What to do, there are 2 more hostile companies


  "What a group of greedy guys, I would never agree."

  Li Xiuwen hung up, his face was pale, a thin layer of anger emerged, and he said with hatred.

  Li Xiuwen was still very happy to return from the hospital to the old factory area of ​​the Warcraft Factory, which is now the shipping center.

  After Wei Yunfeng was fitted with a brain-controlled prosthesis, he was able to walk normally and move smoothly.

  As long as he doesn't run, he looks no different from ordinary people, completely free of the label of a disabled person.

  After the recovery, Wei Yunfeng first called his girlfriend Zhang Yuting and ran to apologize for his bad attitude over the past few days.

  The next thing is not good.

  Li Xiuwen called Nanhu University and raised one thing. He was willing to pay a 5% sales commission for the use of a dozen patents in Liang Bianyao's laboratory.

  This is no longer low for patent authorization, much higher than the usual two or three points of patent fees.

  However, the Asset Management Office of South Lake University believes that not only is it necessary to charge patent fees, but also the raw materials for the production of prosthetic limbs from the Warcraft Factory in the future, but also can only be purchased from them.

  Such conditions are quite harsh, and they don't even have the right to purchase raw materials independently, which will inevitably be greatly restricted.

  The Warcraft Factory has become a supplier of supplied materials, and can only make a little hard money, which is not as good as Foxconn, at least the latter can purchase raw materials independently.

  Of course, Li Xiuwen rejected such unequal conditions and hung up the phone.

  At that time, he also heard the chuckle from the other end of the phone, quite arrogant and disdainful.

  People in the asset management office seem to think that the WoW factory will inevitably give in if it wants to make prostheses.

  Nowadays, the state pays more and more attention to intellectual copyright. If you secretly use patents without paying, the consequences of being caught can be serious.

  The best example is Kuaibo, which was taken down by LeTV and other TV and movie copyright owners.

  For the asset management office, patent authorization is just a small matter, because it is the school and the country that receives the authorization fee.

  However, the potential benefits of raw materials are more important than patent fees.

  "Mr. Li, this, this is really embarrassing. I will go back to school now and persuade the principal to take care of it."

  Professor Liang Bianyao's old face blushed, he apologized first, and then said very righteously.

  The professor did not have enough confidence in his heart to ask the principal to stop the asset management office from making more money, because it was against the interests of the school management.

  It's harder to touch interests than to touch souls. This is not just a talk.

  "Forget it, there is no need to ask the principal. I will let the engineer study it by himself and avoid patents."

  Li Xiuwen shook his hand and rejected Liang Bianyao's suggestion, saying that he was very powerful and there was no need to ask for help.

  Didn't the Asset Management Office threaten the Warcraft Factory with patents? Now you don't need those patents at all, go away!

  Li Xiuwen is very confident in the abilities of the orcs' hard work and masters of dexterity, and believes that there is no problem even in producing cars.

  No matter what, buy high-precision machine tools directly from the system store.

  At that time, any machine product on the earth can be manufactured with machine tools that exceed the CNC machining centers that the United States and Japan have waited, coupled with workers with strong manufacturing capabilities.

  This is Li Xiuwen's confidence and the fundamental reason why he did not hesitate to reject the proposal of the Asset Management Office.

  "Hey, how did things get to this point."

  Professor Liang Bianyao sighed and greeted the students to leave, his back a little depressed.

  The professor was also very annoyed, but he didn't know who was attacking this depression. In short, the interests are all moving.

  Li Xiuwen turned on the phone and clicked on the system that had been idle for several days.

  "You come to me if you have any problems, and don't even say hello to you. I was really blind!"

  A text box pops up,

Angrily accused Li Xiuwen.  "It's okay, of course I won't look for you. I would rather lie the gold bricks in the safe than see them being eaten by you."

  "So angry. Ahhhhhh!"

  Li Xiuwen turned a deaf ear, reached out his hand to cross out the text that popped up from the system, clicked on the store, and started searching.

  Titanium alloy prosthetic drawings (green), bionic prosthetic drawings (green), and biomechanical prosthetic drawings (green)...

  After clicking on these green drawings, after reading the explanation for a while, Li Xiuwen wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and cleared all the drawings.

  Because the things introduced on these drawings are too powerful, even a normal person like him has the urge to cut off his hands and feet to install prosthetic limbs.

  This is not to restore the ability of the disabled to work, but to create a soldier who exceeds the elite special forces. It is too damn dangerous.

  Li Xiuwen still doesn't want social chaos. The current state is not bad. Although ordinary people need to be house slaves for decades, they can always live in peace.

  War-torn countries such as Syria and Iraq are simply a hell for ordinary people, and capable people have escaped.

  After Li Xiuwen limited the drawing to the white level, he selected the bionic prosthetic drawing (white) and spent gold to buy it.

  On paper, the shape of this bionic prosthetic limb is very similar to that of a normal limb, and it can almost be faked.

  The performance is also very good, each finger toe is equipped with a micro motor, which can bend independently and is extremely flexible.

  "Tsk tusk, the cost is a bit expensive, the cost is almost 100,000. Waiting for the hard workers to reduce the performance, cut costs, and then integrate the brain wave recognition chip."

  Li Xiuwen is very satisfied with the performance of the bionic prosthesis. UU reading www.uukanshu.com just doesn't like its high cost.

  Ordinary people are not special soldiers, so they don't have to perform vigorous activities, so the bones don't need too good alloys, and the battery capacity is not too big.

  Reduce everything that can reduce costs, Li Xiuwen calculated that the cost of the bionic prosthesis would probably be reduced to 50,000, and then it would not be able to reduce it.

  "Even if I do good deeds and do good deeds, I will add a processing fee of 10,000 yuan, and the price is 60,000 yuan. But the output has to be limited and can't take up too much hard work."

  Li Xiuwen recalled the pleading scene of the family of the amputee patient in his mind, and felt soft and decided not to make money on the bionic prosthesis.

  He also grew up in an ordinary family, knowing that 60,000 yuan is a lot for ordinary citizen families.

  If you really don't have money, you can only hold a few thousand yuan, a lifeless, inactive prosthetic.

  This kind of prosthesis can only pretend and has no other effect.

  Compared with the smart prostheses sold by companies such as Germany's Ottobock and Iceland's Ossur, the performance of the bionic prostheses exceeds a lot, and the price is tens of thousands of yuan lower. It can be said that it is the conscience of the industry.

  The prosthetic limbs sold by these two companies account for 60 to 70% of the domestic market, which is almost a monopoly.

  Li Xiuwen is a little bit distressed now that after the sales of these two companies plummeted, there will be two more enemy companies on the list.

  The phone rang.

  "Boss, we have posted something on the new chip production line. Come and have a look."

  It was a call from Master Skilled Hand No. 1.

  "What went wrong?"

  Li Xiuwen is not worried about the safety of the new factory. Under the defense of hundreds of orcs, ordinary people don't even want to get in.