A Deal

Easton wore a grimace of a smile upon his kind features. He turned to his older brother with a disappointed glaze in his eyes. "Must you be so mean to her? She's just a young woman."

"And what about you?" Weston bit out. "Why are you so nice to a stranger? You act as if you know her."

Easton raised his brows. "What are you talking about? I'm kind to everyone!"

Weston rolled his eyes. "That's why you're so damn creepy."

Easton forced a blunt laughter. "I'd rather be creepy than a jerk."

Weston didn't respond. He shifted his attention back to the crowd. He watched with pure disbelief as His Majesty grabbed a platter of lemon cookies. They were beautifully stacked in a star shape. For some reason, Lydia Claymore was also near the long table of pastries.