Catching the Ducks on the Shelves

After financing time and time again, Blackstone Fund has become the largest shareholder of Deep Blue, and the right to speak is naturally the largest and most important.

  "Don't fight, we will soon get the wishful production technology, there is no doubt about this."

  Jefferson, the representative of the Blackstone Fund, raised his head slightly, with a very confident tone.


  Others quickly figured out that the Blackstone Fund must have taken action, and was a little surprised, not thinking that Jefferson was bragging.

  "It's great, Black Stone has come out, nothing can't be done."

  "Haha, we are so lucky to have a powerful partner like Blackstone."

  The directors laughed at each other and did not ask how Jefferson actually acted. They had already shown a certain expression on their faces, and seemed to have acquired the desired technique.

  The shock in Thomas' heart was the strongest. Only then did he know that the Blackstone Fund was so powerful that he could reach out to China across the Pacific Ocean.

  It seems that in the past few years, Deep Blue's American competitors went bankrupt and went bankrupt, and were annexed by Deep Blue after insolvency. The things here are not simple!

  Thomas suddenly remembered that, not long after the establishment of Deep Blue, the technology was weak, but in the end it was able to swallow several brainwave research companies and became the largest brainwave research company on the West Coast.

  Before he changed, he thought that Deep Blue had good luck and had sufficient capital, so he had the last laugh. But now he thought to himself, there might be the hands and feet of the Blackstone Fund.

  [It seems that I did not agree to Bill and them last time, it is the right choice to start a business! ]

  Thomas' eyes grew longer, he exhaled a long sigh, his vest was sweating cold, and he was a little frightened.

  Silicon Valley has been in development for 20 to 30 years. It is no longer as blooming as it was at the beginning. It has formed giants, and tens of thousands of start-up companies have been shadowed.

  Betting without capital behind it is basically impossible to become a unicorn company, and it can no longer develop and grow like Google and Amazon.

  Listening to the secrets that he didn't know before, Thomas felt that his vision had been greatly improved, completely different from the previous middle-level management.

  "Haha, you also know that there are as many as two or three hundred thousand people studying in China every year. For a small amount of dollars, you can reap the friendship of many people. With their help, China is undefended."

  When Jefferson was surprised by the eyes of the directors, he was immediately triumphant, with a hint of disdain on his face.

  This kind of betrayer of national interests, even a messenger like Jefferson, also looks down upon it.


  "It's amazing."

  "There are really many scums among Chinese people, but the more the better, isn't it?"

  The directors laughed, harmonious and close, as if the previous quarrel had never existed.

  They only care about the wishful technology, not how to get it, just the result.

  Moreover, the directors know great things and do not want to understand the specific methods of the Blackstone Fund. They are businessmen doing legitimate business, not lawless intelligence companies.

  Speaking of it, the method of the Blackstone Fund is the least expensive. Companies in a monopoly position may not meet a little licensing fee.

  Unfortunately, Deep Blue's skills are not as good as people, and it is not counted to be slaughtered, but it is true that it is weak when facing the Warcraft Factory.

  Thomas saw him, admiring him, determined to learn from them, and must learn this fast face changing skill.

  "Come on, look at the attacks on the Warcraft Factory by netizens on"

  Jefferson still seemed to feel uncomfortable. People turned on the projector and played web pages written in squares.


  The directors and Thomas looked at the square characters as if they had seen alien characters. They were dizzy and couldn't tell the meaning.

  "I made a mistake and forgot to translate."

  Jefferson laughed and used Google Translate to convert the Chinese text into English.

  "This is murder! Warcraft factory products caused consumers to be hospitalized. "

  "Reject dangerous products, start with you and me. "


  "Everyone has seen it, the reputation of the Warcraft Factory is already unsound, and it will soon be blocked by the government, and the technology to get it right then is very simple."

  The laser pointer in Jefferson's hand swept back and forth, very satisfied with the results he had caused, as if showing off his results.

  Another burst of praise popped from the directors' mouths, and Thomas echoed a few words, but in his heart he felt that the representative of the Blackstone Fund seemed to like performance a little too much.

  Thomas turned to think about it, it seems that Americans are all such virtues, and they must promote their achievements, but they are not as low-key and peaceful as the Chinese employees.

  Including himself, he is also such a dazzling temperament, but he is a little envious of Jefferson's focus at this time.

  Buzzing, buzzing.

  Jefferson's cell phone rang, and after checking the number, he smiled and said, "This phone must tell us that we have obtained the Ruyi production line and all its technology."

  Thomas' mood has also become tense. If he acquires the technology, Deep Blue's development potential can be doubled several times.

  "Fak squid!"

  Jefferson's face suddenly turned red, UU reading www. had blue veins on his neck, and he smashed his thousands of dollars worth of mobile phone, smashing it into pieces.

  A part bounced into Thomas' chest, making him a little painful, but he didn't care at all at this time, but stared at Jefferson.

  The other directors were the same, staring at Jefferson with eagle eyes.

  "It failed. Huaxia's official concluded that there is no problem with the safety of Ruyi. The consumer who was hospitalized was a false accusation."

  Jefferson's face was ugly, as if he had eaten a fly, and there was a little confusion in his eyes.

  He also received a briefing earlier that he was about to succeed! But somehow, it failed in the last step.

  It's embarrassing to think of Jefferson's face as thick as a city wall just now!

  The air was silent for a long time.

  Thomas suspected that when the directors became dumb, someone finally spoke up, not to blame or ridicule, but to suggest.

  "Since the Blackstone Fund's actions have failed, go to the Warcraft Factory to obtain technical authorization."

  "There is only this way."

  "Who to send?"

  The directors discussed each other for a while, and then turned their eyes to Thomas.


  Thomas was stunned, as if he had never had negotiation experience, how could it be his turn.

  "Yes, Thomas, you first discovered Ruyi, and it happened that you went to China."

  Under the unanimous opinion of all the directors, Thomas could not resist and had to accept this difficult task.


  Sitting on the transcontinental plane, Thomas looked out the window uncertainly, feeling the invisible huge pressure on his shoulders.

  This is the first time he has been to China, even if there are lawyers and assistants by his side, he has no bottom.