The Exposure

Li Xiuwen flashed a bright light in his mind and suddenly said, "Is it the American phone number that contacted the navy leader Ahao?"

  "Yes, that's it. Boss, you are so amazing. I thought of it right away."

  Zhang Yi's flattery level is still very rough, a bit too explicit.

  But Li Xiuwen was still at ease, and felt that Zhang Yi, who was working outside alone, seemed to be more flexible and more human-like.

  The orc drudgery basically has no emotional expression, and is silent all day, just like a robot; the master of skill is more emotional, like an old man with weak emotions; but Zhang Yi is very similar to humans, and most people can't see the difference at all.

  Li Xiuwen couldn't help but guess: Does the summoned Warcraft workers also have levels?

  Zhang Yi continued: "Based on Yin Jianye's work experience in the United States, I discovered one thing. He has a deep connection with a company called the Black Stone Brain Nerve Foundation, and he is still receiving funding every year."

  This is nothing to say, after all, scientific research requires real money, or a lot of money.

  You need money for experimental equipment, money for experimental medicine, and money for the salary of a researcher. It is a good thing to get money.

  If Yin Jianye's use of US funds was exposed, he would not be affected too much. At most, participating in national-level projects would be more difficult.

  "I still don't give up, continue to investigate, and I have a big discovery."

  Zhang Yi stopped when he talked about key points.

  "Say it quickly, don't go on and on."

  Li Xiuwen rolled his eyes and said angrily.

  "The Black Stone Brain Nerve Fund invested in a Silicon Valley company that also developed the field of brain wave, and has also launched two generations of brain wave recognition equipment.

  Although these two generations of instruments are rubbish compared to Ruyi, they can also be among the world's first-class, a bit more advanced than most similar products. "

  Zhang Yi didn't dare to neglect, and said all the information found in one breath.

  [I want to understand! ]

  After listening to Li Xiuwen, he put together some recent events.

  Ruyi caused people to fall into a coma, and was subsequently slandered on a large scale, leading to the entry of the investigation team. Now even the production line cannot be kept.

  The black hands behind the scenes have tried their best to obtain satisfactory production technology! It seems that the Black Stone Brain Nerve Foundation is very suspicious, and even this series of conspiracies is its instigation.

  With these information, Li Xiuwen's anger had almost dissipated, and a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "President Li, the court's seal is here, and both of your company's Ruyi production lines will be temporarily seized."

  Director Jiang came over and raised a piece of paper in his hand, with a trace of regret on his face.

  When he saw Li Xiuwen not saying a word, he thought Li Xiuwen was very angry, and shook his head and said, "I still want to start the production line. The experts will pay you back in a few days."

  Before the Ruyi crisis broke out, Director Jiang was very optimistic about Li Xiuwen. Such a young student, who had not even graduated from college, founded the Warcraft Factory and has a promising future.

  Director Jiang also wanted to deepen the relationship with Li Xiuwen and make his career smoother.

  It's a pity that a small accident will destroy this company with endless potential, making him sigh.

  In this case, Director Jiang could only think that Li Xiuwen was out of luck and had not chosen the right time.

  "It's pretty fast. It seems that the investigation team has a very wide relationship and is very hardworking."

  Li Xiuwen sneered.

  Director Jiang's face was green and white, and finally he sighed as if he was wrong.

  The two walked into the production workshop.

  Yin Jianye looked at Li Xiuwen and laughed, as if standing on a winning platform, looking down from a high level.

  "Li Xiuwen, your company must suspend business. You cannot sell a Ruyi until I and other professors declare that Ruyi is harmless!"

  In Yin Jianye's opinion,

He had achieved a complete victory. At this time, Li Xiuwen should regret in pain, or explode in anger and blush.  Li Xiuwen's face was always plain and plain, and his eyes showed a strong ridicule, which was completely out of the script!

  "Have you heard? Your company is about to close down!"

  Yin Jianye felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find the source, so he blamed Li Xiuwen, thinking it was caused by his weird eyes.

  The more so, the more Yin Jianye wanted to see Li Xiuwen softly admit defeat, so he repeated the ending of Warcraft Factory again.

  Other professors and Director Jiang have discovered that Professor Yin's mood seems to be too hot.

  Several professors frowned, thinking that Yin Jianye's statement was excessive and the investigation team was only responsible for reviewing the safety of Ruyi.

  The most important thing is that Yin Jianye did not discuss this matter with himself. They felt that they seemed to be ignored and a little angry.

  "You're done, Professor Yin, I know the ugly things you did."

  When Li Xiuwen spoke, he was shocked and shocked everyone.

  "What the hell are you talking about! Your company is dead, can it not bear the blow, and have developed hysteria. I will introduce you to a neurosurgery hospital in the magic city."

  Yin Jianye narrowed his eyes, the anxiety on his face disappeared, his tone was as cold as nine cold days.

  Director Jiang's gaze swept across Li Xiuwen's face, and then to Yin Jianye, his face was suspicious, feeling that something he didn't know would happen next.

  The other professors are not as deep-hearted as Director Jiang and directly ask questions.

  "President Li, what are you talking about?"

  "Why is Professor Yin done?"

  Li Xiuwen said directly: "Yesterday, Professor Yin received a call from the United States. The instructions on the phone were to move the brainwave chip production line. UU Read, right?"

  "You let hackers hack into my phone?"

  Yin Jianye's expression changed, and he suddenly became angry and roared: "I want to call the police and send you to the cell. You want to slander me with this dirty method? You won't succeed."

  He took out his cell phone and was about to call the police.

  Director Jiang and the professors all frowned slightly.

  The development of the matter was too unexpected. They all saw that Yin Jianye did not deny receiving a call from the United States.

  It's just that as a professor who has studied in the United States, it is very common to receive calls from the United States. Don't you allow others to make American friends?

  But they also found that Yin Jianye's performance was a bit excited.

  Li Xiuwen took a laptop, pointed to the screen and said: "I found the information on this. It is certain that an American force wants to obtain the wishful production technology and deliberately caused an accident and mercenary navy..."

  Director Jiang was the first to take the laptop and read it carefully, his face becoming more and more serious, and finally dialed the mayor's phone with his mobile phone.

  After reading the materials, the other professors looked at Yin Jianye with pity.

  Although the details of the evidence were not sufficient, it was enough to make it clear that the Warcraft Factory was indeed under a carefully prepared attack, and Professor Yin was also involved.

  At the same time, they were full of emotion. It's great to have money. The aftermath of the counterattack can bury a well-known professor.

  If Li Xiuwen doesn't have enough money and he doesn't act fast, he will never turn defeat into victory.

  "It's all fake, you made it up!"

  Yin Jianye rolled his eyes and scolded Li Xiuwen.

  "Ha ha."

  Li Xiuwen sneered, and then heard the sirens from the police car getting closer.