
In an old private house, he raised his eyes from his laptop with four eyes, glanced at the surrounding seniors who were writing code, and rolled his eyes.

  Since being fooled into the game studio by a senior in the university, Senior Brother Wang, who is studying for a master's degree, he found that he was stuck. 3D mobile phones were used for game development, and he had to rack his brains to learn game planning.

  It's fine to work overtime every day, and I don't even have to eat boxed lunches. At noon, I'm eating egg fried rice. The internship salary has been replaced by shares in the studio.

  After a bitter meal, all four eyes really thought about quitting. They were willing to lend the 3D phone to Brother Wang, but after seeing Brother Wang and their skill at writing code, they cancelled the original plan.

  Because Brother Wang's plan is to develop a small game, without too many art resources, nor designing too many game systems, the development speed is very fast.

  I can't use it with my eyes and I have been suffering for too long, and my thoughts of leaving have faded. I plan to wait until the game is landed in the app store to see the situation.

  "Hey, you guys write code quickly, I'll take a break first."

  Putting on the headphones on all four eyes, I opened the live broadcast application, intending to see how the beautiful female anchor can relieve the fatigue.

  A rocket pulled out a banner, and he clicked and entered the unfamiliar live broadcast room. An anchor who seemed to be a female classmate next door was happily introducing the live broadcast location.

  "You are all so smart. I am at the Warcraft factory, the company that launched the 3D mobile phone. Do you want to see the internal situation of this company? See how the mobile phone is shipped."


  The attention of the four eyes suddenly concentrated, watching the anchor named Zhou Liqi carefully and listening to her introduction.

  The 3D mobile phone he snatched from Universiade is now reduced to the studio's development props, and the rest of the studio has not been able to snap it up for three days.

  Four eyes were a little disappointed. The office environment of the Warcraft Factory was not very good, there were no large green plants, no game room, and it was completely incomparable with the high-tech company he had in mind.

  Is such a company the company that launches 3D mobile phones? It looks better than the studio.

  It's not just that the four eyes have such feelings, but the questions on the barrage are all vents from the spectators.

  "No, this environment is not tall at all, it disappoints me too much."

  "The boss of the company should be stingy. He makes so much money and he doesn't want to decorate the office environment. I have never seen such a stingy high-tech company."

  "A mobile phone is more than 8,000, this company makes enough money, but the decoration is worse than the small company I work for!"


  Someone rewarded a rocket with a line of bold red text: "Look at the most stingy high-tech company in history."

  The four eyes suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he was attracted to the live broadcast room just like that. He glanced at the number of people online, and it was over 200,000, 50,000 more than when he came in.

  This popularity is pretty fast, but the live broadcast is not good-looking.

  Looking around for Zhou Liqi's beauty, she forcibly resisted the urge to leave. Anyway, it was just to kill time, and having a beautiful anchor was not a waste.

  "Now I'm in the warehouse department, you can see how the 3D mobile phone comparable to Apple X is shipped and packaged. Maybe the mobile phone you snatched is packed in a small box right in front of your eyes, and a courier note is attached."

  Zhou Liqi walked slowly along the way, and by the way, many of the employees of the Warcraft factory were filmed into the live broadcast, so that everyone can see the office environment that is not much different from ordinary companies.

  Until Zhou Liqi came to the spacious warehouse, the curiosity of the spectators increased by 50%.

  Ordinary people receive more packages, and few people have seen how the goods are packaged. This kind of unknown arouses their desire for understanding.

  Four eyes raised a little interest, although his phone had already signed for it,

Placed on Brother Wang's desktop.  "Hey, why didn't you see that the mobile phone was packed? Did the courier company take it away? Let me ask the employees here."

  Zhou Liqi's face was full of doubts, and she came to a female employee in her twenties and asked.

  "It was not taken away by the courier company, because there is no mobile phone to pack today, and the person who bought the mobile phone can only receive the goods one day late."

  The female employee looked at her mobile phone camera, a little flustered, especially after knowing that 200,000 people were looking at her, her face turned pale with nervousness.

  "Why is this?"

  Not only Zhou Liqi was very curious, but the more than 200,000 spectators including Four Eyes also wanted to know the answer.

  Now that e-shopping is more and more developed, people have put forward higher requirements for express delivery, and they can't wait to order in the morning and receive the goods in the afternoon.

  Many people will be dissatisfied if the goods are received one day late.

  "Wocao, I grabbed the 3D mobile phone and it was shipped today, why is it one day late! I want to complain."

  "You won the prize upstairs."

  "Haha, how do I feel happy, because I never get my phone."

  I swept across the barrage and saw resentment, gloating, and sympathy.

  The female employee whispered: "The 10,000 mobile phones that the company transported in the morning were stolen by the driver Wu Wanyang. I heard that the production base is working overtime, and the customers can only receive the goods one day late."

  Zhou Liqi covered her red lips in surprise, and UU Read let out a scream: "What, it was stolen! Isn't your company going to suffer a heavy loss, more than 80 million."

  With four eyes wide open his mouth in surprise, inexplicably a little envious of the Wu Wanyang guy, this man is bold enough to get rich in one action.

  Change to other thieves and thiefs, that is, stealing mobile phones, batteries, and so on. Don't even think of stealing 80 million worth of property in a few lifetimes. The two are like the difference between heaven and earth.

  The barrage was ten times denser at once, and turned into a loud exclamation.

  "This is a talent."

  "If you are caught, you will be in prison for a lifetime."

  "Lost an opportunity to make a fortune, I also want to join the Warcraft factory as a driver."

  "Do you think these 10,000 mobile phones can be retrieved?"

  "Small companies just can't. There is such a big loophole, and 10,000 mobile phones were stolen by the driver. Why didn't I find this loophole? What a pity."


  "Yes, the loss is huge, so everyone in the security department of the company has to be fined half a month's salary. And the superior of the former employee Wu Wanyang will be fined one month's salary."

  The female employee said thankfully.

  At this moment, a bunch of rockets appeared intensively, as if a local tyrant was giving a generous reward.

  "I am very happy to see this stingy company lose nearly 100 million yuan. I will first come with 20 rockets."

  Looking at the scarlet letter that followed the rocket, he shook his head and wished to replace it: "What a fool, what to do with money is not good, just to export!"

  Twenty rockets is 10,000 yuan, enough to eat and drink for several months.

  Four eyes found that the number of people online in the live broadcast room quickly rose to more than 500,000, and immediately entered the top ten of the live broadcast room popularity rankings.