
 Shashi University

  The alarm clock set by the phone rang, Jiang Tianming opened his eyes and looked at the phone screen in a daze, before going to sleep.

  Today is Saturday and there is no class, so he can have a good sleep, but his wish was quickly interrupted by his friend's eyes.

  "Tianming, get up quickly!"

  Wearing a T-shirt, four eyes flicking in slippers came from the next bedroom and said loudly.

  "Fuck, there is no class today."

  Jiang Tianming felt like there was an electronic horn in his ears, and the loud sound was like setting off firecrackers, and the rest of his sleep was shaken away.

  Getting up is terrible, especially for people like Jiang Tianming who haven't got enough sleep. When they get angry, they stare like frogs.

  "It's nine o'clock in half an hour, and the first batch of 50,000 3D phones from the Warcraft Factory is about to begin! If you don't want to snap up, then forget it."

  Four Eyes saw from the official website that only the first batch of mobile phones had 50,000 and only 10,000 per day. The number will not increase until the expansion is completed.

  So today's panic buying is more important, and the chance of grabbing a mobile phone is relatively high. If you miss it, you will have to wait a long time before you can buy a 3D mobile phone.

  "I almost forgot about it. Fortunately, you reminded me."

  Jiang Tianming shook his head, sat up, stretched out his hand and pressed the desktop power button.

  He had a 3D mobile phone before, but it was a pity that he was snatched by the black-bellied sister who was beloved at home. He said that he borrowed it for the past few days and waited for her to return it after she bought it.

  This black-bellied sister who is still in the first year of high school, Jiang Tianming can of course be able to play, but the two big mountains in the family said: As long as he does it, don't think about getting a pocket money in the future.

  Jiang Tianming watched the 3D mobile phone leave him and fell into the hands of that nasty little devil, basically unable to take it back.

  This kind of mobile phone that can be regarded as dividing the development process of mobile phones, there must be countless people want to own, and his black belly sister is unlikely to snap up.

  As expected by Jiang Tianming, 3D mobile phones are not easy to grab, and there are too many competitors. The number of reservations displayed on the official website of Warcraft Factory has been rising, and soon broke through one million.

  There is still half an hour before the sales start, but the number of appointments is still soaring. Jiang Tianming suspects that two million people may grab these 50,000 mobile phones by then. The probability of one in 40 is pitiful.

  "Damn, too many people!"

  Looking at his mobile phone screen, he said angrily.

  "Satisfaction, no one can use snap-up software to ensure basic fairness."

  Jiang Tianming didn't think about using panic buying software before. After trying it, he found that it didn't work. A warning popped up on the official website saying that it was the third time that he would be banned from buying products from the Warcraft Factory for a month.

  There are also many people on the Internet reporting this. Most of them are on the side of the Warcraft Factory. They know that they can't beat the scalpers, even if they use panic buying software.

  Most people think that the technology of Warcraft Factory is very good, and it can recognize panic buying software, which is much better than the railway booking network.

  There were also a few people who opposed this matter and demanded that Li Xiuwen let go of the surveillance, but they dare not speak out when being scolded by ordinary people like Jiang Tianming.

  Jiang Tianming felt that there was enough time, so he opened the starting point novel website and went to read the updated novels in the bookshelf.

  "I wiped it, the number of people who booked mobile phones has risen to two million!"

  The four eyes screamed, awakening Jiang Tianming.

  After Jiang Tianming put down the novel, he glanced at the official website of Warcraft Factory, and the number of reservations had rushed to 2.1 million.

  More than one hundred thousand in ten seconds, according to this trend, it is very likely that it will exceed five million at nine o'clock, and the probability is as low as 1%.

  Jiang Tianming quickly searched the Internet and found out that it was related to the American Apple Company across the Pacific Ocean, because it announced that it would purchase 3D screens and batteries from the Warcraft Factory.

  Ever since, the World of Warcraft Factory became famous at once. Originally, it was only known to a small group of people in the United States, and it was the people who bought Ruyi and their relatives and friends. Most people didn't know about this company.

  Apple's announcement is like an advertisement costing tens of millions of dollars. It immediately pushed the Warcraft Factory to the public, and many Americans knew that 3D mobile phones were coming out.

  Huaxia's response was quick. There were a large number of articles about 3D mobile phones on the official account and Weibo, which seemed to be about Apple's purchases, but actually suggested that the mobile phones were launched by Huaxia.

  "I said that there are 50,000 mobile phones sold this time. It turned out to be in line with Apple's publicity! Who is responsible for the publicity? Too shrewd, too cunning."

  Jiang Tianming gritted his teeth, his heart was ashamed, and the one percent chance was so small that he was pitiful, unless he had more luck than most people could get the phone.

  It's okay if you haven't owned it before, even if you can't get a phone, you will only feel a little uncomfortable.

  But Jiang Tianming has used a 3D mobile phone for several hours, and now he has lost interest in ordinary smart phones. He always feels that the image is too flat and not three-dimensional.

  "Hey, you guys are also planning to snap up a 3D phone."

  Classmate Zhao, who was in the same bedroom with Jiang Tianming, echoed: "I also think that there are not enough 50,000 mobile phones. UU reading is this for fun? Small companies are really not good, they don't have much strength."

  "Old Zhao, are you planning to snap up a mobile phone? I remember that you only bought a Huawei p20 a month ago."

  "It doesn't matter, if you grab a 3D phone, this Huawei will be transferred to my dad. This is a new phone, and he will be happy to accept it."

  "You cow!"

  Jiang Tianming gave a thumbs up to Student Zhao.

  It was two points to nine, and the number of appointments had reached more than 9.4 million. This number made Jiang Tianming, Siyan, and Zhao desperate.

  With a 0.5% chance, only those who hit the Grand Canal can grab a mobile phone. Such people will win the lottery when they buy lottery tickets, and they will pick up money on the road.


  When the time came, Jiang Tianming quickly clicked the mouse.

  A gray prompt popped up on the screen: Sorry, the phone is sold out, please continue to participate tomorrow.

  "I'm fascinating!"

  Before Jiang Tianming complained, he heard the ecstatic cry of four eyes in his ear: "I got it! Hahaha."


  Jiang Tianming gave a thumbs up to Student Zhao.

  It was two points to nine, and the number of appointments had reached more than 9.4 million. This number made Jiang Tianming, Siyan, and Zhao desperate.

  With a 0.5% chance, only those who hit the Grand Canal can grab a mobile phone. Such people will win the lottery when they buy lottery tickets, and they will pick up money on the road.


  When the time came, Jiang Tianming quickly clicked the mouse.

  A gray prompt popped up on the screen: Sorry, the phone is sold out, please continue to participate tomorrow.

  "I'm fascinating!"

  Before Jiang Tianming complained, he heard the ecstatic cry of four eyes in his ear: "I got it! Hahaha."