
The booming noise stopped, and the hundreds-meter-long production line slowly stopped and no more cars were produced.

  There are already more than ten cars in trial production, and the number is enough to check the performance of the cars.

  "Although the automobile manufacturing technology here is not the most advanced in the world, it is also at a first-class level. It can produce cars worth 200 million a day."

  Deng Chao said proudly, with a hint of pride on his face, looking at the stopped production line as if he were watching a trophy.

  "Is that right? It can produce 700 or 800 cars a day, and the total price should be 200 million."

  Li Xiuwen said something nonchalantly commercial, in a light tone, without any surprise.

  This plain expression aroused the grievances of Deng Chao and the top management of the Volkswagen factory, and some people even showed indecision.

  Are you not surprised at all?

  "Mr. Li seems to look down upon him. I don't know how much your company's operating income is in one day."

  William, who came from the native Germany, turned his blue eyes and stared at Li Xiuwen, saying that he was very provocative.

  Deng Chao stood aside, and didn't mean to persuade him.

  The senior management of the other Yiqian automobile factory, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, prepared to see Li Xiuwen making a fool of himself.

  "It's not a lot, there are only a few million a day, right."

  Li Xiuwen told the truth and honestly reported the current sales situation.

  There is no need to publish the sales of listed companies, but it is not difficult to count, especially for companies with a single product line like Warcraft Factory.

  Others only need to investigate the terminal channels to know the daily sales of Ruyi, so bragging is not very useful.

  "Puff, this is too little. The cars produced by our auto factory in one day are worth your company's three months of operating income."

  As if unable to bear it, William laughed out loud and said sarcastically.

  "The technology of the Warcraft factory is more advanced than this factory."

  Li Xiuwen glanced at William and said with a smile.

  "Mr. Li can really laugh. I have read the information. Your broken factory made a two-wheeled electric car, which is completely incomparable with our advanced electric cars!"

  William looked at Li Xiuwen as if he was mentally handicapped, as if he was saying: Such a mentally disabled person has become a business owner? Is a two-wheel electric car comparable to a car?

  "President Deng just said that your car production line is not the most advanced, but my Ruyi is the only one in the world. Does it mean who is more advanced?"

  Li Xiuwen asked back, and forced William to the corner.

  William thought for a while before he said: "Since it is a product of a different category, there is no way to compare technology."

  Ha ha.

  Li Xiuwen just gave a weird smile: "Even if you say it can't be compared. Then why do you want our engineers to come and help?"

  William finally had nothing to say.

  Deng Chao made a relief: "Mr. Li, stop arguing about this trivial matter, and also ask Engineer Qiao to see if there is any problem with the expected modified interface of the electric vehicle.

  The crowd came in front of a white car, and when they looked inside, they found a very prominent place.

  There is a longitudinal hole in the center of the car steering wheel, just enough for Ruyi to stand up and insert it.

  This makes little change to the car. It is convenient and firm to fix the position of the car, and it will not be shaken out in most cases.

  The most surprising thing is not this small change, but a translucent field box displayed on the lower part of the windshield, with a striking red dot on the cross point.

  "We don't think the Bluetooth link is very stable, and we hope to be able to use a physical socket to link, like USB. It is already perfect, right.

  We also consider the safety of drivers and let them focus on driving,

It is mandatory for drivers to keep their sights on the dots on the windshield, so as not to distract them.  Once they detect that their sight is gone, assisted driving will take over and start manual driving, locking out brainwave control. "

  An engineer from an automobile factory in his thirties explained to the side that Xiang Qiao Er's eyes were a little jealous.

  In his opinion, this plan is already the best, and there is no need to change it. Why does the company let a thin old man come to judge?

  I heard that this old man did not make cars yet, so what do you think about the electronic systems of cars?

  "Get up and take a look."

  Qiao Er turned a blind eye to the provocative look in the automotive engineer's eyes, as if turning into a supervisor, naturally giving orders.


  The car engineer opened his mouth slightly, a little caught off guard. Why didn't this old man follow the script and didn't refute it at all.

  Deng Chao saw that the engineers of the two companies were a little uncomfortable, but he didn't care at all, just wanted to complete the above tasks as soon as possible.

  "Let the test driver go up and drive, be careful."

  Deng Chao eagerly found a test driver, and after explaining the ruyi usage, he pushed him to the modified car.

  The very young test driver got into the driving seat and was a little excited to put on Ruyi's important accessory-spectacle frames.

  When he put his hands on the steering wheel habitually, he heard Mr. Deng's yelling from outside: "Put your hands down and use your brain waves to manipulate."

  The test driver then remembered that what he wanted to drive was not an ordinary car, but may be the world's first brainwave-controlled electric car.

  Electric cars have many advantages over traditional gasoline-powered cars. UU Reading, such as fast start-up, fast acceleration, and relatively constant output.

  There is also a very important point, that is, the structure of electric vehicles is much simpler than traditional vehicles, and the number of parts is reduced by half.

  Simple start-up coupled with brainwave manipulation can be said to complement each other.

  Everyone has seen that the electric car parked on the ground quickly started up and started super fast.

  The test driver found that when he wanted to turn left, the red dot on the windshield would slide to the left, and when he turned right, he would slide to the right.

  When sliding upwards, the electric door of the car increases, and the speed starts to increase; when sliding downwards, the brake starts to press down and the speed slows down.


  After the electric car made a circle, it stopped.

  "It's amazing! I've never driven a car like this before. The car moves with my heart without any effort. I swear that those driving enthusiasts will love this kind of car."

  After getting off the car, the test driver looked excited, as excited as he had discovered a new world.

  "Look, I said it has no room for improvement."

  The automotive engineer gave Qiao Er a triumphant glance, then said with his chin up.

  "The cost of this car is not low, it is 30% to half more expensive than ordinary electric cars. Sales are a problem."

  Qiao Er estimated a series of control systems added to the car and said affirmatively.

  The faces of Deng Chaohe's executives at the automobile factory suddenly darkened.

  Deng Chao and the others had already thought of this.

  "Consumers will pay a premium for brainwave manipulation."

  Deng Chao said dryly, his tone was not so sure.

  "Also, there is a conflict between manual driving and brainwave driving, how to solve it?"

  Qiao Er pointed out a major problem without hesitation.