Identity Issues

After Tang Heshuo signed a harsh contract and transferred the money to Li Xiuwen, he planned to ask a truck to tow away the first batch of Beastmaster 1st generation electric vehicles.

  Although he had already filed for bankruptcy before, he still had some foundation, otherwise he could still afford a BMW.

  However, after spending more than 600,000 yuan, Tang Heshuo's activity funds were almost exhausted, and he wanted to get a cash, so he immediately decided to develop the market.

  Li Xiuwen could of course see the doubt on Tang Heshuo's face, but he just didn't explain why more than 150 electric cars were produced in one night without the machine.

  You can't call the beastman's hard work out to demonstrate production, let him be filled with doubts, anyway, it is not a big deal.

  When Tang Heshuo left in the BMW, Li Xiuwen immediately closed the door and went to the raw material warehouse.

  "Damn, I'm really scared, I'd better hurry up and buy camouflage clothes. Otherwise, I'm always worried and afraid of being discovered."

  Li Xiuwen muttered that the entire purchase process only took a few seconds.

  One piece of camouflage clothing needs 100 grams of gold, and six pieces need 600 grams.

  More than 200,000 yuan was spent in the blink of an eye. Li Xiuwen read the bank notification text message on his mobile phone and felt very heartbroken.

  "Be sure to let the beasts work overtime and earn back the cost of camouflage clothing soon!"

  Puff puff!

  A series of six camouflage suits appeared on the ground instantly, just like fetching objects from the air in the legend, except that they didn't tell the slightest truth.

  The camouflage suit is not very big, the shape is similar to that of a normal men's jacket, and the color is gray, very unremarkable.

  "Come on, you have a beast, put it on quickly."

  Beast One They originally only wore thin animal skins on their bodies, which was similar to primitive people.

  But after putting on the camouflage clothes, they magically changed into the face of Huaxia: the fangs were gone, and the green skin turned pale yellow.

  Only his height is a little shorter, but he is still a two-meter-tall big man, and the pressure he brings hasn't decreased much.

  "Haha, good image. I can be a worker, take it out and act as a bodyguard."

  What surprised Li Xiuwen even more was that the camouflage clothes also arranged identities for the beasts, with genuine ID cards in their pockets.

  Name: Kari

  Nationality: Han

  Address: Keji Village, Jiangnu City, Nanyun Province, China

  Li Xiuwen specifically checked on his mobile phone and found that this city of Nujiang is very remote, with many mountains and poor areas.

  "Finally, there is no one hundred grams of gold for nothing."

  Li Xiuwen returned the ID card to Beast One, and let out a long sigh, the invisible pressure on his shoulders disappeared, and there was no need to let the orc drudges hide.

  Next, he took the supplier phone number he got from Tang Heshuo, and spent the remaining 400,000 yuan in one go.

  The remaining 50,000 will be used as flexible funds to buy food and cope with unexpected expenses.

  "Boss, we are hungry."

  The beast said, touching his growling belly.

  From last night to now, ten hours have passed, and the beasts have worked another 10,000. At this moment, there is thunder in their belly, and their hungry belly is flat.

  "Wait a little longer, I will order takeaway now."

  Li Xiuwen estimated that the orcs had a lot of hard work, and ordered a meal for 19 people on the phone.


  By the way, Tang Heshuo called a truck and pulled away all the first batch of Beastmaster electric cars. He did not start selling immediately. Instead, he came to an electric car factory.

  I saw a sign of Xinghui Electric Depot was erected next to the gate of this electric car factory.

  In terms of names, the two factories of Xinghui and Zhengxing seem to be a bit similar, and both have the word "Xing". In fact, they are really related. Xinghui's boss is Tang Heshuo's cousin far away.

  Although the two are related by blood, because they are all in the pot of Zhushi electric car,

They are not very close to each other.  "Fresh off and off, brother, are you free to come to me? Is it because your factory has closed down and liquidated."

  Tang Zhi originally inspected the workshop. He only returned to the office when he heard that Tang Heshuo had arrived. He saw his cousin who was sitting on the sofa making tea for himself.

  The furnishings of this office are very simple. Instead of a dead desk as big as a wall shelf or bed, there is a set of sofas and two computers.

  "Yes, my electric car factory can't hold on anymore. You're great, you got on the popular shared electric car."

  Tang Heshuo put down the purple sand tea cup in his hand and said with a smile: "But now I have a nuclear weapon, and if it is shot out, it can wipe out 80% of the electric car brands in Nanhu Province, and you are no exception."

  "Oh, are you here to demonstrate?"

  Tang Zhi shook his heart. He walked slowly to the cabinet air conditioner and unbuttoned his coat to reveal his symmetrical figure.

  He asked curiously: "You must not have come here because of this. You should ask me to cooperate if you have something to do. Don't be arrogant.

  "You call the chief engineer, what's that Wei, let's disassemble and analyze."

  "It must be kept secret. If your people can't analyze the reason, I still have to make a little money on it."

  Tang Heshuo shook his head slightly, knowing that he couldn't help this clever cousin, so he had to explain the first generation of Beastmaster.

  "Brother, you are still so cunning, you can move forward and retreat freely."

  Tang Zhi smiled and stretched out his hand, picked up the phone and called the chief engineer Li Wei.

  In the inspection room where unrelated personnel were emptied, there were only three people and an electric car.

  There are many more instruments in this testing room than the Zhengxing factory. There are tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 instruments, which can carry out inspections of electric vehicles from the inside out.

  The battery tester is the most basic, and there are center of gravity detection, brake system detection, controller detection and so on.

  Among them, Tang Heshuo stood by and watched the excitement. Tang Zhi and Li Wei continued to conduct a series of tests, using all the instruments in the testing room.

  "Interestingly, this car is not simple. Did your employees ask someone to make it? The technology is very advanced. UU Reading"

  "The quality is indeed beyond the mainstream products on the market."

  There was a smile on Tang Zhi's face, but his brows were slightly frowned, his eyes sharp.

  "Boss, the parts of this electric car are not the best, but the performance is amazing, which is really strange."

  "Why don't you try to assemble one according to these accessories?"

  Li Wei, the chief engineer, started to get excited, his eyes gleaming, and he kept spinning around the 1st generation of Beastmaster who was full of wires.

  "You go find the exact same parts to assemble, I want to know the effect the first time."

  After Tang Zhi gave his instructions, he led Tang Heshuo back to the office.

  The two brothers sat opposite each other and drank a cup of tea in silence.

  Then Tang Heshuo broke the calm and said, "Even you can't analyze the reason. No one in Zhuzhou City or even Nanhu Province can analyze it. It seems that I have to do the distribution honestly."

  Compared to distribution, it is naturally more profitable to crack the secret and master the core technology.

  Especially the former employee suddenly turned over and became his sole supplier. It is impossible to say that Tang Heshuo is not upset.

  It's just that he can't crack the secret of Beastmaster 1st generation now. He decided to press his restless thoughts and make some money first.

  "I want to start my old relationship and sell electric cars."

  Tang Heshuo stood up and made a suggestion to his cousin: "You also know that I don't have much money right now. Would you like to join in and become my distributor?"

  "Are you willing?"

  Tang Zhi was surprised. The big brother who used to be like an iron cock took the initiative to share his wealth?

  "There is no way, that Li Xiuwen insists that the full payment can only be purchased, and there is a shortage of money."

  Tang Heshuo smiled helplessly.