Tit For Tit

Walking into the reception room, Li Xiuwen saw the three small teams are very distinct, facing each other and looking at each other coldly, they almost collided with sparks.

  The district government came from a middle-aged man with a smile on his face, the deputy director of the office surnamed Jiang, sitting far away and not participating in the middle of the three teams.

  From the looks of it, the teams sent by the three companies should have communicated with each other, and no consensus was reached.

  "My opinion is very clear, that is not to accept other people's shares. If you want to see me, you are satisfied now, you can go."

  Li Xiuwen doesn't have so much patience. He dawdles with unrelated people. He is not making any capital shares as a principle and cannot be changed.

  Hearing Li Xiuwen's resolute refusal, the faces of the three teams changed, and the clouds were covered.

  Han Yu, the person in charge of Lida's mobile phone, barely smiled on his thin black face, and is still making the last effort.

  "Mr. Li, don't you think about it. The Lida mobile phone chain has branches in every county and city in the province, and they are all located in the main business circle with dense traffic."

  "If we both invest in each other's shares, you will immediately have a sales channel all over the province, and the doubled sales volume will not be a problem."

  Han Yu rushed in front of the negotiators of the other two companies and expressed his kindness.

  After Han Yu finished speaking, he winked at Director Jiang.

  "Well, Mr. Li, please think about it. The Lida mobile phone chain is the largest mobile phone sales company in Nanhu Province, and it is very strong in sales."

  Director Jiang has always been quiet, and his presence is not strong at all.

  However, he has always represented the official, and suddenly expressing his opinions at this time still has some weight.

  At least Li Xiuwen didn't dare to ignore it as he did with Han Yu. When listening to Director Jiang, he nodded slightly, listening intently.

  The reason is very simple. The Warcraft Factory is located on the land of Zhushi. If he changes to another city official, he will not bother to pretend.

  Li Xiuwen has not only heard of the Lida mobile phone chain, but also seen it when shopping.

  The exterior is decorated like a communication business hall, with no special features and an unimpressive shop, giving him a very old feeling.

  However, because of the geographical advantage and the frequent employment of young men and women to distribute flyers, many middle-aged and elderly people will enter because of the discounts on the flyers.

  Young people who are the main consumers either buy mobile phones from the Internet or go to stores set up by mobile phone brands to buy mobile phones. They rarely come to such chain stores.

  In their words, the same chain store as ten years ago is not cool at all, very old fashioned.

  Lida is like the setting sun on the West Mountain, while the Warcraft Factory is just as rising as it can be.

  If the two parties exchange shares, it is obvious who will lose.

  "The director said very well, but there is really little benefit from cooperation. Nanhu Province is located in the middle of China. People's income is average. There are still very few people willing to spend 10,000 yuan on Ruyi."

  "So Manager Han, if your store is opened in the Yangtze River Delta or the Pearl River Delta region, it will be similar. I suspect that if you cooperate with Lida, Ruyi's sales will not increase at all."

  Li Xiuwen shook his head, but still refused.

  His expression at this time was already very impatient, but the representatives of the three companies ignored him and sat on the sofa and refused to move their hips.

  He disliked this kind of stalking and disgusted.

  [Okay, since you are not going, then I can go. ]

  Li Xiuwen felt that he had completed the task, and he also explained to the district government: It's not that I don't give face, but the conditions they put forward are not favorable enough.

  He turned and walked in the direction he came from, with a clear attitude to terminate the negotiation, without any muddle-headedness.

  At this time, not only Lida's Han Yu was angry, but the other two companies were also angry.

  From Li Xiuwen's neat movements, they all felt the potential meaning of contempt and completely indifferent.

  "Mr. Li, take a step, listen to me."

  Another company, Zhao Guangying, the person in charge of Jinli Microfinance Company, suddenly stopped Li Xiuwen.


  Li Xiuwen looked slantingly, and said nothing.

  If the Lida mobile phone chain is not keeping up with the times, then Jinlian has rushed into the trend of the times and started small online loans, which can be said to be a daily advance.

  Before the China Banking Regulatory Commission's documents came out, Li Xiuwen had seen an advertisement for Jin Liao in college. He heard that some students actually borrowed money and then needed to pay up to 100% of the annual interest.

  Now the country has a clear stipulation that companies like Jinnian have been hit, they can no longer advertise in universities, and their income has plummeted.

  This kind of pure financial blood-sucking company, in his opinion, Billida mobile phone chain chain has a lot of black hearts, so he doesn't even want to say anything.

  "Everyone is mixing up in Zhushi. It can be said that they are natural fellows. Doesn't Mr. Li want to have a helper to deal with possible troubles."

  "Oh, by the way, President Li hasn't graduated from university, so he probably doesn't know the rules of society. That is, you can't eat alone. If you have money, you must make money. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will have troubles. "

  Zhao Guangying squinted his narrow eyes, and there was a murderous look through the gap, don't stare at Li Xiuwen deeply.

  When Director Jiang heard this, he moved back, and he was about to move to the corner.

  "Hehe, can Manager Zhao say something about the trouble? I, a person who hasn't left school, really don't know the consequences. Let me have a long experience."

  Li Xiuwen didn't see any timidity on his face, he looked like a curious baby.

  "Very well, I rarely see a brave young man like you. But who makes me a good person? You can call me if you have trouble that can't be solved."

  Zhao Guangying stared at Li Xiuwen fiercely, then exaggerated without a smile, leaving a golden business card.

  No one could see that Zhao Guangying had something in his words, and he was by no means kind to help.

  "Manager Zhao's phone call is too expensive, and I can't call it."

  Li Xiuwen said with a smile, as if he didn't realize the danger at all.


  Zhao Guangying led two tall and sturdy men away, and when he passed Li Xiuwen, he gave a cold snort.

  "Mr. Li, if our two companies exchange shares, Lida Mobile Phone Chain can absolutely guarantee that any trouble will be resolved."

  Han Yu still didn't give up and tried to persuade.

  "Han, don't blow your cowhide! Lida is just a dead old man, almost insolvent, what else is there."

  Zhao Guangying had already walked to the door, turned his head and spoke disdainfully, breaking out a major news.


  Han Yu stared at Zhao Guangying angrily.

  If his eyes were knives, this would chop Zhao Guangying into meat foam.