
"The former Zhengxing factory was too ordinary, so it was changed to a Warcraft factory. Blizzard should not tell us. They make games and we produce real objects."

  Regarding the name change, Li Xiuwen wanted to do it a long time ago, but recently he has been staying in the factory to observe the orcs drudges and has no free time.

  After all, the beasts are not native to the earth. If they come to the crowd, they may cause some accidents. He must be there to supervise them.

  A few days later, when Li Xiuwen saw the beasts working diligently and didn't even go outside the factory gate, his worry was gone.

  It is precisely because he can leave the factory with confidence that he has today's recruitment.

  With Huaxia employees, Li Xiuwen naturally would not do trivial things, and planned to leave it to Kong Lingjun.

  "Mr. Li, the renaming of the company is easy to handle, as long as it is handed over to the agency."

  "The name change is not the most important thing, but what I want to ask is, has the electric vehicle applied for a trademark and patent?"

  "If even the trademark is not registered, our company's product can be regarded as a three-no product. If caught, it will be fined and rectified."

  Kong Lingjun suddenly felt that Li Xiuwen's student-like face was a bit too young and looked unreliable.

  Originally, after he learned about the various advantages of the Beastmaster electric car, he thought that its potential market was very huge, not to mention the whole country, at least it could dominate Nanhu Province.

  At that time, I took advantage of the hot selling trend of electric vehicles and made a large commission. Buying a house and buying a car is not a problem.

  The girlfriend's mother has said the prerequisites. If you want to marry her daughter, you must have a suite and a car in Zhushi.

  But Kong Lingjun suddenly thought that the financial manager and the personnel manager were recruited together with him. This obviously means that the company does not even have the most basic structure.

  In case Li Xiuwen neglects the patent registration of electric vehicles and is rushed by other companies, then his desire to buy a house and a car will not be realized.

  "No, I have been too busy recently and forgot to apply for a trademark. When you change your company name, you should also register the trademark Beastmaster Electric Vehicle."

  "In fact, a series of certificates are being processed by the trustee, such as applying for 3C certification, production license and so on. I really didn't remember the trademark."

  Li Xiuwen was shocked and found that he was really busy, and even forgot to register the trademark. It shouldn't be.

  This shows that no matter how powerful a person is, there are dead ends in thinking!

  He reviewed it and felt that it was a good thing to come out to recruit today. It not only improved the company's organization, but also solved many hidden problems.

  "Mr. Li, don't you apply for a patent for the ultra-long range of the Beastmaster electric car?"

  Kong Lingjun listened to it for a long time, but didn't hear Li Xiuwen mention the vital patent, and couldn't help reminding it again.

  "Why didn't Coca-Cola apply for a patent?"

  Li Xiuwen looked around and scanned the faces of the six new employees, and saw surprise and doubt on their faces.

  He also guessed some of the thoughts in these people's minds: The boss was so dizzy that he didn't even apply for a patent. Such a company closed down very quickly. Should he join it?

  "Because I am confident that other companies cannot crack the technology on the Beastmaster electric car."

  "If that's the case, then why do you disclose the principle and let others know."

  Li Xiuwen is full of confidence and looks like all other electric vehicle companies' technologies are rubbish.

  He can't do anything about it. The drawings produced by the Warcraft Factory are so strange. The quality of +3 means that the performance is improved by 30%. There is no reason at all.

  If he really wanted to apply for a patent, Li Xiuwen could not come up with any technology to convince the Patent Office to let them understand the principle and pass the patent.

  Instead of getting entangled at the time, I simply broke the patent application.

  Before him,

There is only one way, and that is to learn from Coca-Cola and pretend to be never afraid of cracking.  Li Xiuwen's hard performance blocked Kong Lingjun's words back, and could no longer speak.

  As a new employee who hasn't joined the company for a long time, of course, he can't doubt the boss' plan in public, but he still has a lot of hesitation on his face.

  Not only Kong Lingjun is like this, but Lu Jiayue and the other three salespersons are similar, with a lot of hesitation on his face.

  Only Wang Hong, a former retired state-owned enterprise aunt, said that he believed what Li Xiuwen said: "Since Mr. Li said this, everyone naturally believes it."

  As the boss, Li Xiuwen certainly doesn't have to explain anything to his employees. Sometimes, he just needs to show a dictatorship.

  A young takeaway waiting at the door of xx pig's feet meal, his eyes were about to be covered by long bangs, and there were two dark circles under his eyes.

  He was wearing a yellow thermal suit, a work badge hung on his chest, and the two characters Meituan on his back.

  This one seemed to have heard something and came over: "Hi, the Beastmaster electric car is made by your company? Great!"

  Chang Liu's overseas salesperson suddenly became excited, and he opened his mouth and talked endlessly. It was obviously a talk.

  "A colleague of mine bought one when he changed cars, and found that it runs farther than ordinary electric cars. It doesn't need to be charged halfway after a day of running."

  "When I wanted to buy it, the store said it was sold out. I couldn't find your company's official website on the Internet. I was so anxious."

  Li Xiuwen smiled, and he did not expect that the Beastmaster electric car had just been launched and attracted the attention of consumers.

  To put it bluntly, it's very simple. Ordinary household consumers don't have much willingness to change aircraft for long battery life. After all, they only need to go to and from get off work. UU reading

  The delivery staff are different. They run on the road all day and are particularly concerned about the range of electric vehicles.

  Li Xiuwen found that there is an urgent need to do, and that is to make an official website so that potential consumers can find the company.

  "Haha, brother, if you are so optimistic about our products, you must give preferential treatment."

  "Well, you can buy a Beastmaster electric car with 50% off, just find this person."

  "At that time, please promote the company more, especially among your takeaway brothers."

  After speaking, Li Xiuwen reported Kong Lingjun's mobile phone number to the delivery staff.

  "50% off? That can save more than two thousand! I was lucky today."

  "Don't worry, I will try my best to promote the Beastmaster electric car among my company colleagues."

  The overseas salesperson Chang Liu patted his chest, vowing to himself, his face flushed with excitement.

  The pie fell in the sky, and it happened to fall on him, more than two thousand but almost half of his monthly salary.

  "Brothers, come here, something good."

  "Here are the people from the Beastmaster Electric Vehicle Company. Don't you want to switch to electric vehicles? Come here."

  The overseas salesman Chang Liu is very credit-worthy. After taking down Kong Lingjun's mobile phone number, he immediately greeted his colleagues.

  At this time, not only the delivery staff at the entrance of xx pig's knuckles meal came over, but also the delivery staff at the entrances of other restaurants nearby, and surrounded Li Xiuwen and Kong Ling's regiment.

  "I want a Beastmaster electric car."

  "If I pay now, can I get an electric car immediately."

  "Where is your company? Are there any discounts for group purchases?"

  Seeing such a lively scene, Kong Lingjun suddenly felt that it is not a big problem for the boss to be unreliable, and the company he joined has great prospects.