Orc Hard Work

The sky gradually dimmed, the dark curtain rose, and there was no trace of sunlight in the atmosphere.

  The street lights in the industrial zone were lit up, and the bright yellow light illuminated the concrete road.

  Workers in blue overalls gush out from the gates of various factories, occupying both sides of the road, forming a blue torrent.

  Li Xiuwen glanced at these workers, and his eyes showed a bit of envy. The more workers, the more orders and the more the factory earns.

  He now has no workers and only useless old goods for machine tools. He owes a debt of 120,000 yuan, which is extremely shabby.

  "Soon, my factory will grow rapidly and become the hegemon of manufacturing."

  Li Xiuwen retracted his gaze, closed the gate of the factory building, and turned on the large energy-saving lamp inside after blocking all eyes looking inside.

  "It's safe now. I can't wait to see the orcs' hard work. Do they obey my orders?"

  "Don't worry, as long as you feed them, it's okay. I think you want these hard workers to work overnight and make electric bicycles for you."

  The Warcraft Factory was unceremonious and exposed Li Xiuwen's intentions.

  Li Xiuwen grinned and did not refute.

  This kind of hard labor from another world, with infinite power and talent for manufacturing, is simply the most perfect worker.

  The roulette appears again, with different numbers written on each grid, from 1 to 10.

  God bless you, you must draw 10! This can save a lot of gold.

  Li Xiuwen muttered in his heart, and pointed his finger to the phone screen fiercely, as if he wanted to poke the 10 on the roulette through the glass.

  He had to be nervous, knowing that one level 1 summoning requires 100 grams of gold, and ten times is one kilogram, which is a lot of weight.


  The roulette stopped and the pointer dropped to 6.

  Li Xiuwen nodded in satisfaction, a smile on his lips. Although it is not the largest 10, it is much better than the hapless one.

  "Come out, Pikachu~ No, orcs hard work!"

  Li Xiuwen took a deep breath and stared in front of him without blinking, like two copper bells.

  Noisy~ Noisy!

  A few meters in front, a fist-sized blue lightning ball appeared, emitting a dazzling light, covering up the large-wattage energy-saving lights, and the entire factory building was faintly blue.

  Li Xiuwen's hair almost stood up, fluffy like a ball of wool, and the hairs on his body stood up one by one.

  "What a big scene!"

  He was a little lucky, but fortunately he had made enough preparations to summon in a closed space. Otherwise, such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of many people.

  The blue lightning ball suddenly expanded and turned into a light gate three meters high and two meters wide.

  The small snake-like lightning bolts that originally lay on the lightning ball became tame, converged themselves, and melted into a blue light film.

  A big furry hand stretched out from the light film, creating a ripple.

  Soon, the orcs behind the door drove through and stood on the ground of the factory.

  This is a big guy with a height of two meters and five meters. The green skin is full of muscles, the arms can run horses, and the thighs have thick waists. He is stronger than the strongest bodybuilding coach in the world.

  The orc drudge had a chimpanzee-like face, four fangs sticking out of his lips, and a dirty yellow leather skirt around his waist, which looked very uncomfortable.

  "Boss, hello, do you need me to do anything?"

  Don't look at this orc's drudgery face, but when facing Li Xiuwen, he was very polite, trembling and cautious.

  Li Xiuwen secretly relaxed and smiled.

  "Very well, I will tell you later, you still have companions."

  For the alien creatures like orc drudgery that have never been in contact,

Don't worry about it at all, it's fake.  Even though the Warcraft Factory has repeatedly promised that the workers summoned will be loyal to MAX as long as they have enough food, Li Xiuwen still feels a little uneasy.

  Who makes him not too passionate about sports, his physical fitness is completely mediocre, and his confidence is naturally not enough.

  The first orc toil was very obedient, and Li Xiuwen finally felt that the Warcraft Factory's guarantee was still very ethical, and he got rid of worry.

  The light door kept flashing, and five orcs with similar figures and almost identical faces emerged from the inside.

  At least, Li Xiuwen, who is the first to come into contact with hard labor, is really hard to distinguish the appearance of the six of them, just like it is difficult to distinguish six strange gorillas.

  "Do you have a name?"

  Li Xiuwen looked at the honest drudges ahead and asked.

  "My name is Animal One."

  "My name is Beast Two."


  Li Xiuwen complained: It's really simple and rude, it sounds like a product on an assembly line.

  But this will not have much impact on him. It is a bit difficult to manage six orcs, but it is much easier to manage one.

  "From today, Beast One will be your team leader, and all five of you will listen to his orders. Do you know?"

  "Okay, boss."

  In the World of Warcraft Factory app, Li Xiuwen selected "Transfer" against the electric bicycle drawing (white) he just drawn, and set his goal to be orc hard work.

  "Look at this drawing. At least how many tools are needed to produce."

  A few minutes later, the orc drudges ended the discussion. Beast One said: "Boss, at least you need a bending machine, a metal cutting machine, a welding machine, a universal meter..."

  Li Xiuwen led the beasts and them and went through the factory. UU reading www.uukanshu.com found many small tools. Such as universal meters, wrenches, etc., but still lacks bending machines and metal cutting machines.

  He sighed: "Hey, it would be nice if those machine tools were still there. All of them. Unfortunately, they were all moved by the workers and sold to recycling companies."

  "Boss, you can use gold to buy machines in the Warcraft Factory store. I promise they are much better than before."

  The beast slapped its majestic chest and muttered.

  Li Xiuwen glared at it, and wanted to say that I didn't have a gram of gold on hand, and I couldn't buy a machine at all.

  "Hey, gold is missing!"

  "Junior, you can pay directly with the cash in the bank card, but there is a 1% handling fee."

  "I'll check it for you. Cary's 20,000 yuan can just buy a bending machine and cutting machine. Of course it is the smallest and least efficient."

  The World of Warcraft Factory popped up an undue beating dialogue.

  "Count you cruel! I bought it."

  Li Xiuwen covered his chest, feeling very painful, and vowed that he would never use cash to buy again.

  This one percent seems to be very small at present, but when the quantity increases, it will reach the point of one ton of gold.

  Quick purchase, and then chose to withdraw.

  There were two more machines on the open space in front of Li Xiuwen, two pocket machines.

  "Huh, why is there no sign this time?"

  He said in surprise.

  "Actually, the summoning and extraction can be silent. The first summoning just now was just to satisfy your curiosity."

  The Warcraft Factory replied.

  "Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier and made me worry for so long!"

  Li Xiuwen wanted to pull out the Warcraft Factory, slammed it to the ground, and threw this guy to death.