
World of Warcraft.

  Li Xiuwen has been in the system store for a long time, and chose the camouflage defense robot production line (blue).

  In the beginning, he planned to let the orcs work hard as bodyguards, because this kind of Warcraft workers are as strong as Schwarzenegger, and they look very bluffing.

  It is not a problem to equip them with body armor or something, which can be used as a meat shield. Bodyguards, that's what they do. You don't have to have the best fighting ability, you have to come forward at critical moments.

  Suddenly, Li Xiuwen felt that relying on the hard work of the orcs seemed not good enough, even if they were wearing bulletproof vests, their heads, arms and other parts were still unprotected and powerless against guns.

  It is also necessary to consider that the body of the orcs is still made of meat after all. Wearing a body armor can block pistol bullets, but can not block powerful guns such as rifles and submachine guns.

�� Huaxia looks very peaceful in China, but if there are violent criminals who disregard the law using powerful weapons, the orc drudgery will not even be a meat shield.

  "Damn, you have to consider the worst!"

  Li Xiuwen is very afraid of death, especially after getting the system and having a bright future, he is even more reluctant to take risks.

  The outer armor of the camouflage defense robot is made of a new type of iron-manganese-tungsten alloy, which can defend against rifle bullets ten meters away.

  Covered with camouflage skin, it looks like a real person with a large skeleton, which can hide the identity well.

  It has a variety of attack methods, using all kinds of guns, Chinese and Western fighting skills, and one is the enemy's nightmare.

  Even if it takes 1.5 tons of gold to exchange for such a robot production line, Li Xiuwen also interrupted his teeth and invested the huge sum of money, just for his own safety.

  Of course, there are not many funds in the company's accounts, and it will take a few more days to buy gold in large quantities.

  Li Xiuwen plans to try his best not to leave the factory's nest in the past few days and not to give the enemy a chance to attack. No one knows whether the instigator behind the kidnapping will continue to act.

  "Mr. Li, there is a team from Xiaomi Mobile. The team led by Vice President Zhou is almost at the gate of the company."

  Wang Ying knocked on the door several times, walked in and said a message.

  "They came very quickly, you led them to the conference room."

  Li Xiuwen diverted his attention from the system store and didn't care to say.

  He probably guessed that the purpose of Xiaomi's party should be to inquire about intelligence, perhaps with other tasks.

  As a predecessor in the mobile phone industry, he remains vigilant for new players, Warcraft Factory, and there is no problem at all, but Li Xiuwen is not afraid.

  For the top five mobile phone giants in China, apart from Huawei's huge investment in research and development, other companies such as Xiaomi, ov and other companies have the same amount of funds as Huawei. There is nothing to fear.

  The reason is not complicated. Domestic mobile phone giants have not mastered the core technology, and most of them are buying foreign chips, memory, cameras and other components.

  At most, design the shell and optimize the Android system. The profit margin is very low. It can't compare with Apple and Samsung, and the research funding is naturally less.

  However, it is strategically contemptuous, and tactics should be paid attention to. Xiaomi has been sitting on mobile phones for many years and has a lot of patents. There is still a little value.

  Li Xiuwen came to the meeting room and saw Vice President Zhou. He had a smile on his face, as kind as Maitreya Buddha, without the slightest appearance of a business elite.

  Vice President Zhou and his entourage had five people sitting on one side of the long table, looking at Yu Bing, Kong Lingjun and Wang Ying on the opposite side.

  Hide a knife in your smile!

  A word came out of Li Xiuwen's heart, and he immediately increased his vigilance.

  "Mr. Li is really young and promising. When I graduated from university, I only wanted to go to work in a foreign company. I didn't even have the idea of ​​starting a business."

  Vice President Zhou's eyes stayed on Li Xiuwen's face for a second, with emotion.

  Li Xiuwen recently heard such compliments,

He had already cocooned his ears, and after a few words of courtesy, he asked directly as if he was stunned: "Sorry, I was delayed in the laboratory for a while. I was negligent. Mr. Zhou came here this time, what do you want to get?"  Vice President Zhou was taken aback for a moment, his smile disappeared and his expression was serious.

  "I'm not telling lies, Xiaomi's engineers are impressed by your company's mobile phone batteries and 3D screens. Xiaomi wants to obtain their production authorization."

  "Why should I make a competitor?"

  Li Xiuwen shook his head, and refused without any consideration.

  Isn't the exclusive business bad? He just wants to create a rival. He is not a masochist. Why would he split the money if he can make money easily?

  Besides, the technology of batteries and screens is not very high, and other companies can crack them after a few years of hard work. They must make more money during this time.

  Warcraft Factory is registering dozens of patents for these two technologies, but this is not foolproof. Maybe someone finds a way to bypass the patents.

  The best case is that other companies find that they cannot bypass it, and after losing market share in mobile phones, they must develop other new mobile phone technologies.

  "Because Xiaomi has thousands of patents related to mobile phones, it can reduce a large part of your company's troubles. If 3D mobile phones want to be sold abroad. Of course, Xiaomi will pay a huge royalty fee. "

  Vice President Zhou smiled, with a certain face, as if he felt that Li Xiuwen would definitely agree.

  "Not enough, not enough! Most of the more than 1,000 mobile phone patents are dispensable, right? There is not much value. I think Huawei has more patents, right?"

  Li Xiuwen majored in mechanics. Recently, he has learned more about the mobile phone industry, which made Vice President Zhou's conditions largely useless.

  He still spent hundreds of thousands of information on domestic mobile phone companies to purchase from the survey company.

  The content of this information is much more than the fragmentary information found on the Internet.

  Li Xiuwen was very satisfied with this information, because he found that Vice President Zhou's face flashed with embarrassment and it was a good value.

  "Really? It's a pity that Huawei doesn't take 3D mobile phones in its eyes. It hasn't sent anyone over yet. Only Xiaomi is the most sincere company, willing to pay 500 yuan for each mobile phone."

  Vice President Zhou was unwilling to show weakness and highlighted his sincerity.

  Li Xiuwen put his right hand on the desktop, tapping the desktop one after another with his middle finger, and said nothing.

  He knows that if the patent fee is doubled, Xiaomi can probably accept it, but it is still not as profitable as producing 3D mobile phones.

  Li Xiuwen was about to refuse, but when he heard a message, he didn't intend to express his opinion for the time being.

  "Mr. Li, the president of Apple's China Region is here."

  Wang Ying tilted her body and notified the latest news.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Zhou, Apple is here, too. I'll come as soon as I go."

  Li Xiuwen laughed heartily, glanced over Vice President Zhou's face, and saw a worried look appear on his face.