chapter xxviii

Heavens defensive

the Nation demons are moving fast, and every area trying to get a foothold of the earth, in the town hall the heavenly lions appeared, Domiel walked up with her best behind her, " which nation is this? Asked. Sampson, " could be any of them Sampson, who are we! Shouted, Domiel." Heavenly warriors of Heavens. They called out, " what is our mono! Said. Domiel, " be brave in the face of the enemy, be swift, and always up lift the father name, they said. " show no mercy but give forgiveness, our armors appeared on them. The shield of the righteous appears on their right, and the sword of the word appears in their hands, China arouses out of the ground, they are many demons. The helmet of peace appears on them, as the lines stand firm and ready. Up the north end which is sin city, the heavenly wings of heavens, fly out of the light and land on the ground, " so they are coming from all owners are they? asked. Breeze, his Air wings, fame up and strike fast, fire earth, air, rain, winter daggers ready, they pulled out their daggers, as Lexington arose from the ground and ran up the road, they flame up turning into Fire wings, Ground wings, Winter wings, water wings, Hurricane and Tornado wings, song wings, at the South end which is the town, a light appeared and out walked the Heavenly Knights of Heavens walked out, Dabriel walked to the front with her best behind her, " so it begins. said, Ruman. " we are knights of the tree of life, nothing can't form against us, nothing can't stand against us, and nothing can't repelling against, said. Dabriel, their armor appeared on them, and their right hand the one-handed sword of the word, Italy arouses out the ground and ran up the street, and the North which is the city, a light appeared to step out of it the Heavenly Slayers of Heavens, " let them come, said. Nethaneal, " Amen. they said, their armors appear on them, and their right hand the spear of the word, Chiego arouses from the ground and training up the city, the heavenly Lancers of heavens appeared beside the heavenly warriors, " stand your grounds remember you are Heavenly Lancers, their armors appeared on them, and their right hand the lance of the word, as they were are getting closer. the heavenly slayer walked out of the light and sand beside the wings. " let's get this done in the name of the fathers, said. Dina, " amen. they all said, their armor appears on them, and in their right her their staffs, as they are getting closer. On the East side which is the city, the Heavenly Axeman appeared next to the heavenly knights, " let it be so, said. Solis, " Amen, as they ran up the road their armors appeared on them, and their spears appeared in their hands, all ends conflict of wars, all you can see is is white and dark light flashing, bouncing, around. in Divine city and their home, " ( Domiel you okay?) she kicks a demon and she cut their own turning it into ashes. "( I heavenly my love, I can't talk right now.) said, Domiel. the fight last up into the middle of the day, more and more demons came from the grounds, arrows strike them down turning them into ashes, Domiel helmet fall off and hit the ground, that shook the ground she moving swiftly with her best at her side cutting down demons turning them into ashes, " Antonious Sampson Travis is in trouble. They shake their heads when to help their oldest son, Natheneal throw his spear at a demon, right with him his best throwing theirs hitting their mark turning them into ashes. " heavenly,  keep pushing them back, said. Nathanael, the sun is coming up.  They are starting to flee, from the air like fire, the wings of  heaven fly down catch them on fire, and turning them into ashes. And fly back up in the air, with the demons sons gone, their fathers is waking up with their armies, Domiel pick up her helmet, "(okay what you want for dinner?) asked, Ben. " ( fix you something to eat, i be fine.) said, Domiel, all seven generals walked into the judging hall. they kneel down to him, " ( this is the beginning , their sons is ashes they are awoken and their demon bergade is larger then their sons,) said. Father God, " ( what s your well my father?) they all asked, " ( this is the beginning , their sons is ashes they are awoken and their demon bergade is larger then their sons,) said. Father God, " ( what s your well my father?) they all asked, " ( let tbem make the first move, it  is nation move,) Grandfather Holy. "( USA, China, Japan, and Lexington, sons their sons and half of their army,  they be looking for revenge.) Said, father Time. " ( mostly they will attack us, this is chess game two generals, we must get ready for an overthrow attack.) Said. Grandfather Time, "( defend your gates, generals, hold your defense tight, ) said. Father Hope, " ( don't give or show any mercy, your brothers and sisters and all of Heaven depending on your defense holding up.) Said. Grandfather Desire, "( this was our move we just check their queen. We are ready for their move our heavenly generals?) Asked. Father Love, " (yes our fathers. ) they all answered,"( heavenly go and defend the gates of heavens,) said Grandfather Hearts. They bowed and walked out of the hall, she reappeared back on the earth inside of Divine city, she walked in the house. meanwhile underneath the earth the four nation demon overlords is waken, and roaring and crying out, for their lost, they sat down at the table in eat. Will he started to eat, " whats wrong my love? Asked. Ben, " nothing my love enjoy your meal,  deep down she knows he is in danger now, since he is human he not allowed into the heavens yet, she is worrying about how to keep him safe and continue to protect him. " i got you so great honey today,  you want some? Asked. Ben, she smiled at him, " thank you my love, i get some, rest. She got up and walked into the kitchen, he can see something is wieghting on her shoulders,