Revenge from the United States

The audience became quiet, everyone turned their eyes to the person who spoke, and only a white-skinned female foreign reporter stood up and pointed at Yu Bing angrily.

  Have a good show!

  The onlookers thought this way. Those with a camera quickly took the shot, and those with a camera moved the lens back and forth between the foreign reporter and Yu Bing.

  "Who let her in?"

  Director Jing looked angry and stared at Section Chief Xiao beside him.

  This press conference was arranged by Section Chief Xiao, and when he came out of the basket, he was naturally looking for him.

  "I, I don't know that she would speak like this, but she took the initiative to participate as an American reporter, so it's hard to refuse.

  With such reporters, doesn't it mean that our deeds in controlling groundwater pollution have spread their influence internationally. "

  Section Chief Xiao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly explained.


  Director Jing couldn't, but could only look at the female reporter, helpless.

  Under such circumstances, he dared not even be expelled, worrying that a foreign media would not label him as unhuman rights.

  Director Jing's gaze swept across the first row of the audience unintentionally, and suddenly found that a fat man was proud of it, and his gaze toward Yu Bing was full of maliciousness.

  Most of the other people looked at the excitement, only this one was very different, so the abnormality was found at a glance.

  Director Jing, the middle-aged fat man, recognized him as a deputy director of the Nanhu Provincial TV Station. He had seen him several times before.

  As soon as Section Chief Xiao saw it, he immediately said the information he had collected: "Yu Bing is a former host of Nanhu Station. After resignation, he went to the Warcraft Factory. I heard that he angered a certain senior in the station."

  Director Jing has been in the officialdom for twenty or thirty years, and naturally he understood that Yu Bing had offended this chief Jintai.

  Thinking about Yu Bing's outstanding appearance, and the rumor that Jintai Chief is lustful and likes unspoken rules, the cause and effect will become clear.

  "Grass, we have been hit!"

  Director Jing gritted his teeth, his anger rushed upward.

  He remembered that Director Jin was not invited to the conference this time, because he usually just nodded his heads, and their status was roughly equal, and it was impossible for Director Jin to put down the TV station's affairs and join in.

  From this point of view, the director of Jintai came here a bit abruptly, maybe the foreign reporters were also brought by him.

  The focus of this conference is about to be transferred to the Ruyi of the Warcraft Factory. How to prevent Director Jing from resenting and show that his achievements are interrupted.

  "I will remember today!"

  Director Jing said bitterly, looking at Chief Jintai, his eyes were extremely unkind.

  "This foreign friend, today's topic is the treatment of groundwater in Douli Village, so don't talk about irrelevant issues."

  Facing the accusation, Yu Bing smiled and answered.

  "Furthermore, the Quality Supervision Bureau has checked Ruyi and has not found any hidden dangers of harming personal health. What you said are all hearsay rumors."


  The question that the foreign reporter was about to blurt out was easily resolved by Yu Bing, holding his breath in his throat, and had to cough twice.

  Is that solved? Anticlimactic.

  The other reporters were unwilling. The drama didn't seem to be exciting and conflicting enough, and the articles waiting for the meeting were not easy to write.

  They sighed after seeing foreign reporters who hadn't spoken for a long time.

��� "Then why the FDA did not allow Ruyi to enter the United States for sale, and issued a warning that it may affect the normal work of the human brain."

  After a half-minute pause, the foreign reporter threw out a shocking news, it was almost like saying: I'm not talking nonsense, haven't I seen the FDA's warning? Can your institution in China compare with the United States?


  All the reporters exclaimed and started drafting in their heads.

Thinking about how to report this heavy news.  This is the FDA. It has a global influence and strict standards. It is much stronger than China's relevant institutions.

  Not to mention people from other countries, even most people in China agree with the FDA's audit standards and results.

  Those with quick hands, immediately log on to the FDA website to check the announcement.

  It didn't take long before they discovered a recent notice, exactly what the foreign reporter said.

  The evidence is real!

  The reporters got excited one by one, and seemed to have seen that their articles would be 10+ hot articles.

  Yu Bing cast his gaze to Li Xiuwen, who seemed to want to ask for instructions.

  This news is really shocking. The company hadn't had any anticipation before, nor had it received a warning, so the response was not targeted at this time.

  "The revenge will come very quickly. It doesn't matter. I expected it after we drove the American company Deep Blue last time."

  Li Xiuwen curled his lips, looking disdainful.

  In fact, he admitted in his heart that Deep Blue's retaliation was indeed very accurate and disrupted the promotion of environmental treatment equipment.

  "You say so..."

  When Yu Bing heard it, his eyes began to light up and he kept nodding.

  "The bacteria introduced by such a company that may endanger public health may have serious consequences.

  I love nature very much, and I am worried that this kind of bacteria will disrupt natural circulation, kill other aquatic life, and even endanger the human body. "

  Foreign reporters took advantage of Yu Bing's silence for a while, UU reading directly exaggerated the harmful effects of purifying bacteria, describing it as a devastating element and an evil creation that destroys the environment.


  The reporters see a lot, not so easy to fool.

  However, they all know that bacteria seem to be difficult to control. Let alone the spread, it might mutate or something.

  After listening to the harm that foreign reporters promoted, many reporters frowned and expressed a lot of negative opinions about the germs purification.

  "It sounds reasonable."

  "Yes, if this bacterium mutates, it's better not to use this thing."

  "How the World of Warcraft Factory produced such a harmful product, without considering the public and the environment, is too unscrupulous."

  Foreign reporters pricked their ears, and after hearing the small complaints of several reporters around, a trace of pride appeared on their faces.

  Even if the Warcraft Factory is a local snake, after this attack, it will no longer be able to sell products.

  "This American reporter, I would like to ask why our company did not send Ruyi to the FDA for inspection, nor does it intend to enter the US market, so it is impossible to hit our company at all."

  Yu Bing is very stubborn and awe-inspiring: I don't need you to reject me, I would have blacked you a long time ago.

  The reporters sighed in their hearts, even though you said so hard, it seems that you are not planning to sell the product to the United States at all, and would rather lose money.

  In fact, as soon as the FDA's warning came out, not only the United States, but Ruyi might not even be able to enter Europe, Southeast Asia, India, and South America.

  It seems that Ruyi can only be sold domestically, and there will be fewer people who dare to buy in the future.

  The Warcraft Factory is over!

  The reporters thought this in their hearts. Even though they didn't know the reason, they could see the blatant malice of the United States.