
Second sewage treatment plant.

  Unlike ordinary office areas where only a few domestic air purifiers are installed, imported Philips purifiers are installed in the general manager's office, which is extremely effective.

  The function of the tens of thousands of purifiers is to hit, so that there is no peculiar smell in the room, and there is only a fresh forest smell, which makes people feel happy.

  On the black leather sofa, two white fleshy insects were entangled, and the sweaty body exuded the strange smell of heather.

  Toot toot.

  A new message came, and the phone on the large Limu desk vibrated.

  Sun Tao stretched out his fat palm, took a look at it, and put it down proudly: "Small, I dare to come to the door, now I have to be convinced!"

  After speaking, his chubby palm slapped the woman on his thigh and laughed.

  "Brother Tao, what good things have you encountered?"

  The beautiful woman with awl face painted with heavy makeup asked very thoughtfully.

  Just think about it, and you will know what you have achieved but there is no place to show off.

  That's why this beauty can maintain long-term contact with Sun Tao and own a house instead of being dumped the next day.

  Although the area of ​​this suite is small, only about fifty square meters, she can be regarded as a person who has a property, and she can despise those who are courteous.

  "Hehe, a nouveau riche rented the land of the old shipyard, and then came to ask me to remove the odor from the outside. You said it was ridiculous? It was so happy to complain to the mayor."

  Sun Tao's heart was scratched too comfortably, his eyebrows were open and his eyes were grinning, his eyes turned into mung beans.

  Can't wait to show off, just like the monkey king who defeated the challenger.

  "That's so funny, who doesn't know your seat is stable, even the mayor dare not act rashly."

  The beautiful woman with the awl face flattered Sun Tao at the right time and laughed.

  "Your little mouth is so sweet as honey, I like it so much."

  Sun Tao wanted to reward the little goblin well, but when he looked down, the little brother couldn't keep up, so he had to use words to reward him.

  "Brother Tao, I recently took a fancy to a new bag from Hermes, which costs more than 10,000."

  "It's okay, I'll pay you!"

  "Brother, you are so kind."

  The beautiful girl with awl face has big eyes flickering, showing worship.

  Sun Tao watched with enthusiasm and wanted to fight for three hundred rounds, but the effect of the little blue pill had disappeared, and the little brother was still like a bug.

  Jingle Bell.

  The fixed phone on the desk rang, and then he kept hissing repeatedly.


  Sun Tao picked up the phone bitterly.

  He knew that if there were no major events, this work phone would not be like this.

  "Liu Gong, what the hell is going on?"

  "Mr. Sun, the reagents in the No. 3 reaction tank are used up, and there is not a barrel in the warehouse. What should I do now? Stop receiving sewage?"

  An anxious male voice came from the other end of the phone. After explaining the situation, he made a reasonable suggestion.

  "Are you a pig head, come here for work the first day? If you stop accepting sewage, the money will be earned by a factory! Don't stop, continue to receive it."

  "As for the medicine, order it for me now. It should be there within 24 hours. This time is a bird."

  Sun Tao turned into a roaring emperor, spitting wildly, and roared like a grandson.

  "Ah, Mr. Sun! In this case, the treated wastewater we discharged will be unqualified, and the bacteria will exceed the standard by hundreds of times, and the consequences will be more serious."

  Liu Gong was frightened by the spray, but driven by his conscience, he persuaded him again.

  "Idiot! Stupid! Do what I say, or just leave me. There are a lot of people who want to take your seat."

  Meet disobedient subordinates,

Sun Tao became more upset, the anger on his face lurked, and said gloomily.  "Well, I'm thinking about quitting, so I will quit the job of cutting off children and grandchildren!"

  After Liu Gong finished speaking, he snapped up the phone.


  Sun Tao grabbed the jade lion paperweight beside the table and threw it to the ground.

  More than 20,000 lion paperweights turned into pieces and became worthless.

  The beautiful woman with a awl face carefully shrank aside and closed her mouth tightly, not daring to make a sound or make a sound.

  Sun Tao dialed the number of the security officer.

  "Old Tan, take care of the engineer surnamed Liu. He is not allowed to call or go online for 24 hours!"

  "Okay, Mr. Sun. I'll take two brothers to watch him now, and I must keep him from accessing all networked devices."

  After dealing with the matter, Sun Tao was still angrily, and the curse on his mouth never stopped.

  "The surnamed Liu, toast and not eat fine wine, let you taste how good I am! You said there are too many bacteria in the waste water, so you will be full."

  Hey hey.

  Just as Sun Tao was planning how to teach Liu Gong, the light in the room flashed and went out.

  Suddenly, the office with an area of ​​more than two hundred square meters was dim.

  Fortunately, the green emergency indicator lights up, and the faint light emitted is so kind.

  "What's going on today, all bad things have come together!"

  Sun Tao complained, vaguely feeling a little wrong, as if walking into the wild with a large stray dog ​​behind him.

