Purpose of Decision

Olivia circled around and looked at the people of Warcraft Factory and Volkswagen, and made a suggestion: "Lee, we should hold a signing ceremony to make your company appear in the public."

  According to her original thoughts, she didn't engage in any press conferences and other things, but quietly purchased environmental treatment equipment to take a little bit of opportunity and make other companies react slower.

  But Li Xiuwen just taught Jeff hard and frustrated his plan, and Olivia decided to give back when he was happy.

  Volkswagen's reputation in China is not small. Once the cooperation is exposed, Li Xiuwen and the Warcraft Factory will spread, and it will no longer be as famous as it is now.

  To be honest, Li Xiuwen had never spent a lot of money on publicity because of tight cash flow before, and he did not even hold a press conference. It seems to outsiders that it is really too low-key.

  When Kong Lingjun, Yu Bing and others listened to Olivia's suggestion, their eyes brightened, and they wished Li Xiuwen nodded and agreed.

  "Mr. Li, this proposal is very good. It can make our company famous, so that the products will sell better."

  "It is necessary to hold a signing ceremony. After all, the sewage treatment effect of the environmental treatment instrument is so good that more local governments should know that everyone should enjoy the green mountains and green waters."

  Kong Lingjun's reason is simple and crude, that is, to expand the company's sales and build the company's brand.

  Yu Bing's intention is much higher, not only to make money, but also to stand on the moral high ground of restoring the environment.

  "There is no need to do any ceremony, but I still want to thank you, Olivia."

  Li Xiuwen shook his head and declined the offer.

  This move not only puzzled Kong Lingjun, Yu Bing and other employees, but Olivia was also a little surprised, with a misty look in his eyes.

  Does Li Xiuwen look like a fool?

  Everyone present would not think so, especially Olivia, she didn't believe that a fool would successfully knock one billion yuan from Volkswagen.

  Although there are constraints in the contract: the Warcraft Factory is not allowed to sell environmental control instruments to the European region within one year, and Volkswagen, under the same circumstances, has the priority to obtain the agency right in the European region.

  It seems that the potential loss of the Warcraft factory is not small, but don't forget that with the purchase behavior of Volkswagen, it can be regarded as a weak guarantee.

  Others may suspect that a Huaxia company does not have the strength to develop advanced environmental governance technology, but it will not ignore the decision made by Volkswagen.

  What Li Xiuwen made from this transaction was not only a sum of cash, but also a heavyweight advertisement, which would at least make other companies take it seriously.

  "You are so unpredictable, just like my biggest boss, the president of Volkswagen."

  Olivia couldn't understand why Li Xiuwen did this, but she faintly felt that there might be a deep meaning in it, so she flattened it out.

  She eventually left with ten environmental treatment instruments, as well as master Qiao Er, and by the way bought a thousand Ruyi from the warehouse.

  Jeff glared at Li Xiuwen several times, and left with unwillingness to hate him. His eyes seemed to eat him, very cruel.

  Li Xiuwen smiled faintly, did not pay attention to it, he was not scared, the malicious eyes were too weak.

  After the Volkswagen group left, Kong Lingjun directly asked the question in his mind.

  "Mr. Li, why don't you accept Olivia? Our company's reputation is too small. It is when we need to promote it."

  In many cases, when consumers buy goods, they feel that they are familiar with the brand and have seen the advertisement recently, and there is a high probability of payment.

  People always tend to make simple judgments and have a higher degree of trust in large brands. Under normal circumstances, they will not choose small brands that they have not heard of.

  So every company hopes

He is a household name like Coca-Cola or KFC, and stays in people's minds.  Li Xiuwen's gaze scanned Kong Lingjun, Yu Bing, Wang Ying, Ye Hua and others, and he saw incomprehension and doubt from their faces, and felt the need to do the ideological work of these management.

  Only one thought in a company is enough, no more or no less, otherwise it will be either chaos or confusion.

  "Which one do you think has a better future and a bigger market?"

  "It should be Ruyi."

  "Environmental treatment instrument is more profitable."

  "There are more consumers directly affected by Ruyi, and they are very profitable."


  The result is obvious, most people have chosen Ruyi.

  "It's over? Our company is a high-tech company. The main product must give people a very advanced first impression and influence more people.

  I don't want people to hear about the Warcraft Factory and think that this is a company that treats sewage, and it is connected with the black and smelly stagnant water. "

  Li Xiuwen said loudly and made a summary.

  The management nodded one after another and suddenly realized that they all understood Li Xiuwen's thinking. No matter what they thought, they all agreed on the surface.

  "Now that the company has money in its accounts, it can start promotion activities. Yu Bing, you make a promotion plan, and the estimated cost is 200 million yuan.

  I want to let people all over the country know Ruyi's product, its function of freeing hands when playing games, and more importantly, thoroughly launching the brand of Warcraft Factory. "

  Li Xiuwen said, turning his head to give orders to Yu Bing.

  Popular products can only be hot for a while, and are easy to flash like a meteor, but a well-known company can launch a steady stream of products, and its vitality is longer.

  When everyone sees the new mobile phone launched by Apple, they subconsciously think it is very good. It is the standard setter of mobile phones. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is worth that price.

  Of course, the company still has to rely on products to speak. If it can't push influential products, it will end up falling again and again like LeTV, and become worthless.


  Both Kong Lingjun and Wang Ying widened their eyes and looked at Li Xiuwen in shock. The surprise on their faces could not be concealed.

  This is 200 million, not 200,000, nor 2 million. Ninety-nine percent of Huaxia's companies do not have that much revenue in a year.

  "Okay, I will prepare a plan report within two days for you to review."

  Yu Bing was only slightly surprised, and was the first to calm down.

  At the provincial TV station, she saw sponsorship fees from many well-known companies, but they paid tens of millions to hundreds of millions.

  Two hundred million is not too much, and it is nothing more than that to be the title quotient of the pillar programs.

  "There is also good news. Your salary will increase. The salary of less than 10,000 yuan is a bit low, and they all rose to 30,000 yuan.

  Ordinary employees also have to improve. The original four to five thousand is too low, so it rises to seven to ten thousand. The part that fluctuates is performance, depending on their performance. "

  Li Xiuwen waved his hand and greatly increased the salaries of the employees.

  "Wow, thank you Mr. Li!"

  "Mr. Li, you are China's best boss."


  When the news spread to the outside, the employees of the warehouse packing and shipping, and the soft-handed customer service girls, all became excited and shouted one by one.

  According to the average company in Zhushi, the previous four to five thousand are at the upper-middle level, let alone the opportunity to get ten thousand now.

  Most people in Zhushi, even white-collar workers in the office, can't get so much.

  So the air in the entire company is full of joy and excitement, as if falling into a sea of ​​joy.