Protect Her Family

"Did you sleep at all?" Adeline asked him, despite all of his affection nudges. His lips teased the side of her face. Wherever he touched, her skin would heat up. She had recalled it happening before, during the cold night.

"Vampires do not need as much sleep as you humans do."

Adeline knew that, but she was still worried about him. "Then, why are you so irritated today?"

Elias raised his head. He pressed his lips into a thin line. She was so tiny, he couldn't help but sigh. His figure alone swallowed her tiny ones. With his wide back, nobody would even know she was in front of him.

"Trust your husband, my sweet. Don't worry about the blood and the shoe." Elias observed her reaction. Yet again, she was severely disappointed, the light in her verdant eyes dimming. It reminded him of leaves without sunlight.