, " take them home in wait for me,  place two on this spot out of sight,  my children you all did well today, which that tells me that you all are ready to be full pledge lions, not only you get your first weapon and armor but your first birthmark that place you alongside your guardians, you live with them, have breakfast with them, and train with them. said, Domiel. the divine light appeared and they through the light and disappeared, two loins walked up to him. Daphiel and Hamon, " stand guard here if they come out sound the loin calls, they shake their heads, he walked through the light and disappeared, Domiel walked through the light into the house, Ben walked up to her and hugged, " I am okay my love, thank you Sars Gloria Gabriel and Micheal. " are you sure that you okay, asked. Ben, " yes,  I have to go feed my infants,  talk with my teens, pre-teens, and children, I will be back shortly, have some dinner and visit with your parents, they put their foreheads on each other and glow pink. "  you show me you can love without sex,  I didn't even know that was so possible to do. Said, Ben, "   once you open you're to me and once I gave you my heart, the love between us show both us the real meaning of love is, I love you my soulmate, I will be back. you should get something to eat, said. Domiel, " I fix dinner for us, hurry back to me. as she walked through the lights and said, "  I will. The light disappeared out of the house.   they helped him prepare dinner, and set the tables, " how is marriage son? Asked. Tom, " great, I am actually in love with her and our way, where we used the word love to get in bed with someone, I am in love with her with my heart, answered. Ben, back in Heaven, her armor disappeared off her, as she walk inside of the nursery. " morning my little ones, you ready to eat,  each morning in first heaven the lion clubs get carrot juice, banana juice, and celery juice.  heavenly bottles appeared into their mouths and they start to feed, Domiel walked out of the nursery, " my little ones soon you will be pre-teenagers entering into your tenth birthday, and your new training, but patience so by guidance and carrying to help me to get you there is your new guardians,  my pre-teenagers soon you be entering into your fifteen birthday and new training, and my teenagers you have come far in your years in I am truly proud of you, said. Domiel, in the second heaven, Brontivas walked up to his children, " well done my teenagers you burn bright with the fires of Heaven, and fly swiftly like true wings, even Brontivas place the wiggling in care of guardians to help him to bring them up quickly, " with your guardians help and guidance you will fight, and burn swiftly Kalmiya me and Warmly will take you in and raise you as our own, Aarin and Arael will take in their nest house Forfax and Mariel to bring up as their own. Said, Brontavis. " we watch over them well Brontivas, said. Areal, " I know you both will, you not only best but you are winter wings and so are they, we guide them to burn and make winter, Veronica and Manakel you watch over Daniel, Chasan, Galizur. Said, Brontivas. " they will be in our care, said. Manakel. " I know you will my brother, Winfer, and blizzard under your care is Penemuel, Liwet, Feota. Said, Brontivas. "  they will be in good hands, so he put every toddler, pre-teenager, and teenager in the care of adult win care to help them to bring them up, in the third heaven,  in the nursery  Dina is feeding the infants apple juice, Cabbage juice, and pear juice. the bottles appeared and their mouths and they start to feed. " enjoy my babies feed, said. Dina, Dina walked out of the nursery and up to her kids, pre-teenagers, and teenager, she also put her children in the care of adult Tigers. " you all have made me heavenly proud of you, you didn't show fear, you stand your ground in the fathers and grandfathers name, and they will help me to get you up there more by raising you, and being there for you, said. Dina, in the fourth heaven Heman did the same after feeding his infants, plum juice, broccoli juice, and pineapple juice., and in fifth heaven after Dabriel feeding her infants, she place her kids, pre-teenagers, and teenagers under the guardian care of her warriors, and sixth heaven, Nethaneal did the same after feeding his infants kale juice, grape juice, and cherry juice.