Purification of Bacteria

Li Xiuwen stood in front of an unknown instrument the size of a white computer desk, watching the green light sweep the light yellow river water in the cup, waiting for the result.

  Even such a small cup of polluted river water still emits a faint smell, although it is not strong, it still irritates the nose.


  "The content of organic matter in the sample exceeds the standard by 5 times, bacteria by 20 times, metal ions by 2 times, and toxic compounds by 3 times. It is recommended that the cultivation direction of purified bacteria is compound type, and the original bacterial species are extracted and synthesized from the sample."

  This machine, called the Bacteria Treatment Environmental Instrument (green), is a new tool Li Xiuwen purchased from the system to treat the smelly river next to the factory.

  The operation is very foolish, just put the sample river water inside the instrument, in the abdominal space similar to the microwave oven.

  Li Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief. There is no need to recruit a few PhDs in environmental governance. The chances of exposure are greatly reduced and confidentiality is greatly enhanced.

  "Train it."

  Buzzing, buzzing.

  A green beam of light shot down, covering the entire glass, and the big machine shook slightly.

  After more than ten minutes, the river water in the cup became more and more transparent, without any smell, and looked very clean, just like pure water.

  However, there is a purple mushroom umbrella the size of a thumb cap floating on the water surface of the cup, which is very conspicuous and can be seen at a glance.

  "Cultivation is complete. The purified bacteria have a lifespan lock in their genes, and they will die after 50 generations to avoid affecting the environment and organisms."

  After reading the detailed introduction, Li Xiuwen roughly understood the working principle of this purifying bacteria.

��� Purifying bacteria use the nutrients in the domestic sewage to reproduce, and at the same time absorb metal ions and various toxic chemicals in the water.

  When it ages and dies, a large amount of heavy metals and toxic compounds accumulate in the body.

  At this time, just fish it out of the water and bury it well.

  "Very good, bacteria that are not out of control are the best bacteria."

  Li Xiuwen has watched many science fiction disaster movies, and naturally he is also worried that the cultivated bacteria will multiply unrestrictedly and threaten other creatures.

  Now that this kind of purification bacteria with a limited life span is put into river water, there is no need to worry about it multiplying violently and causing disasters like red tides.

  The genetic lock in the essence of bacteria can not only lock the reproduction number of bacteria, but also prevent other laboratories from deciphering the genes.

  With this method, Monsanto did it very well.

  The seeds of genetically modified crops sold abroad are all genetically locked. Farmers don't want to use seeds to propagate the second generation.

  Therefore, farmers who have tasted the sweetness of genetically modified crops can only buy seeds from Monsanto every year and endure year after year of exploitation.

  Purifying bacteria is similar. Without the colony provided by the Warcraft Factory, others don't want to get it for free.

  Li Xiuwen picked up the cup and walked outside, walking briskly, because he didn't want to endure the stench from the wind anymore.

  The steel structure factory building is a bit crude and cannot be completely sealed. Even if it is equipped with more air purifiers, it is not very useful. The smelly air will always infiltrate.

  The sun rises from the east, and warm sunlight shines on the earth.

  Li Xiuwen's body was exposed to the sun and felt warm and very comfortable.

  Standing on the embankment, watching the light yellow Xiangjiang River flowing slowly below and the garbage floating on the water, he shook his head slightly.

  After entering the modern era, no matter what the river is, it looks like this pollution. The Yangtze River and the Pearl River are no exception. The beautiful scenery is never seen again.

  No matter how the waste water is treated, the pollutants in it are difficult to completely remove, and at most it is maintained at a low level.

  "Just because the air I breathe every day is better, I must also purify the nearby river.

"  Li Xiuwen clutched his nose and threw it hard.

  The glass cup crossed an arc and fell into the river water, and the purified bacteria in the cup spread into the river water.

  After half an hour, a piece of water downstream of Li Xiuwen became clear and transparent, and the bottom of the river could be seen faintly.

  At the same time, a large strip of purple ribbon floats on the water, which is very conspicuous and gorgeous, making it a bit uncomfortable to look at.

  Next, the purple bands spread rapidly, spreading across the water before long, and flowed downstream with the river.

  However, the upstream sewage treatment plant pipeline continues to discharge light yellow wastewater, so after the old purple ribbon is washed away, new ones emerge from the water.

  The entire water area became clear, sparkling in the sunlight, as if a golden scale armor had been issued.

  Such beautiful scenery was impossible before, and some only had pungent turbid river water.

  Li Xiuwen took a deep breath, and his whole body became more vigorous. And it only smelled a little stink, which was still floating from the pipe.

  [This is clean! ]

  Li Xiuwen was satisfied and looked at the clear river as if he had seen a perfect work.

  He also saw someone on the other side of the river took out his mobile phone and kept taking pictures of the cleaned river surface.

  Although the distance was too far, Li Xiuwen couldn't hear the voices of those people, but he was always amazed by the drastic changes in the river.

  Buzzing. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  Li Xiuwen's mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated and a call came.

  "Mr. Li, have you heard that something happened to Sun Tao."

  Director Jiang did not greet him, and said directly that the smoothness is very different in normal times.

  "Oh, what happened to him?"

  Li Xiuwen pretended to be puzzled, and asked back.

  "Sun Tao was attacked by a stranger, and he was wearing a pair of super-titanium handcuffs. Even the fire department of Shashi, the provincial capital, could not cut it."

  "That's fine, the most important thing is that this happened after you reported him to discharge wastewater in violation of regulations. You said that the timing was a little coincidental."

  There was something in Director Jiang's words, with deep suspicion, as if he would call the police in the next moment.

  "It seems that Director Jiang suspected me? This matter should be left to the police. It is their job to solve the case."

  "President Li! Whether there is evidence or not, if there are too many such things, the mayor will be very angry, and no one will be better off then."

  "I didn't do it anyway, let the police investigate and solve the case."

  Faced with the threat from Director Jiang secretly, Li Xiuwen didn't care too much and didn't worry too much.

  Although his methods were a little bit out of the standard, he was not at all shocked without evidence.

  The reason is simple. The World of Warcraft factory is growing every day, the products are getting more and more popular, and the tax provided is not a small amount.

  If he really angered him and moved away from the Warcraft factory, Zhushi would suffer a lot.

 ��"Haha, just kidding, how could President Li be the kind of illegal person."

  Director Jiang's tone changed at this time, and he returned to the original communicative method of slippery hands, as if he had never warned Li Xiuwen.

  Hanging up, Li Xiuwen returned to the factory humming a song.