This Is Impossible

"Mr. Li, I don't think the plastic case of the Ruyi console is good. It feels cheap. It is best to replace it with an aluminum alloy case like a mobile phone."

  "The battery in the Ruyi console seems to be a bit weak. It consumes 15% of the power after half an hour of playing. It can be played for more than three hours at most, which is not as good as a normal mobile phone."

  "Also ask programmers to develop mobile applications to adapt to the external device Ruyi, so that the company can collect a batch of registered users and increase the stickiness."

  "If Ruyi can recognize what I want to say, and what words I want to type, it would be great. It's a pity that I don't have these functions now."

  Pieces of suggestions that sounded reasonable came out of the employees who tried it out.

  Li Xiuwen listened, wrote all these down, and added it to the official first version of the product function as appropriate.

  Some of these suggestions do not take much time to implement, such as appearance and feel, which are easy to do.

  But like developing mobile apps, it takes a lot of time and can be done later. If it is launched in a hurry, it will contain a lot of bugs, which will have a bad impact on the consumer experience.

  As for recognizing text information in human brain waves, this is much more complicated than recognizing operating instructions.

  According to the test, Ruyi seems to be able to recognize only simple operation instructions, such as moving the cursor on the phone.

  It can't recognize the abstract text information in brain waves, probably because the text brain waves are too complicated.

  Seeing Ruyi's limited functions, Li Xiuwen was relieved, after all, too strong is not good, and the influence is difficult to control.

  Think about it, no one wants the thoughts in their brains to be read by others, there are no secrets, just like Chi Guoguo without clothes.

  In that case, Ruyi is not an epoch-making electronic consumer product, but a terrifying ideological weapon against people.

  "I remember there is still a batch of aluminum alloy in the warehouse, originally made for electric car shells, now I will use it for Ruyi to see the effect."

  Li Xiuwen said so.

  In today's society, face value is justice, and everything depends on the face.

  If you don't believe it, you can see the so-called frozen age stars. If these people are not frozen age, the audience might have forgotten them.

  The feel of the aluminum alloy shell is twice as good as that of the plastic shell, and the price of the improved self-heating will also increase, at least twice as much.

  Before long, they made a new batch of thirty Ruyi.

  Under the shining of the light, the thirty Ruyi lines with rounded lines gleamed, which was more dazzling than just now, and looked much more upscale.

  "Well, not only does it look good, but it also has a heavy feel, which makes it comfortable."

  "President Li, I have to do my best to test Ruyi, so I have to keep it for a period of time."

  "I want to buy it. There should be an internal price for the company. I want to own it forever."

  After playing around for a while, many employees agreed that the new Ruyi is much better.

  While they sang hymns, they didn't let go of Ruyi, which meant to occupy them.

  "I have decided that Ruyi's ex-factory price is 8,999, and the retail guide price is 9,999 yuan. As for the internal price, there is no such thing."

  Li Xiuwen saw the employees with a pain on their faces and smiled and said: "Every employee can get one, no money."

  He roughly calculated that Ruyi's cost is about 1,000, and it can produce 2,000 per day. This is still based on today's backward production line.

  In the future, if advanced production lines are replaced, and large quantities of raw materials are purchased to lower prices, the cost will continue to decrease.

  Ruyi's gross profit margin will be more amazing than that of the Beastmaster electric car. Making money is no longer about mining gold mines, but directly moving gold mountains over.

  "Long live President Li! You are such a good person."

  The cards of good people flew to Li Xiuwen's hands, making him a little bit dumbfounded, not knowing whether he should be angry or angry.


  "You have enough time to have fun after get off work, and now you are all working for me.

  Yan Jia, you go to apply for a patent, Lu Jiayue, you go to register Ruyi's trademark, Sister Wang Hong, please call the supplier to purchase raw materials. "

  As soon as Li Xiuwen smiled, he was very proficient in squeezing the employees, and turned them around.

  Of course, he himself has important things to do, and that is to explain to Kong Lingjun an important task, he must fire the first shot of wishful thinking and create topics on the Internet.


  Ye Nan looked at the phone. It was almost seven o'clock. He hurriedly combed his hair and combed his hair smoothly, which made his handsomeness increase by 1 point.

  After graduating from university, he found that it was not easy to find a good job. Hearing that the business of webcasting is very profitable, he became an anchor with his heart.

  After becoming an anchor, Ye Nan discovered a cruel fact, that is, the anchor is also difficult to do, making money is not like picking up money in the legend.

  The annual salary of ten million a year like that of a top anchor is simply a dream, and it is not something ordinary people can get.

  Fortunately, Ye Nan relied on his being so handsome and active, able to attract non-girl fans.

  After getting a little fame, I can barely eat it.

  Ye Nan even developed some negative "friendships" with several local female fans.

  After experiencing the sweetness, he felt that the anchor could do it for a while, not for money, but to develop friendships with female fans.

  Bang bang bang!

  The door was knocked loudly, interrupting Ye Nan's upcoming action.

  [Could it be that which female fan came to the door? ]

  Ye Nan's eyes showed a bit of pride, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com opened the door a little impatiently.

  "Damn, who are you looking for, knock so loudly!"

  Outside the door was not the female fan he had imagined, but a strange man in a full suit and leather shoes, Ye Nan, who was angry, roared.

  "You are the'Ye Haonan' of Douyu platform, right? There is a single product promotion that you can not accept?"

  Kong Lingjun has experienced many battles and has seen more grumpy customers. He has already cultivated the ability to not be surprised, and said with a smile.

  "How much? No medical products!"

  Hearing that there was money to be made, Ye Nan's anger almost disappeared, and he said straightforwardly.

  [Damn, the money sent is not made for nothing, it made me think about it before, and I have to cut this guy severely! ]

  This is not the first time he has received an advertisement, but usually only a few local restaurants and supper stall owners in Zhushi are looking for him, and it looks like a few hundred to one thousand, not many.

  "It's not a medicine, it's a smart wearable product. The reward is 10,000 yuan, but it's not directly given to you, but a reward."

  "Ah, I picked it up! The product, let me see how it can be inserted into the live broadcast without being obtrusive."

  Ye Nan decided to take this order without thinking about it for a second.

  After deducting the platform commission, this 10,000 can get at least 5,000, which is equivalent to his usual monthly income.

  "You are wrong. You are not advertising Ruyi for a few minutes, but using it from start to finish."

  "What, it's impossible! I won't mess up the anchor's career for ten thousand dollars."

  Ye Nan looked at the unchangeable expression on Kong Lingjun's face, his chest was raging, and he wanted to smash it with a fist.