A Name For A Dog

It was difficult to breathe. Adeline's heart raced a thousand miles per minute. She was terrified. Not of Elias, but for Asher. Everyone knew how powerful His Majesty was. He wasn't a Pure-Bred in name only. There were qualities he possessed that transcended human and vampire capabilities. There was a rumor that he could take on twenty men without breaking a sweat.

Asher would not stand a chance. He would get severely injured. Or even worse, have his head ripped off.

"It's a m-misunderstanding Elias," Adeline murmured.

Adeline placed a hand upon Asher's and attempted to push it off. Elias's cold eyes flickered towards the action.

The red of his pupils were dangerous. It was the kind of red you'd witness as fury rushed through the veins, before vases were smashed, tables toppled over, and fiery hot flames burning an entire forest into a wasteland.