Monopoly Components

"Wait, does Apple want to buy out the battery and the technology on the screen? I heard it right."

  Li Xiuwen frowned slightly, his face was not as happy as Yin En expected, but he was dissatisfied, and he spoke with a little anger.

  Two billion U.S. dollars is really a lot of money, enough to buy 40 tons of gold, more than the annual profit of most companies.

  Li Xiuwen had a heartbeat for a moment, but he soon realized that what he lacked most was not money, but influence.

  As long as the company's factories continue to produce a variety of goods, they can continue to earn cash, even if Ruyi is affected now, they can continue to survive.

  At present, the funds in the account are not much, but they are not completely absent. One or two billion can be collected by a squeeze, which is not too short of money.

  The apartments in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have hundreds of houses, with a net worth of more than one billion, but they have no influence in society. They are regarded by entrepreneurs as landlords in the urban era.

  Entrepreneur-owned companies employ a large amount of labor and provide jobs for many people. The actual influence is far beyond that of the public.

  Just like the Warcraft Factory employs more than 100 Huaxia employees and can affect more than a hundred families, that is, four to five hundred people rely on it for salary.

  Li Xiuwen believes that money alone is not enough, it must also have an impact on society, otherwise it will be a piece of fat without bones in the eyes of others.

  Without the cover of the company, he would not be able to summon so many Warcraft workers. Without the loyal orc drudge bodyguard, his own safety would not be guaranteed.

  "Sorry, the technology will not be sold."

  After Li Xiuwen finished speaking, he turned to Wang Ying and said: "All the companies that come to visit and call in the future will give me a stubborn rejection, telling them that the Warcraft Factory will not sell technology."

  Wang Ying nodded and wrote it down in the notebook.

  "President Li, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can continue to talk about it. How about three billion dollars?"

  Yin En secretly yelled badly, Li Xiuwen reacted a bit fiercely, and his estimation was wrong in advance!

  However, he received an order from the headquarters: give priority to buying out the technology, if not, then consider authorization. Now that he doesn't look good, he bit the bullet and continued to say that the price is still conducive, hoping to reduce Li Xiuwen's anger.

  Yin Enneng climbed up as the president of the Huaxia Region, and naturally he also clearly saw the technology on the 3D mobile phone, knowing that the tasks assigned by the headquarters were difficult to complete.

  As long as you are not a fool, you can see that the battery and screen technology on the 3D mobile phone are two hens who are constantly laying eggs, making far more money than a one-time buyout.

  Yin Endi couldn't stop the request from Apple's headquarters, and he could only act according to the plan, and his discretion was very small.

  "Sorry, I don't have to talk about cell phone batteries and screen technology. If President Yin En has nothing else, I think this meeting is over."

  Li Xiuwen resolutely stated his attitude.

  Yin En sighed in his heart, but said on his lips: "Since your company does not intend to sell the technology, Apple wants to obtain a technology license and bring products that use these two technologies to more consumers and provide them with better choices. "

  "Actually, the vice president of Xiaomi next door also wants to obtain technical authorization. I rejected them. I told him directly that the Warcraft Factory is not short of money and does not want to create a competitor for money."

  Li Xiuwen looked at Yin En's face with a trace of disappointment. After waiting for a few seconds, he said, "I have a proposal. Apple can exchange patents for mobile phones. I think your company has tens of thousands of patents. It's still very useful."

  Cunning kid!

  Upon hearing the request, Yin En knew that Li Xiuwen's ambition was not small.

  The mobile phone industry is not a new industry, but a mature industry that has existed for 30 to 40 years. There are numerous patents related to mobile phones, and there are 20,000 to 30,000 important patents still in effect.

  Companies such as Apple, Samsung, and Huawei invest billions of dollars each year,

It is not a joke, but a patent.  If the Warcraft Factory does not have a large enough patent pool, 3D mobile phones can only be sold domestically. Don't even want to go abroad, they will definitely be infringed by the country's courts.

  Even if 3D mobile phones are only sold in China, each one has to pay a patent fee to the company that owns the patent.

  Yin En and Apple would rather spend high licensing fees than exchange mobile phone patents. He didn't want to see China emerging as a mobile phone giant.

  After thinking about it for a long time, Yin En felt that he had found a way to prevent the Warcraft Factory from threatening Apple's position.

  "Mr. Li, Apple is willing to purchase screens from your company? This way you can sell your mobile phones and make money easily. The best of both worlds.

  Yin En believes that if Apple can launch a mobile phone with 3D functions, with its brand and design, it can hit the Warcraft factory that has just entered the mobile phone industry.

  Since Apple can purchase screens and components from its rival Samsung, it can naturally purchase components from Li Xiuwen. There is no problem in doing so.


  Li Xiuwen could see that Yin En's suggestion contained a trap, and he seemed to want to prevent the Warcraft Factory from obtaining a mobile phone patent.

  He can probably guess the purpose of Yin En, UU reading www.uukanshu. When 3D mobile phones want to enter foreign markets, Apple will hold up the patent stick high.

  The Xiaomi company next door suffered a loss in patents, and was attacked by Ericsson when it entered the Indian market on the grounds that it violated Ericsson's patents.

  Li Xiuwen wanted to refuse, but thought that his company hadn't been established for a long time, and there was no foreign sales channel. It was not easy to sell mobile phones abroad.

  If you can make a lot of Apple's money from the screen, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. There are no billions in the company's account, and he feels a little panicked.

  Of course, Li Xiuwen will not forget to develop foreign markets, but this matter has to be taken step by step without establishing a patent pool.

  "Apple only needs a 3D screen, not a high-capacity battery?"

  After Li Xiuwen figured it out, he looked at Yin En with glowing eyes.

  "The price of the battery can't be too high, and ordinary batteries can also be used."

  "Using an ordinary battery requires one more charge a day, which completely undermines the faith of fans and makes Apple phones drop in price."

  You came to me for a long time, Li Xiuwen and Yin En negotiated the price, a 3D screen under 6 inches is 300 dollars, and a battery is 50 dollars.

  The price is amazing. Apple X's 5.8-inch Samsung customized OLED screen is only $80; the battery cost is $9.

  The price of Li Xiuwen is more than twice that of Apple X. As a result, the price of Apple's new version of mobile phones has reached a new high, and consumers will definitely curse Apple for being black-hearted.

  [Apple will definitely transfer this part of the cost to consumers, and the price will definitely be much higher than that of the 3D mobile phones of Warcraft Factory, and the competitiveness will be much weaker. ]

  Li Xiuwen smiled and signed the contract of intent, and Yin En on the opposite side seemed to be a fat sheep who was about to get a knife.