Power Outage Crisis

Li Xiuwen walked out of the factory gate and looked at the neighbors on his left and right, and found that the rumbling of the machines in their factory did not stop, apparently there was no power outage.

  He thought to himself: It seems that it is not a large-scale blackout, it is probably a circuit problem.

  It's strange that in the previous months of internship, there were only two power outages, or the entire industrial park was out of power.

  A little doubt arose in Li Xiuwen's heart, but he didn't think much.

  The factory's machinery is a big power consumer, and the electricity consumption is not small, and the wiring is easier to break than the domestic wiring. Especially if there is no maintenance for many days, it is very likely that there will be problems.

  "Beast One, you go check the power supply box and see what is wrong."

  "Be careful, don't get electrocuted."

  Li Xiuwen returned to the workshop and ordered the matter down.

  He saw that Beast One used various electric machines proficiently, and he felt that there should be no problem with them.

  As for himself, he didn't dare to touch it. Industrial electricity is much more dangerous than household electricity. Gentlemen don't stand under the dangerous wall.

  "Don't worry, electric machines are the lowest level in our place, and the power supply lines are not much complicated."

  As soon as the beast cracked its mouth, revealing two large shining white teeth, he was not at all concerned about the possible danger.

  Seeing Beast One holding the screwdriver and leaving, Li Xiuwen suddenly wondered why they mastered mechanical processing skills, stretched out his hand to beckon, called Beast Two to his side and asked directly.

  The boss asked the employees, it is normal, but these employees are not local people.

  "Do you remember where you came from?"

  "I don't know, I can't remember."

  Beast Two's face was numb, and his face suddenly became expressionless, like a rigid robot.

  Seeing this, Li Xiuwen shook his head slightly, and had to give up inquiring.

  Depending on the situation, these orcs seem to be under the memory lock and their mouths are very strict. They can't get any useful information out of their mouths.

  "Boss, if you go and take a look, it's unusual."

  As soon as the beast returned from the outside, his face was a little depressed, rubbing his hands with the big fan, as if he blamed himself for not being able to complete the task that Li Xiuwen explained.

  Li Xiuwen followed, and after taking a look at the distribution box, a raging anger suddenly rose in his chest, and he immediately became angry.

  "It turns out that someone deliberately sabotaged, no wonder there was a blackout here!"

  "Don't let me catch you, or you will look good."

  The cover of the distribution box was violently pried open, and the components inside were smashed to pieces, unable to work at all, and the workshop naturally lost power.

  It was broken into such a situation, only to ask the staff of the electric power bureau to repair it. Ordinary people can't repair it. Because of the monopoly nature of electricity, accessories are difficult to buy in the market.

  Just come and go, don't count on calls in one or two days, which will greatly delay the production of electric vehicles.

  Li Xiuwen looked at the shutdown production line and the components piled up in the warehouse. It was painful, as if he saw a large piece of gold flying away.

  One less Beastmaster electric car will be produced after a three-minute stoppage, and money will be lost when there is no electricity.

  "No, you must urge the Electric Power Bureau."

  Li Xiuwen temporarily set aside the black hand that was caught in the dark, and took out his cell phone to dial Tang Heshuo's number.

  He understands that if he applies for the repair of the distribution box through the customer service phone of the Electric Power Bureau, there will be some waiting and only a short cut.

  "President Tang, do you know the people from the power bureau in the industrial park? The company's power distribution box was deliberately smashed, causing the workshop to lose power."

  "You must be a sinner."

  Tang Heshuo is an old fox in a shopping mall. He has a very keen sense of smell. He pointed to the key in the first sentence, and then said with a little complacency: "Fortunately, I know a section chief of the Electric Power Bureau. This little thing is easy to do."

  "But you have to be careful, as long as you can't catch the person behind you,

I guess the workshop may still encounter trouble. "  "Huh! I will specially arrange someone to guard, and I must make that person show up!"

  Li Xiuwen knew what Tang Heshuo had said was reasonable, so he decided to catch the black hand and concoct it vigorously.

  In fact, he guessed something about the identity of the black hand.

  If nothing else, it should be Zhang Jian, the boss of the injection molding factory next door.

  Because Li Xiuwen just took over the factory not long ago, and only had a conflict with Zhang Jian.

  He didn't expect Zhang Jian to do such disgusting things, like street gangsters/hooligans, without any skinny.

  You are a rogue, you will taste the bitter fruit of your own brewing later!

  Li Xiuwen took a look outside. It was in broad daylight, crowded with people and inconvenient to move, so he decided to wait until the evening.

  Before hanging up the phone, Tang Heshuo stated that he had ordered two thousand Beastmaster electric vehicles, and he also promised to sell them out in a short time.

  Li Xiuwen was a little surprised, thinking that he had underestimated Tang Heshuo's contacts before, but he did not expect his sales ability to be so strong.

  After hearing the good news, he felt a little more happy, and his anger was diminished a lot.

  "Boss, it's better to let Beast Five and Beast Six go to secretly monitor the surroundings of the factory, and I will lead others to continue producing electric cars."

  One or two of the beast's bull-eyed eyes lit up and made a suggestion.

  "Let's deal with it this way. You can produce as much as you can. I will order a batch of surveillance cameras."

  Li Xiuwen nodded, the orc drudges are tall and powerful, and one can beat ten ordinary people. As long as the black hand continues to do evil, the possibility of being caught is very high.

  There are several cameras in the workshop, UU reading www. uukanshu.com, but there is only a camera facing the door outside, there are a lot of blind spots, and nothing useful can be taken.

  Before that, no one thought that someone would deliberately destroy an ordinary electric car factory without much precaution.

  Li Xiuwen suddenly woke up, thinking that it is very necessary to increase security and increase cameras, because the outstanding performance of Beastmaster 1 will definitely be eye-catching.

  Cang Dang, Dang Dang!

  Beast One, they are building electric vehicles purely by hand, which are very dynamic, but the efficiency has been reduced by more than ten times, and it is slow like a snail.

  When Li Xiuwen saw it, his anger became even greater, and he couldn't wait to rush to Zhang Jian directly, beating him so that he could not take care of himself.

  One afternoon passed, the sky gradually dimmed, and the street lights came on.

  The smashed distribution box has long been repaired, and the workshop is powered on.

  At this time, there are cameras all over the factory area, monitoring any area in an all-round way. There is no dead end, and a wild cat can be found when it breaks in.

  "Hey, I want to see, who else dares to make small moves behind the scenes!"

  Sitting in the monitoring room, Li Xiuwen looked at dozens of monitoring screens and relaxed a lot.

  Beast One, they also went to work and rested, slurping food.

  Suddenly, on the computer desktop in front of Li Xiuwen, the phone rang.

  "Boss, the workers in the injection molding factory next door started to change shifts. It seems that they are working overtime today."

  The newly summoned Beast Seven and Beast Eight are raw faces and have nothing to do with Li Xiuwen, and no one knows him, so they are just performing surveillance tasks.

  "it is good!"

  Li Xiuwen hesitated for a moment, and finally slapped his palm fiercely, and resolutely said: "Everyone has a rest, and act according to the plan in six hours!"