Beastmaster Generation

"Just call you the Beastmaster 1 generation."

  Convinced, Li Xiuwen really admired the craftsmanship of the orcs. With the help of improvised tools, he could produce a finished product in just three minutes, but his appearance was still so domineering.

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be impossible to believe that this art-like electric car came from the hands of five big and three thick orcs.

  A few days ago, these raw materials and accessories were processed by Li Xiuwen and a group of human workers to become the most popular electric car on the market.

  Today, the same raw materials and accessories have become a mass product like a work of art. The gap between the two is as huge as rough stones and diamonds.

  "It's hard to imagine, it's hard to imagine how powerful the orcs drudgery's machining skills are. They are really perfect workers!"

  Li Xiuwen was full of emotion, trembling all over, his excitement could not be suppressed.

  Even if the mileage of this electric car is the same as that of the products on the market, it does not exceed 30%, and it can sell well with its dazzling appearance like a firefly.

  Li Xiuwen sat down, feeling more comfortable than any electric bike he had ever ridden, like sitting on a leather sofa.

  You must know that the saddle of an electric car is just cheap artificial leather and springs.

  The hands of the orc drudges seem to have magical powers, which can improve the quality of the same raw materials.

  Li Xiuwen reluctantly got off the car and pushed the electric car to the battery capacity tester to personally test its cruising range.

  We must know that the battery is purchased, not produced by the orcs, so is its capacity 30% more than the drawing says?

  Although Li Xiuwen had accepted the magic of the Warcraft Factory, he still couldn't believe that the same battery would be 30% more.

  This unscientific!

  The battery capacity tester is also a high-power discharge device, which is a circle smaller than the computer case and not very large.

  Its power consumption part uses a new type of PTC ceramic resistor as the discharge load, which completely avoids the red heat phenomenon and is safe, reliable and pollution-free.

  As a manufacturer of electric vehicles, it is of course necessary to equip it to check whether the product is qualified. It is available in the warehouse.

  To put it simply, a large-load component is connected to the battery, which can test the battery's capacity, voltage, discharge current and other parameters in a short time.

  Li Xiuwen did not take out the battery, but pulled two wires to connect the battery capacity tester.

  Soon, the LCD screen on the battery capacity tester showed a series of parameters.

  "It's really hard to understand, it's really 30% more!"

  Li Xiuwen opened his mouth wide and looked at the battery capacity displayed on the tester.

  After a while, he directly removed the battery from the electric car, put it on the ground, and then connected the tester again.

  This time, the battery capacity displayed on the tester was the same as those battery accessories in the warehouse.

  I'm in trouble, will this cause the anger and horror of my colleagues?

  Li Xiuwen touched the green beard stubble on his chin, as if seeing those who produce electric cars, one by one, scratching their hair, staring at them, and their faces full of doubts.

  "Quack, now you know how good I am! The lowest level and the most plain white drawings have been processed by Warcraft Workers and completely smashed similar products on Earth."

  The Warcraft factory that had been quiet for a long time popped out and said arrogantly.

  "Yes, you are the best!"

  Li Xiuwen admitted that he was not the brain of a scientist, and he couldn't figure out the mystery of the battery capacity at all, so he chose to immediately abandon the investigation.

  Anyway, these electric cars are their own, the better the quality, the higher the price, the more money you make.

  Li Xiuwen reinstalled the battery, and then discovered that the beasts produced three electric vehicles.

The speed is very stable, there is no laziness at all, it can be said to be very conscientious.  Later, he became so sleepy that he couldn't hold it anymore, and he lay down on the camp bed in the factory director's office.


  Seven hours later, the sky was bright, and the warm sun was shining on the earth, and it was another day.

  Li Xiuwen was awakened by the mobile phone alarm clock and immediately walked towards the factory.

  "Huh? Why are you doing nothing and sitting on the stool?"

  When he saw the beasts, they were all sitting on the stools, looking like they had nothing to do, an anger rose in his heart.

  "Boss, the raw materials and accessories in the warehouse, except those that are of substandard quality, are all used up."

  "A total of 152 electric vehicles have been produced, and they have all been put in the finished product warehouse."

  The beast stretched out the big palm of the fan, scratched the back of his head, and said honestly.

  Li Xiuwen knew that he had wronged the beasts, and he blushed and laughed a few times.

  The raw materials and accessories left by Tang Heshuo are not many, only worth more than 100,000, which is enough to produce one hundred fifty or sixty units at most.

  He hadn't thought of this just now, he just blurted out when he saw the beasts doing nothing.

  Hey, it turns out that my ass is already sitting on the side of the capitalist! It turned really fast.

  Li Xiuwen laughed at himself.

  At this time, he somewhat understood why the group leaders kept urging in his ear during the internship. UU reading www. All this is to squeeze workers to the greatest extent and earn surplus value.

  "You guys are doing well, go to the warehouse and rest now."

  When the beasts stood up, they walked towards the warehouse very obediently, with no displeasure on their ugly faces.

  Li Xiuwen looked at their tall backs and decided to buy camouflage clothes first after making money, so that the orc drudges could appear in people's sight without hiding.

  When he came to the finished product warehouse, Li Xiuwen smiled contentedly when he saw the neatly arranged first generation of Beastmaster, as if he saw a lot of banknotes.

  "Now is the time to put them on the market. What is the selling price?"

  Li Xiuwen thought for a while, and directly set the selling price of the 1st generation of Beastmaster as 4999 by referring to the high-end Yadi electric cars on the market.

  This price is slightly cheaper than Yadi's mid-to-high-end electric cars. No way, the first generation of Beastmaster has no reputation at all, and there is no reflection in the minds of consumers.

  In addition, Li Xiuwen couldn't spend advertising expenses for promotion.

  He calculated silently in his heart, because the salary was saved, the cost of a Beastmaster 1 generation was about two thousand. If it is shipped on a large scale at a price of 4,000, the gross profit of one unit is as high as 2,000, and the profit rate is as high as 100%.

  So Li Xiuwen's eyes were red, and he looked at the one hundred and fifty-two Beastmasters in the warehouse as if he had seen gold. Of course, the premise is that he can sell it.

  Bang bang bang!

  The door of the factory trembles violently, it seems that someone is banging vigorously, the kind of unceremonious kind.

  "Director Tang, are you there?"

  Li Xiuwen frowned slightly, who is so full and all right to do this early morning?