Fright at Upgrade

Zhushi, late at night.

  There are only humanoid monsters in the factory, without a Huaxia employee, and it is much quieter than during the day.

  Sitting in the office, Li Xiuwen turned on the system, and the impulse that had been suppressed for several hours erupted like a volcano, and could no longer control it.


  "you sure?"

  A text box pops up.

  "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and upgrade, I can't wait."

  Li Xiuwen said impatiently, poking his fingers hard on the phone screen a few times.

  "Don't worry, have you thought about one thing, why is there a string of numbers in the account, so I have the energy to realize the drawings and props?"

  What is this!

  Li Xiuwen was full of questions and puzzles, but he knew that the system would not do useless things.

  At least he used to be very responsible. He didn't delay at all when he wanted to redeem props. He had never been like this.

  So he forced the impulse to ask, waiting for explanation.

  "In fact, when the money in the account is less, the gold within ten kilometers of the vicinity will disappear, and the value is equal to the missing money."

  Li Xiuwen finally understood. The system is saying that it needs real gold, not the string of numbers on the account.

  If what he provides is not physical gold, the system will automatically draw nearby gold.

  Specifically, the system will take the gold and send the money to others in a way that he does not understand.

  "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

  When Li Xiuwen thought of the nearby gold shops and banks that some of the gold in the stock was missing, he sweated and his palms were almost wet.

  In case they report to the police, this kind of supernatural incident might have attracted the attention of the government long ago! Perhaps there are countless spies nearby who are silently searching for the truth.

  "Don't worry, you didn't need much gold to redeem items before, and I dispersed to every individual with a large amount of gold within ten kilometers and rewritten their system.

  But this upgrade needs to consume a ton of gold, this kind of cover-up work can no longer be perfect, and may alarm others.

  That's why I asked you if you think about it carefully. Or you can buy physical gold, which will be more secure. "

  Li Xiuwen thought for a long time, and gradually calmed down from shock, able to think calmly.

  One ton of gold is a lot. China produces only 335 tons of gold each year, making it the world's largest gold producer.

  He even suspects that in Zhushi, a fourth- and fifth-tier city, banks, gold shops and other places that have a large amount of gold may not exceed ten tons of gold in total.

  Ten tons of gold in the middle-aged, if suddenly one tenth is missing, it must be very conspicuous.

  "Forget it, I'm going to buy physical gold, it's safer."

  Li Xiuwen finally made the decision to upgrade the system and exchange items with physical gold, and seal up the convenient method of deducting the account amount.


  "Give you a task. You can consult a domestic gold company and buy 2 tons of gold as raw material for production."

  Li Xiuwen gave assistant Wang Ying a task, which was to buy gold.

  Although it only takes 1 ton of gold to upgrade the system to level 3, you are prepared for it. Buy more and put it in the factory safe, and use it whenever you want.

  Speaking of it, various modern electronic devices really consume a certain amount of gold. Like circuit boards, important chips, but the weight is very small.

  With such an excuse, the World of Warcraft factory purchases a large amount of gold, at least superficially reasonable.

  "If it can be delivered to the company as soon as possible, the price can be slightly relaxed."

  Li Xiuwen ordered.

  In the afternoon.

  A bullet-proof escort vehicle slowly drove into the company, with Nanhu Security Coated on the body.

  Two security guards armed with long guns got out of the car, guarding left and right,

Then the third person got down and pulled down a cart.  Kara, Kara!

  The wheels of the cart rubbed crazily against the ground, making a harsh noise.

  "Damn, is that a real gun?"

  "Nonsense, of course it's a real guy, armed escort. Why don't you go up and grab it? See if there is a big hole in your body."

  "Go! You treat me as an idiot."

  "You said, what's in the box on the cart, and the fully equipped escort should be dispatched?"

  All the employees were attracted, and they all turned their attention to the sturdy escort, the gun they were holding.

  After the handover, the escort left quickly and walked cleanly.


  Li Xiuwen closed the office door, blocking off those curious eyes.

  He looked at the metal box that was only a circle larger than the suitcase, and it was a bit painful, containing more than 700 million worth of gold.

  With the addition of the planned 200 million yuan in publicity expenses, the billion yuan received from Volkswagen is almost spent.

  Li Xiuwen opened the metal box, revealing the yellow gold bricks inside, almost blinding him.


  He swallowed fiercely, his eyes blurred: the gold is his.

  The volume of a ton of gold is actually very small. It is a cube with a side length of 37 cm, about the size of a computer host.

  The gold in the metal box is not full, there is still a certain amount of free space above, there is really not much.

  Li Xiuwen recovered and said, "Upgrade."

  Half of the gold in the metal box disappeared, leaving only a not too thick layer, and the system still gave an 8 hour countdown.

  [A hundred million burned in a few seconds, who is more prodigal than me! ]

  Li Xiuwen looked at the suddenly empty metal box and sighed. He felt that his heart was beating violently like a spring. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

  With such a big deal, it is impossible to imagine what he was two months ago.

  Ding dong.

  "update completed!"

  Li Xiuwen, who was drowsy, was suddenly awakened by the system prompt.

  The first thing he saw was nothing else, not the blue-level blueprints and props, but the newly appeared summonable monsters.

  After all, the technology contained in the previous green-level drawings is more powerful than the most advanced technology on earth.

  Memory master: evolved from the deep-sea octopus, good at memory, strong logical ability, and capable of slight deformation.

  These abilities seemed very good, and Li Xiuwen chose to summon without hesitation.


  After the small blue lightning disappeared, there was an extra person in the office.

  Li Xiuwen hurriedly looked over, and was shocked by a little, just because this person looked too terrifying.

  He is two meters tall, semi-transparent, and each hand has ten tentacles. These slender tentacles tremble slightly in the air, as flexible as twenty long snakes.

  It really is the evolution of octopus!

  Li Xiuwen hurriedly bought a camouflage suit and threw it to this memory master named Zhang Yi.

  After Zhang Yi put on the camouflage clothes, he looked normal, and his hands became five fingers, but his skin felt like transparent.

  "What can you do, is it to operate machine tools or develop electronic equipment?"

  The two mentioned by Li Xiuwen happen to be good at orc hard work and master skillful hands.

  "Boss, I can write software and study system vulnerabilities."

  Zhang Yi looked around and pointed at the black computer.

  When Li Xiuwen heard it, he was immediately satisfied: "Okay, now I'll give you a task to develop a set of software for Ruyi and thoroughly explore its performance."