  For a while, the medicine ran out, and then there was a power outage, and there seemed to be a cloud of decay over his head, and the passing years were disadvantageous.

  So Sun Tao decided to take some time to burn incense in the temple tomorrow to drive away mildew.

  With a loud bang, the office door was violently pushed open, and strong wind rushed in with the stench.


  Sun Tao, who had been in a clean room, was suddenly dizzy, nauseated, and coughing constantly.

  "Who? Did your hand break? You won't knock on the door. Don't close it quickly, you want to kill me!"

  Sun Tao didn't even write, thinking it was an employee from the factory who rushed in.

  The sewage plant is always shrouded in stench, and even stray cats and dogs are reluctant to come, let alone people.

  So he clutched his nose and roared in anger, but unfortunately he didn't take in enough air, and the effect of roaring was very poor, without any momentum.

  Under the light of the green emergency indicator, the tall figure who rushed in said nothing, and walked heavy steps to the side of the sofa, in front of Sun Tao.

  "What's your name, who is the supervisor?"

  Through the dim light, Sun Tao saw this person's face unfamiliar, without any impression, and his heart shrank.

  But he was bold enough and asked.

  Maybe this person is a new temporary worker, don't scare yourself first.


  The beautiful woman with awl face had been startled by the sudden power failure. At this moment, she could not control the fear in her heart when she saw the stranger rushing over, and she screamed.

  The stranger, who was nearly two meters tall, stared at Sun Tao for a second, as if he was comparing information and confirming his identity.

  In the next second, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed Sun Tao's neck, and lifted it up like a hen.

  "Let go of me, it hurts me!"

  Sun Tao only felt like his neck was tied up by an iron hoop, and it was painful.

  He grabbed his hands on the stranger's wrists, but he felt like he was grabbing an iron pillar, and he couldn't break it even after exhausting his strength.

  "What are you going to do, I'll give you money, and let me a million!"

  Sun Tao struggled for several times, but it still didn't work, so he had to give up and use money as a temptation.

  In his opinion, as long as it is a living person, there is no one who dislikes money.

  People in the role of thugs like strangers are guys who are in desperate need of money and will never refuse.

  Suddenly, Sun Tao found that the big hand on his neck was a little looser, he was ecstatic, and said quickly.

  "Brother, as long as you let me go, I will immediately send two million in cash, all of which are banknotes without any trouble."

  "Money, where is it?"

  A dry one speaks intermittently like a child who has just learned to speak.

  "In the safe, my left palm is the code."

  Sun Tao wanted to give away one million in person, so as to get away from the big hand of the stranger.

  He was sure that his neck must be bruised and swollen.

  As for getting out of trouble, it is absolutely necessary to start a relationship, find this person and send him to prison, and let the prisoners entertain him.

  The plan of revenge can only be established after getting out of trouble. Sun Tao understands that the best way now is to cooperate and leave this person satisfied.

  A large oil painting on the wall opened, revealing the metal door of the safe.

  The super hard metal door reflects the cold light under the green light. There is a palm-sized area in the center, which is exactly the size of a person's palm.

  Without being ordered by others, Sun Tao took the initiative to move his palm.


  After the safe was opened, it revealed the inside that was almost full of things.

  Bundles of banknotes are neatly laid out, like well-ordered bricks.

  At a glance, there are at least two to three million in the safe.

  If you add the gems and diamonds in the top jewelry box, the total value is almost more than ten million.

  "You, that's it, some money? The general manager of five years, UU reading only made so much!"

  The stranger seemed to be angry, and his palm increased a little.

  He spoke more and more smoothly, seemingly because he spoke more and gained experience.

  "Brother, in five years, I always have to spend money. The woman next to me spends 20,000 to 30,000 a month. It also costs money to buy a house quietly, so there is only a little left. "

  "You also take those jewels, but they need to be shipped carefully, otherwise they are easy to spot."

  Sun Tao was about to cry, enduring the severe pain, and quickly explained before breaking his neck.

  "Very, good. For your meekness, it will reduce your time of suffering by one hour."

  The stranger put the banknotes and the jewelry box in the travel bag, holding the bag in one hand, and Sun Tao in the other, walking towards the door.

  "Ah, brother! I gave you all the money, why don't you let me go?"

  Sun Tao was urinating in a hurry, and wanted to make a foul language: You and he are not trustworthy.

  It's just that he can't guarantee whether his neck will break after the explosion.

  The stranger stopped talking at all, just walked in silence.

  Sun Tao did not dare to call for help, fearing to anger this person, even if he knew there were dozens of workers in the factory.

  Of course, he was also a little settled in his heart, because this person said before that he would suffer himself, so his life is still a little safer.

  Sun Tao suddenly found that the stench in the air became stronger and stronger, and his brain started to strike and became groggy.

  "Stay here for twenty-three hours, and enjoy it slowly."

  Sun Tao only felt that his mouth was stuck with adhesive tape, his arm was tied to the cold iron pipe by a metal chain, and he watched the stranger leave alone.

  "Do not!"