Your execution ability caught my attention

As soon as Li Xiuwen's threats came out, these demanding guys were all honest, and no longer dared to talk about them, for fear of being driven away and failing to get a target.

  "Where did you know Ruyi? I think you probably won't all have time to watch the live broadcast."

  These people have small fortunes, either owning their own shops or owning their own business, and logically speaking, they should be very busy at work.

  "My nephew told me."

  "My friend's son notified me."

  It turned out to be the children and nephews of these people. They often go to the live broadcast rooms of the local anchors. The famous Ye Nan is also one of their concerns.

  The imagination of these young people is not low. After discovering that Ye Nan had advertised Ruyi, he immediately notified his relatives who were doing business. This is what happened now.

  The strength of this group of bosses is not too strong, they are one or two million more than ordinary citizens, and they are not big bosses.

  They have the enthusiasm to see the benefits, but they are very powerful, and they are able to give up on their faces regardless of their face.

  Hearing the news that he could make money, he rushed to the gate of the World of Warcraft factory and blocked Wang Hong.

  Maybe they are relying on this trick to accumulate their current wealth, so they firmly believe that they can obtain the qualifications of a wishful sales agent.

  "Sorry, we will only consider selling Ruyi online for the time being. If you want to buy it, just buy it online."

  Li Xiuwen thought for a few seconds, thinking that their identity was not suitable for selling Ruyi.

  Think about it, Ruyi, which sells for nearly 10,000 yuan, can't buy a few units for all of them, and the strength is not enough.

  Moreover, these small bosses are all local businessmen in Zhuzhou, and the potential consumers they face are also limited. However, the online store can cover the whole country. It is clear how to choose.

  "Mr. Li, all right, give me a bite of food."

  "Mr. Li, you eat alone like this, it's not a big deal."

  Several bosses refused to give up, either playing emotional cards or vomiting threats, saying everything.

  [It's really like a fly, don't you want to take the initiative to leave, right? ]

  Li Xiuwen smiled coldly when he heard the words, his chest was full of anger, and his face was not polite.

  These people are so ridiculous. The products they produce are sold as they wish. They have nothing to do with them.

  "You guys drove all these people away. I never want to see them again."

  Three or four tall orc men working hard, strode forward aggressively, full of wind.

  When the middle-aged bosses saw the orcs working hard for about two meters, they suddenly withered, like frightened quails, obediently driven far away.

  "Sister Wang, don't pay attention to these people in the future, just let the workers drive away."

  When Li Xiuwen passed by Wang Hong, he exhorted him.

  "Okay, President Li."

  Wang Hong nodded.

  In fact, sales manager Kong Lingjun is more suitable for contact with these people, but he took the task to recruit people, otherwise Wang Hong sitting in the office would not come out to face the problem.

  Toot, toot!

  There were several loud whistle sounds behind him.

  "Here is another smart guy." Wang Hong looked at the light truck and muttered.

  Just now because of these people, Li Xiuwen asked her to say a few words, naturally, she was not very happy.

  Li Xiuwen turned around, feeling even more bored, looking at the two men who got off the light truck, planning to let the orcs to drive them away after a while.

  The two are middle-aged and young.

  The middle-aged man is fine, ordinary, nothing surprising, just like a middle-aged man; the young man is dressed upright and close-fitting, his eyes are piercing, and he looks very powerful.

  "Two, please come back, this is the production center,

Idlers do not enter. "  An orc hard worker stretched out ordinary people's thick legs and stopped them, and said with an urn sound.

  "Who is your superior? Ask him to come out and talk to me and say that consumers have come to pick up the goods!"

  The middle-aged man saw at a glance that it was probably the security guards who stopped him, he couldn't speak at all and couldn't make a decision.

  "We don't supply it here, you should leave."

  The orc drudge resolutely implemented the instructions given by Li Xiuwen and stopped all strangers, without any accommodation.

  The middle-aged man looked very angry and kept negotiating with the orcs, but in the end he did nothing.

  "Haha, two more fools."

 ��"Cut, we can't get the goods, and no one else can get it."

  "They know it now. These stupid workers don't make sense at all, they are like rocks."

  The group of small bosses who had been rushed to more than ten meters before, cheerfully watched the newcomer's rejection, and felt much better.

  There was a piece of fat in front of them, oily red and shiny, and smelling fragrant. They just couldn't eat it, so itchy in their hearts.


  The young man was Wei Jie who came from Shashi. He did not join in the negotiations, and stood by and carefully observed the surroundings.

  If it was only for the transportation of goods, he would not have to come here, he would just send an experienced employee.

  However, Wei Jie judged that the strength of the Warcraft Factory was not very large, and it should be in urgent need of resources at the moment. It is very possible to reach a cooperation when he came, so he came with the car.

  When he glanced over Li Xiuwen, he immediately shouted.

  "The management staff over there, I did not come to purchase, but came to pick up more than 1,900 Ruyis purchased on Taobao. UU Read

  I took a look at the logistics information, you haven't shipped it yet, right now, you don't need to pack it, I will take it away. "

  Li Xiuwen, who had walked into the factory at this time, still heard Wei Jie's call clearly, and walked outside again under curiosity.

  "You can actually wait for the courier to be delivered to your door. Why do you come here in person?"

  He asked Wei Jie.

  Li Xiuwen couldn't see through this young man a bit, guessing that this person is probably very optimistic about Ruyi.

  This young man is not only rich (almost 2,000 Ruyi), but also has super vision and execution ability. Even he himself admires him.

  Sure enough, the rich second generations are not all drunk fans, parasites who go to bars all day long, but because of the substantial education they have received since childhood, there is a high probability that they will be excellent.

  Li Xiuwen thought to himself, before he got the system, he didn't have as strong executive power as this person.

  It is very boring to stay in the workshop all day to operate the machine. After get off work, besides eating, he is watching the live broadcast of the beauty.

  Although I was dissatisfied with the working environment and thought about changing careers, I still procrastinated, and one day passed without serious implementation.

  Because it is very difficult to change careers and learn new knowledge from scratch. It is ten times more painful than watching a live broadcast.

  Therefore, Li Xiuwen still admires people with strong execution ability. He smiles on his face when he speaks, and is much more cordial than facing those small bosses.

  "My name is Wei Jie and I came by train from Shashi. What do you call it? Please tell your company executives, I want to cooperate with you."

  Wei Jie seized the opportunity to mention his sincerity a little bit.

  Look at me running all the way, at least to give me a little face, let you talk about it.