In Your Care

Elias wondered if it was a stroke of luck or if she was just pretending to not know. He gouged her expression.

Adeline was stupidly smiling to herself, amused that the guess was correct. He supposed she meant no harm. She never did. Even when she came to the ball with a knife strapped to her thigh. Speaking of the ball, he would be announcing their arrangement tonight.

"So the conversation?" Adeline slowly said. "What happened?"

Elias peered down at her. She was tiny and docile, her heart was made of glass, a single push, and she'd shatter.

Elias was cruel. He wanted to see how she would shatter. Was it in a few, large pieces? Or thousands, if not, millions of tiny shards that would hurt with each step?

He wanted to see her reaction.

"Weston doesn't approve of this marriage," he said.