White Drawings

"Just what you think, a ton of gold is needed to upgrade to level 2 to level 3."

  After the World of Warcraft Factory entered the mobile phone, Li Xiuwen specified that he could only communicate through the mobile phone, so a line of words popped up on the screen.

  Li Xiuwen looked at it, only feeling black in front of him, and his body was shaky.

  The gold he has seen the most is a gold bracelet of more than 20 grams in his family. It is hard to imagine how big a ton of gold is.

  At least, a ton of gold requires a lot of money, and it's not that much to sell it.

  "By the way, whether it's summoning WoW workers or buying things in the shop, it also consumes gold."

  The Warcraft Factory made the last cut.

  Li Xiuwen suddenly felt that his future was not bright, and sat down on the ground.

  A ton of gold can crush a sturdy calf. As a result, the Warcraft Factory can only be upgraded from level 2 to level 3.

  Then the gold needed for the later upgrade of the Warcraft Factory will be a huge amount. Plus summoning and buying, it is a veritable gold devourer, the one that comes in without going out.


  "Hi, what's wrong with Li Xiuwen?"

  Tang Heshuo didn't know what was wrong, so he walked in from outside the factory building for the last inspection. When I saw Li Xiuwen sitting on the ground, I suddenly became a little bit curious.

  "Haha, I said earlier, let you choose the machine earlier. Now I regret it, it's too late!"

  Tang Heshuo thought that Li Xiuwen was so angry that he only got an old and worthless machine tool, regretting it.

  It is obvious that you do not listen to the persuasion of your elders, you will suffer. You see, what I said before will soon be fulfilled.

  "Hehe, I am so happy, thank you for leaving this machine tool to me."

  Sitting on the ground, Li Xiuwen only felt a chill on the ground. He was very upset with Tang Heshuo's attitude of looking down. On the contrary, a smile appeared on his face: You don't know what you missed.

  After a boring discussion, Tang Heshuo left angrily.

  Now that the factory is bankrupt, the labor relations have been terminated, and his status as the factory director does not affect him at all, even if he can't find fault.

  When Tang Heshuo left, his face was full of doubts, and he even wondered if Li Xiuwen had been hit too much, and he was a little confused.

  Li Xiuwen stood up, afraid of the dust, turned his attention to the Warcraft Factory in the phone.

  There are many good things in it, such as "flying magic car drawing (blue)", "artificial solar light source drawing (orange)", "biological cloning machine (purple)" and so on.

  It's a pity that they are either gray and unlocked, or the price is high.

  The "biological cloning machine (purple)" is very useful and can quickly cultivate small and medium-sized organisms or clone the organs of designated organisms.

  But the price of one ton of gold completely dispelled all Li Xiuwen's thoughts, and he could only drool while watching this machine.

  The drawings and advanced props in the Warcraft Factory are very expensive, even the summoning is very expensive.

  To activate a level 1 summon, one hundred grams of gold is required, which is 35,000.

  At present, all the money in his body and his mobile phone has not exceeded 30,000, and he can't even make a single call.

  Li Xiuwen's gaze swept around, and as a result, in the bottom corner, he saw a line of small characters [Novice benefits: free drawing 1 level drawing once, free summoning].

  "Great, thank you, Warcraft Factory!"

  Li Xiuwen was as excited as seeing an oasis in the desert, took the phone screen to his mouth, and gave a virtual kiss.

  "It's really surprising. I didn't expect my first master to be so poor, beyond my imagination."

  A dialog box popped up in Warcraft Factory with three shocked expressions.

  Li Xiuwen ignored the sarcasm of the Warcraft Factory and happily opened the free lottery.

  A large turntable divided into hundreds of grids,

Appears in the center of the screen, and then spins quickly.  Li Xiuwen couldn't see what was in each grid, and it turned too fast and it was blurred.


  The turntable stopped, and the red and thick pointer fell on a grid on which was written "Electric Bicycle Drawing (white)".

  "No, only white drawings are drawn!"

  "Well, it's also my first time. If you don't have blue, you also have the green."

  Li Xiuwen was a little annoyed, and shook his right hand, feeling that it seemed to be bad luck because of not washing his hands.

  White represents the worst thing in the Warcraft Factory, it doesn't seem to have much effect, at least he thinks so now.

  Anyone who knows there are four levels above white will subconsciously think that white drawings are not a good color.

  This idea was quickly slapped in the face by reality, but Li Xiuwen was not angry and rejoiced. He smiled as if he had won a prize.

  Electric bicycle drawing (white): product quality +3. To explain in plain language, the performance of the product will exceed the market's first-line electric bicycles by 30%.

  Don't underestimate this 30% extra. If it is shown on an electric bicycle, the battery capacity is 30% more, and the 100 kilometers cruising range is 30 kilometers longer.

  Because of the backward equipment and poor management of this small factory opened by Tang Heshuo, the performance of the Xingxing electric vehicles that left the factory was only 80% of that of Yadi and Xinri.

  In the past few years, Xingxing electric vehicles could barely be sold locally and in nearby cities due to price factors and could be mixed with meals.

  But now everyone has a little more money in their pockets, consumption has upgraded, and they are completely inferior to the shoddy Xingxing electric vehicles, and they are all rushing to the big names of Yadi and his like.

  Li Xiuwen spent a few months internship, knows very well about electric vehicles, and it can be said that it is watching the factory go bankrupt because of its poor competitiveness.

  Commodity sales depend on the brand's popularity, but in the end, it must be based on quality. Without quality, everything is empty.

  He is confident that with the superb 30% performance of electric bicycles, he can beat Yadi and other big names to grab the local and nearby markets.

  "By the way, I remember that the orchard work itself has a talent for processing, and it should be able to take the quality of electric bicycles to the next level."

  "Yes, it is like this. Just like some human beings are good at writing and some are good at playing basketball, the talent of the Warcraft workers has a certain bonus to the product."

  "It's just that the orc drudgery level is not high. When the system is at level 1, it is designated to call workers, and the talent is not very good."

  The Warcraft Factory replied. It can be said to answer all questions about Li Xiuwen.

  Even if he was poured cold water on the Warcraft Factory again, the smile on Li Xiuwen's face was still exuberant and he didn't take it seriously.

  Li Xiuwen turned his head and looked around, and found that this was not a good place to summon the Warcraft workers, so he had to press forcibly to resist curiosity.

  To be honest, he had seen orcs hard work before when playing games, and he had also seen it in movies.

  I don't know what the real orc guild will look like and whether it can adapt to the earth's environment well.

  "You have to adapt to the environment, or where do I find tight-lipped workers."

  Li Xiuwen looked at the World of Warcraft Factory application and said silently.

  The electric bicycle drawing (white) is so advanced, it will certainly arouse others' curiosity and probing, so keeping confidential is a very important job.

  "Hey, are you going or not, the factory is about to close."

  A word that came suddenly interrupted Li Xiuwen's thinking.